lyrics (Remove filter)
The Rich Want To Heal The World, But I Never Knew It Was Sick
You A Masterpiece
On My Kurt Cobain Swagger
Can I Ask You Please
Will You Be My Courtney Love?
Friday 13th September 2024 3:16 am
Two Hearts
Two hearts not three my love
Only yours and mine beat together
And that look as we stare off centre
Tuning into radio US
The faraway glance that sees nothing
But hears everything
Our station, our wavelength
Where we are the producers, directors the listeners
The head can hear the love when needed
The heart can silence the fear when we’re not near
Life has drawn us,...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 6:45 pm
Violet Tulloch, Queen Of Lerwick
(To the tune of the same name by Phil Cunningham)
Violet Tulloch, Queen of Lerwick
will you count me in a last time
round and round we go a last time
round and round we go
I remember one september
Violet Tulloch, Queen of Lerwick
Winter on the way one more time
round and round we go
Mists encroaching, frosts grown deeper
becoming the season
there's a ribbon, silken ribbon
Saturday 6th May 2023 4:38 pm
They let you down sweet child
27 as you predicted
Your heart was broken lady
Neglected fooled addicted
They could never get your soul though
You guarded it so proudly
Displayed it in your words
As you sang your heart out loudly
You created history sweet angel
Unfinished unnurtured child
Your Nurtured soul we cradle
Soul cleansed with tears you cried
Thursday 4th August 2022 5:08 pm
Lost in the Lyrics
I remember getting lost in the lyrics when I was a young girl. I would stop and start my record or cassette a hundred times while I wrote down every word so I could sing along to the song.
Lyrics was my escape when I had no place to go.
I learned lyrics, meter, and rhyme, from the best poetry teachers of my time...
Stevie Wonder, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, James Taylor, Bob Seger, Barb...
Thursday 29th October 2020 10:09 pm
tick tok
My heart it beats fast such a rythem that can't be classed
As a heart tick tok tick tok tick tok
MAY my magic be cast on your heart it will last... like a king from the past
My heart in another body ...when every body wore portrait pins instead of body art and tattoo a portrait that you...
Painted so blindly of me ..this you see what I see
In flight with the Eagle you soare you soare
Monday 24th June 2019 1:10 am
Lyrical Lecture
You wanna know how to write?
Then learn from me,
My words are from the heart,
So true and free,
So listen up,
And listen good,
My rhymes always flow,
Just like they should,
I'll stomp you out,
And throw you about,
I'll kick you in the face,
Without a doubt,
I'll drag you around,
And beat you to a pulp,
I'm breaking bones,
Just like the hulk,
Gashes and bruises,
I'm tired of your e...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 8:07 am
When I’m remembering you
(Put on Chet Baker - Almost Blue - then read in his voice)
The only time we meet is when I’m remembering you
All my thoughts a bridge
Constructed out of loyal recollections
Reflections I’ve perfected in my mind
And again you are divine
Again you are mine
More mine than ever - before
For a moment -
For a moment - sublime
More than ever before
When I’m remember...
Tuesday 4th September 2018 9:08 pm
Cry on Moana we could use the rain
She's so tired
Saddened and uninspired
Looking through her shoe-box of memories
Trying to find out what happened to her desires
Cry on...Cry on
Cry on
we could use the rain
Cry on...Cry on
Cry on
who knew a shoe box of memories could carry so much pain
A new Morning will dawn
Love will come to find you
Love will come walking u...
Wednesday 7th March 2018 1:33 pm
Have You Seen My Wayfaring Father
Have you seen my wayfaring father
He went astride before I was grown
He left our stead and my fragile mother
(He said he would not tarry long)
I summon him this decoration day
I left our stead late December
(With no ballast or chink in my pockets)
Across Mountain brook
Through thorn-ed bramble
To find him consorting with the abandons
I will not be swayed, this de...
Tuesday 9th January 2018 5:21 pm
For a moment (Lyrics)
I want to find myself lost in the panic of a moment
Want to feel my heart skip a beat
When I see the girl of my dreams - staring at me
Yeah - Staring - smiling - right at me
Yeah and the moment will feel so real - but it will be like a dream
And we’ll feel so light in our moment
Like we’re standing on the moon
Yeah like we’re standing on the moon
And it will be li...
Tuesday 14th November 2017 4:20 pm
Free Pass
Renegade living, after the Vietnamese boat-boy was beaten, after motorcyclist came looking, after steel toe-capped boots and a hammer threat, after a nearly ended dad by caged bird
Forty miles from the sea he shouted about a broken car window handle, never onto manipulations or abortions
Too tight squeezes later, tax man and his vice girl with the lost dog lie
By nervous accident, same place, f...
Saturday 9th September 2017 5:41 pm
And I want to be a better man to you mum.. .
But you just don't agree with the things I have done, while I don't agree with having
to be socially accepted I need to conform, but you don't understand.
I live for myself in a flurried world.
Where being myself is such a crime and I can't imagine myself alive, at the thought of cheating my own mind...
It breaks me apart!
...Saturday 2nd September 2017 8:40 pm
Walking along
listening to the birdsong
dancing on the wind
a seagull flew by
look to the right
tree in the sky
makes me feel alright.
Spin the wheel,
the sandman steals
the leaves deceive,
blinded by the green
the ocean dreams
three little trees
one full seed,
black and blue
inbetween the green
a reddened hue.
Eleven points in tact,
the lights, t...
Friday 11th August 2017 9:07 pm
A storm is coming
and I can't sleep.
I can feel the deep
lapping at my feet.
Tides tease
waves black and violent
breathe, plead
come inside take a peek.
I think I retreat
go back
hide in the trees
where the owl
steals my dreams
and the grass
colours everything green.
Not all is
always as it seems
in between lies
the true heart of things.
Sunday 23rd July 2017 11:13 am
Mystic Blue
I think of you my ocean view,
my sweet sunrise,
my mystical moonlight blue.
I think of you all the time,
all the while
drowning in my sleep.
You drive me crazy
with your absence.
You drive me crazy
with your presence.
I love the chaos you bring,
leaves me incomplete,
open, breakable.
The less you give,
the more I want.
The more you give,
all I want.
I long for ...
Sunday 11th June 2017 9:37 pm
Golden Hues
Can't write a line for the fire
burning in my mind.
An ocean of flames,
she ignites inside.
A passion so deep,
I thought long ago died.
I buried it down
and now it does rise.
I see a beauty in her eyes,
a spark that's hard to define,
even harder to find.
Her smile sets the soul alight
and I bask in the glory
of her perfect light.
When I listen to you read,
such a fee...
Thursday 8th June 2017 10:45 pm
now start breathing,
everything around is around for the same reason.
Catastrophe, catastrophe its all the same feeling
i'm too old to move on, i'm too old to keep dreaming.
When to move on is to grow and to grow is not leaving,
in a promise land we grow, and speak of the same reason
we speak of heaven and hell like they're not the same demon.
Well to move...
Monday 15th May 2017 3:45 am
Inspired by Beleaf's song:Depressed
I do it cause I'm depressed
I'm depressed cause I do it
I do it cause I'm depressed
I'm depressed cause I do it
I do it cause I'm depressed
I'm depressed cause I do it
My God'll help me get through it
See what happened was
I was trying to get into the in crowd
They watch triple x shows on the internet
I stepped into the same world wide web
i thought I was in...
Sunday 12th February 2017 3:56 pm
Krypto's song
I'm on that up, up, up and away (x4)
Yay, Yay
On that up, up, up and away
We in this life not to stay
Pilgrims in the way
Straight and narrow is how it's looking
On solar power is what we cooking
Serious heat
No defeat
Know the feet
Get weary
So take flight
Let's get on that up, up, up and away
Yay, yay
Monday 16th January 2017 8:08 pm
The Transcendentalist
So the scents of pre cornflake sex
And post energy drink breath
Pervades the carriage like a squid squadron infusion..
Acrid lemon bleach musk cologne
Tinkly-plink-thud beats effervesce from earphones
She leans arching on the glass pane knackered
Eye-liner Rothko remastered
Her groin marine satyr
Not so lucky a bastard
She receives a sext from another torpedo piece of spam with pecs
Tuesday 27th September 2016 7:02 pm
Tycho (Deviationist Astronaut And The Zany Karmic Architect)
I'm rushing below the firmament in a submarine
Pulled up by balloons
Rocket thrusters won't work in a vacuum
The torrid plasma liquid washes over the viewing screen
And the Hubble telescope cannot anywhere be seen
This periscope doesn't recognise the space handed to us it seems..
Am I floating beneath the epidermis of a prison planet scheme
I fear this is way beyond my theosophical steam
Monday 29th August 2016 11:39 am
The Vast Asterism Dawn
Yet close
Yet not
Nursing only the mirage
Threading through the veiled horizon
Or release
The lifting
The reveal
A beauty insane
The first spark
Igniting the internal jet ruby
Imparting the call answer
Sweeping up all my nights' rivers
Washing away stones carelessly thrown
Rivulets melt time frozen reshowing
let go let go
Drops flung
The infinite ocean a drop
One dr...
Saturday 27th August 2016 1:56 am
I Had To Write This Poem
I had to write this poem
because I thought of this one great line,
What do you think -
will it stand the test of time?
Well, I had to write it down
to deter other poets stealing this idea;
You know lines are clutched from the atmosphere,
Or they fall like apples, spill over like beer.
I had to write this poem,
Because I thought of this one great line;
Like a beat messiah,
My acid m...
Saturday 20th August 2016 4:03 pm
Forest Gate Mystery Train (Spoken Word)
I'm on the Forest Gate Mystery Train,
With my burgled geranium eyes.
I'm on the Forest Gate Mystery Train,
Sighing goldfish clock sardine spies.
Spammed atomic; trolleyed marine,
Frost-buckled arms glow margarine,
Slender dolls slalom offside knees,
Capsules backslide into the stalagmite City.
Tutankhamen consortia;
Shoulder-penguins soggy cadge the dap...
Wednesday 15th June 2016 4:04 am
I'm Going To Write A Poem About You
Childish I'm sure
But the way that pavement cyclist
Pedestrian-pranged me his signature
I became his press-ganged human speed-bump
Suffering concrete-kissing discomfiture
Well he certainly deserved nothing less
than the back hand of my pierian
So as the pebble-assed smurf pelted away
Revolving dalek camera on his pompous high viz head
I brushed myself down
Bracing myself for what I a...
Monday 6th June 2016 11:59 am
You Should Have Been Here Yesterday (Copenhagen Unicorns And Stockholm Starfish)
You should have been here yesterday
Ten thousand flamingos danced all over the square
A bouquet of jasmine blooms filled the air
Golden geese spiralled a mid-air fanfare
Peace doves gently dropped ribbon boxes of chocolate eclairs
You should have been here yesterday
Billionaires gave away their mansions and wares
Rare paintings
and rare cars
with fre...
Friday 20th May 2016 2:13 pm
Road Home
I drove home from Sunday night folk club with a storm over my house in the distance. The beginning of this came to me.
Road Home
Leaves and walls and windows spin,
a jigsaw broken by a falling sun.
the road home,
a breaking storm.
I wonder what we began.
There is no calm centre,
power and colour after.
Yesterday isn’t the journey,
Saturday 4th July 2015 5:04 pm
Let me Bleed
No one sees bleeding eyes,
Or the pain and the heartache
That keeps me awake My dreams, all are shattered
My head truely battered
This pain that I feel.....
Is surely unreal. Surely unreal. Pierced my armour
Down goes my shield
Broken defences
Just let me bleed
Just let me bleed One day you'll regret
The things that you've left.....
Tuesday 21st April 2015 8:45 am
The Soul of an Artist
The soul of an artist,
famine or harvest.
An exercise in extremity,
symmetric serenity.
Raw yet crafted
a tool made from bone
fleshed out by interpreting existence.
The soul of an artist,
famine or harvest.
An exercise in extremity,
symmetric serenity.
A fusion of real and surreal
a soulful symbiote
intertwined with their v...
Monday 19th November 2012 5:25 pm
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