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We go through life trying to fulfill

By feeling full

It’s easy to live in comfort and abundance

But maybe you drown,

Don’t live

And you just exist

Strip away luxury…

Could you be with just yourself,

And basic needs?

With only your thoughts for company?

Because we go through life trying to fulfill

By feeling full

We consume with our mouths

Pack, squeeze, cram...

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fullconsumptioneathappinessmeaning of lifeconsciousnessvibrationforwardshopegrowmodernitypostmodernmediasaturationculturewestern worldidentityfeelemotionsin touchconnectedpurposenumbsociety

Wishing well, living full

The hopes and desires of the wishing well

Bring forth from my longing eyes a watery droplet

That hangs for a moment and then slides gently down my cheek

Onto my lip awaiting the taste of the salty stream of my expectations

The flavour recalling a beautiful seaside scene, youth in its element

And a family outing to be cherished forever

A hopefulness knowing no imagined boundaries


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wishing wellfullliving

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