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Jealousys hold

Unhealthy thoughts they form and sworm inside my head, they all are of you and the things you never did or said, guided by jealousy, the short leash tightens on me, I'm wanting it to rip off my head, in bed at night alone, staring at my blank cell phone, the thought what you could be doing fills me with dread, they say trust is a must, I never understood all that fuss, oh I wish these thoughts would just hush, I wanna believe in you, I wanna know you're true.. im  caught in a wave of blue, once a calming color now leaves me blank, i wish I could say this to you but sadly I'm not that frank I deserve a brighter paint, please stay there's got to be another way, I'm destroying myself am I destroying all faith? 


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Stuart Bright

Fri 20th Jan 2017 06:27

Jealousy, an awful emotion which noone wants to admit, you've caught the turmoil of thoughts and feelings perfectly. A younger, less rounded me has spent many a night looking at a blank phone with nothing but worst case scenarios to keep me company, nicely done.

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