The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Thor (He's A Jolly Good Fellow)

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Thor (He's A Jolly Good Fellow)

Another bloody immigrant
has just moved in next door -
he’s North East European
and goes by the name of Thor.
So as good old Mister Farage says
“There ought to be a law
that stops them coming here
cause we can’t take any more”.

He’s got long blonde tussled hair
and a chiselled square jaw
and he’s taking British jobs
at the local Ikea store -
yet all the lasses down the pub
are ogling him and going “Phwoar! -
I wouldn’t mind a bit of hammer
behind his bedroom door!”

He’s selling loads of furniture
and no one knows for sure
if it’s his Norwegian wood
or something a little less hard core
that’s getting them in such a tizz
- suddenly DIY is a lot less of a chore
to those single, sex starved women
getting into Norse folk lore.

He says that he’s the thunder god
and makes it bloody pour
while listening to Wagner
- he really loves that Valkyrie score
and when he’s finished fucking
he really is a bore
as he tosses off a lightning bolt
- most men just simply snore.


immigrationjealousysatiresexthorthunder god

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Dominic James

Thu 24th Jul 2014 11:31

bloody vikings

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Ged the Poet

Thu 24th Jul 2014 11:23

The superb title drew me in to a plethora of witty inunendo, politics, folklore and the 'warm glow' of the memories and pleasures of do it yourself Scandinavian furniture.
A great big smile and "Ride of Valkyries" sounding in my head for the rest of the day.

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