Political (Remove filter)
Whether it is a war of personal attrition,
Detrimentally involuntary
Or a war of hatred with their neighbour
Muscle flexing showing national pride and anxiety
Whether it’s climate change, wearing thin our planet,
Many single voices spouting climatic rhetoric
heckled and shackled by those likely to lose livelihoods
Not thinking that eventually, we all lose our lives
Friday 31st March 2023 11:43 am
Beyond The Oasis
Trapped into the forlorn steps
Without much hope or even despair
In the middle of the desert
Only the skies beyond the sky
Or deserts beyond the desert
Space and eternity- mingled
Time has little or no value
Only day and night
Without any plurality
Only the singularity reigns
Over the modern history
Dictating terms and conditions
In th...
Monday 27th February 2023 1:20 pm
wading deep, bloody water
its hard to measure a single beating heart
to measure its clawing judgement.
to measure the mothers beating blood while she’s
wrenching, retching and writhing.
its hard to measure disgust,
difficult to seethe while corps-less hearts beat inside you.
its easy to declare a hidden hate,
easy to let it wage a war on a world you don’t understand.
its hard to watch, fallen sisters.
its ...
Saturday 28th May 2022 10:23 pm
Who dares stand against?
Who dares stand against him?
The crazy man with the Big Red Button?
He who has the nerve to use mutually assured destruction
as his footstool and yell, “Come at me you Cowards!”
Can all we do is sit back and wait?
Can any of us do any more?
It would only take all of us,
to decide the dollar worthless,
for Jeff Bezos to wake up one morning,
and be worthless
Friday 20th May 2022 5:47 pm
Our Nation's Rock Bottom
Our Nation's Rock Bottom
There comes a point in a person’s life where things must change.
They have hurt themselves, and others.
They have lost everything they had.
They have even lost their way.
It’s a point,
where the failures and the terrible things of their past rise up to haunt them.
They must change or perish.
Because of what they have allowed to happen,
they find themselves i...
Wednesday 21st October 2020 4:50 am
The Princess and the Frog
Long long ago there once lived a King
who wished that a child the stork would bring.
You see he and his Queen were very sad
at the thought of an heir that they never had.
Then, whilst walking beside the sea one night
a talking fish gave the Queen a fright.
It said “soon your wish will come to pass
and you, my Queen, shall bear a lass”
As the fish had predicted th...
Saturday 8th June 2019 12:55 am
Recipe For Disaster
Recipe For Disaster
Make sure you’ve got a big bowl.
OK, we’re ready to commence.
Take a pinch of honesty,
add an ounce of common sense,
stir in bloody mindedness,
gently fold in care,
season it with integrity
(if you’ve got any spare),
sprinkle it with passion,
avoid the nuts and flakes,
put it in a hot oven
and see how long it takes
for it to become bu...
Monday 1st April 2019 2:52 pm
Not a Perfect Man
My only outlet twitter
Where the magats twat
I block as quickly as I can
But often I am caught
By something so cruel and vile
Uglier than I could have thought
Some comment on appearance
Of daughter grieving, wrought
By the death of her honorable father
who had fiercely fought
For a country, an ideal
He’d been so strictly taught
To stand by his convictions
Friday 7th September 2018 4:44 pm
Trump Era Cinquain
We all
Want to be loved
Is it so hard to give
Love during these contentious times
It is
Tuesday 4th September 2018 8:36 pm
A Victim’s card
Nothing is parallel or can be paralleled
Even when it is compounded, and expounded inside
It rages loud but gently in rib cages,
Behind hushing skinny fingers
Its beauty is too great, its beauty belongs to us
The formers, the creators of this place
We are the damned, we were the great
Oh the facade, it is all a facade they mimic the art
But can you take the cut, bleed ...
Wednesday 1st August 2018 3:14 pm
Green plastic army men
Barbie plays with Ken
Drafted are the boys to men
Someone’s started a fight
The girls can choose to abort
Politicians say they have that right
Choose to prostitute then they will prosecute
Pro-choice is not the right to choose
Only the right to a choice
Tuesday 20th February 2018 2:55 pm
While we help the country of others,
We forgot our own sisters and Brothers.
Some turn to thugs,
While others turn to drugs.
On the corner is a woman,
With no other option or plan.
Working to feed her kids,
Sold to anyone who bids.
Everyday a young child travels with death,
15 year old overdose on meth,
17 year old shot dead,
8 year old abused in own bed.
This ...
Friday 19th August 2016 1:48 am
For Peace & For Pride
On two summer days
in 1945
were casualties of Hell itself embodied on Earth
the pride of a foreign power
raised cities to ashes
scorched shadows into the soil
for peace
Between October 1962
and November 1983
the World faced exinction
day to day
minute to minute
all for the sake of
the pride of two foreign powers
On July 18th 2016
an unelected...
Tuesday 19th July 2016 11:12 am
An Open Letter To The Occupant I & II
Good afternoon one and all!
I hope this isnt cheating as such, but I've just uploaded a two-part poem over on my soundcloud, these can be listened to either as a whole or as seperate tracks. Please find the link below and I hope you enjoy!
Thursday 16th June 2016 4:05 pm
Snake Oil Sells the Economy
From the front of the conference room
He wraps us in a voice born of the pulpit
Buttery and gravelly and low
He floats down from the makeshift stage
Tells of the flying fish
Gives us magic sunglasses
So we can see through water
He's here to talk about new eyes
To see what under(lies)
He's selling a new language
In it, we write our morality on the wall
...Thursday 9th June 2016 9:52 pm
Saturday Night Thursday Morning
Saturday night, family gathered around the TV
a small feast of pizza and chips waiting for BGT, Xfactor or Strictly
across the nation, we get sucked into this circus reality, our eyes transfixed and rigid as a mass of drones,
our fingers and thumbs hovering over Facebook and Twitter on our smartphones
we’ve all followed the stories and campaigns from week zero,
gripped our sofa arms as The A...
Sunday 5th June 2016 1:48 pm
Not sure if this one counts as a poem, but its here anyway.
Presented by John Speaker
"Hi guys and welcome to the show!
The show where we aim to make debate look like adolescent banter!
"In today's game we have two teams who have entered the room blindfolded. On the right we have the blue team led by David!
"Hi David, tell us a little about yourself but wi...
Friday 1st April 2016 10:01 pm
How frail, in truth,
is the world that we tread?
Captains and kings
claiming calm sea’s ahead
as they’re riding high
upon their silver spoons
laughing, as below
the world withers too soon.
How thin the membrane
of life’s brittle bubbles,
building our barriers
and avoiding all troubles.
Do we wonder at the reasons;
do we hide or protect
as we inch to t...
Wednesday 1st July 2015 3:16 pm
Just say no to corrupt politicians,
lying and cheating with their secret missions.
Hugging the baby in the camera’s eye
then stealing its lolly and watching it cry.
Just say no to the corrupt EU,
actually achieving what Hitler failed to do.
A European State to control one and all,
watch as our borders and our nations fall.
Just say no to the media lies
and ques...
Tuesday 23rd June 2015 10:24 am
You don't have to look far to see where we're headin',
Look at Greece and Ireland it's a bloodless armageden.
The Global Insurection Against Banker Occuption,
Is being fought on the front line by european nations.
Mothers and fathers skipping meals for sons and daughters,
The electricity's cut off, like the water.
Then it's out in the street,
The downbeat's com...
Thursday 8th November 2012 9:24 pm
The Heron
The Heron (a fable)
The pike sups on a tadpole
in this turgid lily-pool
where the grey can swim unseen.
Decorated with gold-braid
the ostentatious swish
lazily from under lilies
filmed in the focused eye
of a patient leveller.
A shutter clicks, splash,
gold thrashes on the green.
A blade slides, splash,
...Friday 16th March 2012 7:42 pm
A couple of SA influenced pieces, first is a draft
The Pervasive Poison of Apartheid (working title)
In the Rainbow Nation one colonial legacy,
Which we see persisting today unfortunately
Is an attitude from a more northerly latitude of 'I'm alright Jack!'
If neighbours from Mozambique or Zim
Should decide on migration in to find what they are seekin’,
Locals will say “they’re arrivin’ here ridin’, on a croco...
Monday 10th January 2011 10:11 am
January 2010. I. Anybody.
January 2010.I. Anybody.
In Africa the football hits the grass
Like a big, congealed blood clot
And bright young men fall over injured,
Or blanch and die.
The African cup helicopters are in HD on my TV,
But I am outside shovelling snow.
The airline bomber sets his underpants on fire
And a man is stabbed in a London street.
Fanatics daily bomb Pakista...
Tuesday 12th January 2010 8:33 pm
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