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Trump Era Cinquain

We all

Want to be loved

Is it so hard to give

Love during these contentious times

It is


cinquain formpolitical

◄ temporary insanity

Honest Writing ►


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Don Matthews

Wed 5th Sep 2018 00:50

I liked this Mac ?

Big Sal

Wed 5th Sep 2018 00:43

For anyone that does not know, President Harry Truman was both known to write and say the 'N' word during letters, public addresses, and other occasions he had a chance to. The same man who ordered the ultimate weapon of destruction to be used on Japan, was also a known racist. Except people back then I'm sure just wrote it off as 'one of those things'.

America has always been beset by racist presidents, and today is no different. The only difference today is that the big mouth is too stupid to keep anything to himself or his unsecured phone. If Trump ever were to drop a bomb, the other country would beat him to it because Twitter would already have been blown up with rants warning of 'fire and fury'.

Loving something that never will love you back is definitely only for the saints and angels among us. Where are you my America???

(Great poem by the way Mac! Sorry, had my own little rant there)?

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