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BUBBLE (Remove filter)

Bubble Of Oblivion

Honey glazed canopies 
Shelter you and me 
From the piercing rays 
Of the sun, governing us in dismay
As we remain ensnared
In our reveries,
Oblivious and unaware,
Our fantasies as fickle as the breeze.
Perhaps it's not always a sin
To stay confined within
The bubble of oblivion;
To wear an armour of neon;
To shield our eyes
With rose-tinted glasses;
To sing with illusory passerines-

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worldoblivionbubblePoetryrose-coloured glasses


My anklets fill the air with resounding laughs 

As I scuttle between tall blades of grass.

I feel free 

Like I'm the breeze.

A yearning dream

Lounges among the clouds.

Her hand caresses my cheek,

I feel safe and sound.

Did I tell you that I feel free?

Free from the restraint of a rhyme scheme;

Free from structure;

Free from obsessions

Like a speck of dust on a t...

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Bursting The Internet Bubble...

As the Millenium ticked over the Dot-Coms were growing fat like leeches on a backpackers legs. Everyone was talking about them bursting and indeed there were a few signs to show that something was going to happen. I was studying for a degree in The Netherlands and one of my elective courses was in poetry. One of our assignments was to take an existing song and write new lyrics for it... This was m...

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DotComInternetBubbleStock market crashWall streetComputers


How frail, in truth,

is the world that we tread?

Captains and kings

claiming calm sea’s ahead

as they’re riding high

upon their silver spoons

laughing, as below

the world withers too soon.


How thin the membrane

of life’s brittle bubbles,

building our barriers

and avoiding all troubles.

Do we wonder at the reasons;

do we hide or protect

as we inch to t...

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