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Thrym's Demise

The Crusher bereft,
Asgard in peril.
They will soon march,
on the bridge of flames,
to sow their mischief,
misery and destruction.

Njord's daughter
was the prize,
the thurses lord desired.
No wights may hold,
Vingthor's hammer,
unless she was brought,
as a bride for Thrym.

There then he,
the White god,
suggested to bring the Thunderer,
to the thurses lord,
under the guise of F...

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Thor (He's A Jolly Good Fellow)

Thor (He's A Jolly Good Fellow)

Another bloody immigrant
has just moved in next door -
he’s North East European
and goes by the name of Thor.
So as good old Mister Farage says
“There ought to be a law
that stops them coming here
cause we can’t take any more”.

He’s got long blonde tussled hair
and a chiselled square jaw
and he’s taking British jobs
at the local Ikea store -
yet all...

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immigrationjealousysatiresexthorthunder god

The Bound One

Banished for an act not committed,

I am cursed by my fate,

A prophecy they said,

foretold by the Norns,

of me devouring Allfather.


Cursed I am,

by my blood.

Son of Chaos,

Mischief was expected,

I am not one for tricks,

Despite my wily father.


Cursed I am,

by my strength

and pride.

They used this against me,

told me it was a test of strength.


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FenrirFenris WolfGleipnirLokiNorse MythologyOdinRagnarokThorTrickeryTyr

The Thunderer

Hail the Almighty Thunderer!

Giants flee when he is near,

For Mjolnir splits their skulls,

Breaks their bones!

You will fear Thor when he is near!

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