The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

jealousy (Remove filter)

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john short on WOODEN ZOO
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Tom Doolan on Hiding In Plain Sight
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David RL Moore on Gift
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Hélène on Nostalgia
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Hélène on Tuning Into Love
15 hours ago


I can’t give up my joy 

The people who surrounded me 

With bad intentions 

Couldn’t hold up the charade that they felt joy when I succeeded 

Are deleted, blocked , ignored

I’ll never see them across my screen , my mind, in my sight

Because once I know we’re not aligned 

What’s the purpose of having you near?

So you can rejoice?

About me stubbing my toe 

About me getti...

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With anyone,


Gives birth to,


Envy leads to Anger,

And when Anger subsides,

Fear overtakes,

Fear of Failure,

Ruining your Life.


Never let them compare you,

For you are unique,

In your own special way,

Cherish your Talents,

Do what brings you Joy,

The most, Moreover,

It's all about You,

So why not compare


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skinny dipping

skinny dipping


I saw the two of you at the spring

skinny dipping


splashing and having fun


were you on your lunch break

or did you call in sick?


if he ever swims away

you know that I am here

with goggles and snorkel tube


to show you things you have never seen before


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My last night, in the flat we almost shared

You've already left.

537 miles North of me, of us.

I'll ruffle up to join you in four (agonising) weeks 

but to my unconcerned shame, 

I'm too sad to sleep in that bed without you, too ungoverned.


Nostalgia, even the warm kind, is too much feeling for me.

Something about it has always made my lipids curdle 

and an unpleasant tickle cloud in my brain.


The street ou...

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lovelove poetrylove poemsjealousyrelationshipssleepless nightmoonLockdown

Speedway Boy

she seemed like the genuine article

the woman I could love and respect

far from my previous experiences

which were what you might expect


I was a roamer and a schemer

bouncing off women like a ball

on a speedway of hit and miss

love was not on the radar at all


at first glance she was different

quality in the areas that matter

but with a je ne sais quois that


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Green with envy

The color that haunts me

The color that burns so brightly it might be inside me

Inside of my head

Better left unsaid

Just put it to bed

The anger fills a deep void till I become red


Like the color of your face when there was distaste

Wasting my time afraid to fight

Your love was just like the light

The light of traffic so green and red


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first entrylovejealousy

Poem for my big sister

A poem for my big sister about our grandparents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once upon a time there were two sisters

One dark

One fair...


And me

And we shared



A bed

A room

A home

A family

An abuse

A neglect

A secret

A history

And yet here we are

So very different.

We shared so much

And yet so very little

You were

A coconut ...

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abusechildhoodjealousyneglectself harmSisters


I see you flowering her 

the way you once did me. 


Playing virtual footsies,

oozing lyrical chemistry. 


Move on they say, 

look the other way. 


And so it shall be, 

my focus is on me.


Sowing wildflower seeds, 

shining in the rain, 

dancing through the pain, 

singing in a field of weeds.

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Deceit tells us: what they have is better than ours

Deceit tells us: what they have is better than ours

So now we wrestle with discontent

Forever seeking,


Desiring something that was never our own


Blessings become blurred

When seen through the lens of another

Our sight diminishes

With each gaze and long lusting look

That will never be



Scrolling through standards not set in stone


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A Bitter and Twisted Poem for my Beautiful Sister, Su.

We shared
A bed
A room
A home
A family
An abuse
A neglect
A secret
A history
And yet here we are
So very fucking different
We shared so very much
And yet so very little
You were
A coconut cake girl
To my burnt gingerbread
An exotic orange
To my plain apple
A wanted girl
To my nuisance
A beautiful girl
To my awkwardness
A favourite
Of aunts and teachers and co...

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comparisonsjealousyoverdoseself harmSibling rivalry

Future's Past

Past has always chased Future's Present;

for Past envies its favored presence.


Mockery laced with lust

as injections plump busts.


Yet, Children of the Sun

will remain to be shunned.


Hot remains split like us

till we reach Exodus!


Hollowed we lie down deep;

your ass best wake from sleep!


Past was shiny, now played out.

Present is dying and s...

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Spiteful out of envy

I am going to do something completely out of spite

i know it's bad it makes me sad it's definetley not right

It's something inside me that takes over when i'm jealous

this certian urge causes me to become rebellious

I will regret this in the future and i will be sorry

as for now i'l do it proud and not have to worry

I apologise in advanced for this 

You'll find out some day 


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Jealousys hold

Unhealthy thoughts they form and sworm inside my head, they all are of you and the things you never did or said, guided by jealousy, the short leash tightens on me, I'm wanting it to rip off my head, in bed at night alone, staring at my blank cell phone, the thought what you could be doing fills me with dread, they say trust is a must, I never understood all that fuss, oh I wish these thoughts wou...

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And in her arms a baby

bright as a daffodil.

Rays of light


from this child.


He remembers a game -

“do you like butter?”

and thinks he sees

a golden glow reflected

on his young wife’s throat…



the baby has

a smile that gleams

audacious as the sun!



undeniable demands

as a full breast is nuzzled


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Thor (He's A Jolly Good Fellow)

Thor (He's A Jolly Good Fellow)

Another bloody immigrant
has just moved in next door -
he’s North East European
and goes by the name of Thor.
So as good old Mister Farage says
“There ought to be a law
that stops them coming here
cause we can’t take any more”.

He’s got long blonde tussled hair
and a chiselled square jaw
and he’s taking British jobs
at the local Ikea store -
yet all...

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immigrationjealousysatiresexthorthunder god

Creatives Collide

Stop standing on my shadow

Why are you trying to hijack my dreams?

Do you want to be like me?

Do you want to stop me from being myself?


You say you want to inspire me

I feel you conspire against me

Two lovers of creativity

Your opinion of you, far exceeds

That of me.


Edging further forward

Trying to establish yourself

As the master of our trade

At m...

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Hey Poet! Suck This


You, the non-aligned. Celebrate for its own sake, complement the creative, rough the smooth out of the level question of hate, vitalizing the style of hard-line writing leverage, spurning the potential agendas of a system whose vital interests supress a stronger passion ~ go join, if you must, be the instrument of forced craft, it has a definitive strength that soon runs out of legs, yet b...

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Each Branch I Snap


each branch I snap spills
accusations of every broken neck I ever wished
so out of politeness I bow my head
to show the dotted line,
the hemp tattooed severance knot;
that grace, which allows my hands
such time to forsake the face
of saved history
when everyday swings
the way of an ending that wont be changed
the grass, as always, redder
on that...

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Moving onregretageingmissed opportunitiesbitternessmaliceresignationresistancejealousy

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