The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Nuclear (Remove filter)

The Toys Of War

From the land of the wall wishing brave, 

where braves are no longer welcome,

or this, our island of explorers 

who now wish these sea shores were 

fringed with endless rows of closed doors,

have migrated many mantras of woe

fired forth from the business of diplomatic show.


And so, below the same stars 

beneath which some mothers starve 

- but not ours -

some wil...

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warEuropeNuclearpeaceArms Tradeweaponterrorterrorism

For Peace & For Pride

On two summer days
in 1945
were casualties of Hell itself embodied on Earth
the pride of a foreign power
raised cities to ashes
scorched shadows into the soil
for peace

Between October 1962
and November 1983
the World faced exinction
day to day
minute to minute
all for the sake of
the pride of two foreign powers 

On July 18th 2016
an unelected...

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CNDpunk poetrypunkpoliticalpolitical poempolitical poetrypunk poemNuclearnuclear disarmamentpeace



They found a mint condition MX Peacekeepr missile.                                                         

Fover two decades the peace had been kept.                                                               

Until now.                                                                                                                       

They fired the damn thing at th...

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mx peacekeeper missileww3futurenuclearcities hitworld wide


staggered by a blow

six hundred million times more

fierce than the first time


man delivered a sun

to bloom and scorch upon her loam

untold shadows


no fire this time in shattering waves

though now, as then, so many souls

vanished from this tangent


and the swallowed star,

made on earth, extracts the same

deadly half-life toll

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"We Reap What We Sow" - Japans Tsunami and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 2011

"We Reap What We Sow" - Japans Tsunami and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 2011

The recent nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan in the wake of the recent earthquakes and tsunami shows what folly man has to think that he can contain forever and in all eventualities the power of nuclear energy.

No one thought of the force of a tsunami wave breaking the cooling system on th...

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JapanTsunamiFukushimaNuclearDisaster 2011

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