NATURE (Remove filter)
Courage Is Yours
We are creatures of habit us humans
Staying safe there in our comfort zones
Naturally, there will be exceptions
To this unwritten rule
Going off the roadmap most of us follow
Gung-ho types charging forth into life
Into any new situation full of bravado
Fearlessly shaking the tree of wisdom
Extracting every last gram of excitement
From this adventure we all signed up...
Monday 21st December 2020 7:25 am
Heart Chakra
Chakra cleansed heart
Negativity now depart
In beauty walking
Inner voice talking
Interconnected soul
At once whole
Ways of living
Caring easily giving
Gentle words spoken
Three eyes open
Easily to fathom
Harmony energy atom
Through each action
In every reaction
Peacefully deeply blessed
Love made manifest
Friday 18th December 2020 8:18 am
The melodic grass
This music,
it makes me want to fall from the water
float in the sky,
stare at those lips
and kiss those green eyes,
drink from the clouds
and jump on the pond
to feel the stars
and gaze at the stones,
the rythms , the notes
melt my mind
ignite my visible voice
I'm not here nor there
maybe inside a void
floating on the blues
maybe its a d...
Monday 14th December 2020 8:23 pm
Echoes of Tech
Imagine creating this hand-held device
available for all to enjoy.
Pacifying vast swathes of the population.
The people would voluntarily spend most of their time investing their attention on this device to the detriment of observing the reality of genuine life going on around them.
Regardless of this being direct interaction with fellow humans.
Changes in their rights as citizens.
...Monday 14th December 2020 3:06 pm
Living beneath the wind,
How easy it is not to reach for the stars.
But sleeping beneath the moon,
How can we not yearn?
Touched by infinity,
Where do we place the next step?
Conscious of eternity,
We must ever go on.
In all of this grandeur, I should feel so small.
Soaking it into every pore,
I wonder.
In all this variety, I must seem so dull.
Watching the intricacy,
I learn.
Tuesday 8th December 2020 10:25 am
Kiss Me Quick - Tangerine Dream
Standing next to the library a gallery of art
Nourishing the soul, culture they impart
Paintings, sound, all arts it embraces
Taking us to many far away places
Streets a mix of Victorian architectural hints
Mixing harmoniously with all the glitz and chintz
What should be a total clash somehow blends in its uniqueness
Becoming quite sublime to the senses in its completenes...
Friday 4th December 2020 9:16 am
Once They're Gone
Irresistible the two-hundred-year-old mills
I would love to collect them in all honesty
Like Clough William-Ellis made Portmeirion
I would have my own industrial history village
Silk, cotton and any other mill is welcome
I would rescue neglected gems of architecture
The derelict, unloved, soon to be demolished
I would restore them to their former glory
This was our ancestor...
Wednesday 2nd December 2020 11:11 am
Blue plaque sits upon wall
Arthur Stanley Jefferson it proclaims
Born 16th June 1890
Telling of where his journey started
A walking manifestation of talent
Known to the world as Stan Laurel
Comedy legend
Here his story began
His family soon moving away
As he would later relocate to another continent
A partnership with Ollie only half the story
Movie director, scree...
Monday 30th November 2020 8:10 am
Imitating Nature
Give me grace as a tree…
Give me power as the leaf…
And the friendship of the grass
If I fall.
I wouldn’t mind if I
Had the freedom of the sky,
And the warmth of the sunlight
On the earth.
Give me a song as the sea…
Play me music like the breeze…
And the comfort of the silence
Of the night.
I will not mind at all.
I will be one part of it all.
And rejoice at the splendour
Of the ...
Friday 27th November 2020 4:18 pm
The Old Straight Track
The greenest valley spread far and wide
Slowly settlement starts on either side
Bronze age people, eventually two villages grew
Looking from a distance at one another, what next to do?
Great plans are conceived, as elders confer to discuss
To be better able to trade, a track we’ll make between us
The Dodman by description, early surveyor of the land
Making sure the track was s...
Friday 27th November 2020 7:56 am
To Be Alone - Grizedale
The story is the same
It’s always the same
The need takes me, and I must act
Overwhelming need to escape
Escape from wall to wall people
Desiring a different experience
Hear my heartbeat
Truly breathe clean air
Solitude where are you?
Compulsion to be truly alone
Wanting ways to seek
Seek and we will find
One cold December day finds me in Grizedale Forest
...Tuesday 24th November 2020 2:42 pm
Stoney Clouds
Thank God, or St Giles anyway,
For Stoney Clouds.
You could be anywhere in the: Peaks, the counties, the Dales or the moors.
Jays give sudden alarm in coppice charms,
As people arrive, who should be indoors,
Locked down from our friends and family,
But luckily not the green of Stoney.
Stoney, an apt name for stoner youth,
Pot-plastered at the bench,
On the summ...
Sunday 22nd November 2020 3:25 pm
Stoneproof in Avebury
“Why I’m not feeling the energy, man?”
Hmmm this has to be a mystery
How does mysterious Avebury
Somehow mysteriously elude me…
Oh how I endeavoured to do the right thing
Even camped but a stones throw from the village
Walk the avenue of standing stones
Ensure I’m within the right energy
Continue around the circle of standing stones
Seemingly it doesn’t matter
Clock ...
Saturday 21st November 2020 8:53 am
Castlerigg Stone Circle
A circle made of thirty-eight volcanic stones
Like monumental cards that have been thrown
By some giant dealing out his giant deck
The Cumbrian landscape to bedeck
To sit within the circle, reaching to the past
Those Neolithic builders, a legacy to last
Castlerigg as the sun rises in the sky
The reason it was built, still to wonder why?
Warm sun drying the stones ...
Friday 20th November 2020 7:32 am
Druid’s Temple - Inspired by the Birkrigg Stone Circle near Ulverston
Connection to nature
Living by the seasons
Four thousand years
Finding rhyme and reason
Revering the old ways
Stones of the circle
Down through eons
Journey internal
Dare to care
Feel them today
Druids calling us
Energy stays
Wednesday 18th November 2020 9:05 am
The River & The Sea
A canoe launches into shallowest water
All but a stream
High in the mountains
Forward motion begins
Avoiding rocks
Patiently progress is made
Slowly yet surely
Widening and then
In an instant transformed
A cacophony of noise fills his ears
With long-won skill, he traverses
Shooting onwards
Yet in control
Then calm returns
Monday 16th November 2020 12:17 pm
Be Beautiful...
It's all around if we open our eyes to see
Today I saw a gorgeous tree
Growing out of an old crumbling wall
There lies beauty
It's everywhere around
And it costs nothing
Friday 13th November 2020 1:38 pm
Farming Through Time
He remembers his great grandfather
Wisdom etched in all the lines creasing his face
He said
“we don’t own this land, we look after it for our sons and the sons of our sons”
And this is how history unfolded
Down through countless generations
His own father before him
Right back
The farm
Cared for
By those with the same surname
Passed down once...
Monday 9th November 2020 7:58 am
Please help open my mind
Rationality limits potential
Quieten pointless ponderings
Let my mind be free
A thousand random thoughts vie for attention
Only the chatter of mundaneness
Never did mean anything
Time for a new paradigm
Overdue awakening within
Intuition then inner knowing
To be still from inside out
To listen to nothing
Calmness permeates
At last…
Saturday 7th November 2020 8:12 am
City Life - Follow Your Bliss
His friends thought what a pity
Abandoning his job in the city
They judged him to be quite mad
Early mid-life crisis, how sad
Next, he distributed some of his wealth
Considered it essential for good health
Trinkets of a life he had turned away from
And pretty soon he will also be long gone
A Scottish island to be his new home
Clean air, wildness, freedom to roam
He wi...
Wednesday 4th November 2020 9:08 am
A Gift For You
Some people say that they cannot use the power of their mind
they say it is impossible to vision anything
Nothing to inspire them, nothing deep inside for them to seek
nothing to make their heart and soul sing
Think of a beautiful tropical island looking like paradise on Earth
palm trees gently swaying in the sea breeze
The healing warmth of the sun as it kisses lightly upon your...
Monday 2nd November 2020 7:25 am
The Water Diviners
Treading the fields with his hazel twig
Showing farmers exactly where to dig
Parched crops wilting as far as eyes can see
Water hidden, over there, by the old yew tree
The water diviner struck liquid gold once again
A well sunk, the crops lifeblood soon to regain
Year after year, the farmer’s gratitude enough
Brian the village legend always did his stuff
Is water divin...
Tuesday 27th October 2020 9:04 am
A Healing For Gaia
Arbor Low Stone Circle a new day is dawning
Transcendent sunrise welcomes in the morning
Sunshine warming us and the dew laden ground
At one with nature we are chanting sacred sound
Resonating with the landscape, the stones, at last
Through our ancestor’s legacy reaching into the past
Vibrations of aeons locked within the circular aspect
There is wisdom here for those affordin...
Saturday 24th October 2020 8:19 am
Magic Gems
Rock Crystal of purest energy
Smoky Quartz creating good chi
Amethyst powerful healer
Apache Tear karmic revealer
Rose Quartz the love stone
Carnelian “in the zone”
Tigereye Gold attracts wealth
Malachite the aid to health
Amazonite for lucky days
Sunstone sunshine rays
Bloodstone the blood tonic
Snowflake Obsidian life harmonic
Moonstone sweet dreams
Black O...
Friday 23rd October 2020 11:22 am
Acting Upon a Dream
A vision of another time
Feeling the landscape
Reaching into the past
Mineral rich
Quarry his location
Seeking to communicate
Follow his intuition
Off the well walked track
Reading the ground
With closed eyes, he sees
And walks with purpose
Yes, it is just as he saw
Hidden under long grass
This hollowed out depression
He drops to th...
Thursday 22nd October 2020 12:22 pm
The Shaman In The Park
He walks as he chants, feeling the grass beneath his feet
Smiling inwardly, he knows who he came here to meet
Sacred sounds reverberate, into air and within the ground
Soon it happens, by him they swoop, begin to fly around
Warmer weather is here, swallows confirming this
As by fractions of a centimetre our shaman they miss
Feeling his energy, chanting he continues, projecting lo...
Wednesday 21st October 2020 12:05 pm
Overwinter Under Wing
To long for the tall and rounded neck
Of the swan overwintering.
To wind it round all snug and warm,
Tucked and sheltered under wing.
To see me through to daffodils,
When the long nights up and scarper.
But first the wind will undress trees
And its bite will get much sharper
For now the song has dimmed to still
And the sun just won’t stay put.
The air is g...
Sunday 18th October 2020 6:18 pm
Instead of inhaling
doom and gloom,
let’s take a walk
in the woods,
play hide and seek
among willow trees,
Feel the sun rejuvenate our soul,
Become one with dirt and rain,
bathe in the healing fluid from mother nature’s veins,
just what the doctor ordered.
Monday 12th October 2020 1:27 am
Turning Back Time In Margate
A journey to the settings of his art
Essence of his inspiration to impart
Travelling as our schedule can accommodate
Emotionally travelling back in time to appreciate
Would the man himself recognise the views?
If he perhaps stood here now, wearing our shoes
Genius of two centuries past, legacy living on
The prize named after him, this artistic paragon
Wandering and wonderin...
Thursday 8th October 2020 4:38 pm
eight limbs lower so small and afraid,
a two limbed child chases your dance,
dragging their feet and fate to you,
but your step to a web is slow,
to small to catch the beat of their murder,
might they show mercy and turn it down?
for you to dance in silence.
Monday 28th September 2020 11:57 am
My Martello
Incredible views standing looking out to sea
Always though what a great home it might be
No1 and 2 both residentially converted long ago
No3 invitingly waiting for me to give it a go
Round Buildings work for me in an appealing way
Windmills, lighthouses, and it will happen some day
A Martello Tower in Folkestone all of my own
Who could possibly want any other kind of home?
Wednesday 23rd September 2020 2:50 pm
How free are we?
How free, flows the raging river
How free, float the clouds
How free, sways the luscious grass
How free, stand trees so proud
How free, swirls the playful wind
How free, tides ebb and flow
How free, the sunlight bathes the earth
How free, wild flowers grow
How free, the stars prick night with gold
How free, the moon that shimmers
How free, roam creatures of ...
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 12:25 pm
The Boots
Walking boots are donned early morn
Into nature witness the rising dawn
Spring Solstice what could inspire more?
Forgotten stone circle upon empty moor
Coolness felt upon my essentially bare feet
Eyes closed, sense sunrise, harmony complete
Warming rays invigorating body and soul
Oneness with all elements at once whole
Friday 18th September 2020 2:53 pm
Turning Back Time In Margate
A journey to the settings of his art
Essence of his inspiration to impart
Travelling as our schedule can accommodate
Emotionally travelling back in time to appreciate
Would the man himself recognise the views?
If he perhaps stood here now, wearing our shoes
Genius of two centuries past, legacy living on
The prize named after him, this artistic paragon
Wandering and wonderin...
Thursday 10th September 2020 1:24 pm
Exercising Mind, Body And Soul
Beeston Castle is a ruin now
Once proudly standing atop its hill
Now a pay to view tourist attraction
Still appealing nonetheless
Our past facsimiled into stone
The lives of ancestors
Tuning in, as ascent is made
Walking and feeling
Hours spent communing
And then a picnic
Overlooking rolling Cheshire countryside
Carrots are munched
Hummus enjoyed
And the...
Wednesday 9th September 2020 2:39 pm
The Dancers Of Life
Sticks clash together as the bells ring
Heralding Centuries old rites of spring
Morris Men dancing in each season
Each well-rehearsed step for a reason
The fiddle player keeping with tradition
Lending the dance for all his rhythm
Denizen of all things beauteous and green
The village has chosen The May Queen
Morris Men dancing good harvest to bring
Then the fool is crowne...
Tuesday 1st September 2020 2:04 pm
Totally Fitness
The temple of the body beautiful, with a strain and tremble
Music pumping, yet not really noticed
As bodies are pumping, to be noticed
Machines activated by human power
Working up a sweat “just another hour”
Seeking to become just a little more physically decked
Body mass index and calorie counting minutely checked
Gaining bulging muscles or loosing bulges they want to shed
...Thursday 27th August 2020 3:48 pm
Building a fire
There's 2 sticks
Give it A lot of friction
A slow building tension
Allow it some time It'll start, don't whine
See the little embers?
all of the smoke?
Take a step back so you don't choke.
Give it room to breathe
Just watch, you'll see.
See, there's a little flame
all you need is a little time and patience
You wouldn't want all that effort to be wasted.
Tuesday 25th August 2020 2:59 am
Love the Nature
Ujjal Mandal, India
Love the Nature, I swear she must fall in love with you.
Monday 17th August 2020 2:52 am
Summer Rain
To walk in the cleansing summer rain
Nirvana for humans and parched ground
Pine trees, roses, the damp earth
And a thousand other scents
All at once brought alive
Teasing senses with their beauty
Thoroughly soaking wet and caring not
Simple joys of being alive…
Friday 7th August 2020 9:39 am
The Smatterbog
The smatterbog was tepid
Its fluesence slowly heaving
With every gentle billowing
Of the lively tensile surface
a fragrant wind was passed
making stealthy breezes
titillate leaves of dew
That shed their droplet treasures
into the mouths of steaming crocs
as iridescent dragonflies danced
amongst the reeds
along the bogsome banks.
‘Twas then the spotted hoary...
Saturday 1st August 2020 11:56 am
Sunflowers and Old Boots
I recently stumbled upon a website which had the letters written by Vincent Van Gogh to his brother, family and friends. Completely absorbed I was lost to research for hours on end, compelled to learn more of this painters fascinating life story. Here is the resulting “found” poem which uses lines written by Van Gogh himself to describe his experiences, collated in a way which hopefully does justi...
Thursday 30th July 2020 5:39 pm
Inspiration In A Rose
Inspiration…where to seek pure inspiration?
That innermost creative beauteous elation
Living the urban life and wondering how
Is inner connection possible here and now?
Walking these city streets looking around
It’s alive in the buildings, people and sound
Yet here is nature, she never quite goes
Find yourself a park and go smell a rose
Wednesday 29th July 2020 12:10 pm
Forest Bathing
Back against bark
Legs touching roots
Sat in near dark
Searching out truths
Outstretching arms
Reaching for branches
Ebb and flow hours
Turn into trances
Leaves fall in my hair
Like chances long missed
Splinters of wood
Scratch at my wrists
Bird song so sweet
Echoes my ears
Wisdom of tree
Far greater than fear
Saturday 25th July 2020 1:47 pm
The leaves of the tree
Behind the house of glass are falling
With each step of the wind
They liberate themselves from the branches
From the complexity of the connections
Connection of the root with the trunk
Of the trunk with the branches
Of the branches with the leaves
The leaves liberated themselves
From the connections
From the dependence
The leaves of the ...
Friday 24th July 2020 7:18 am
Sunsets Are For Walking Into
I always took the sky for granted
Never really cared about the stars
Stuck strictly to the daily round,
Women and booze and fast cars
Sunsets are for walking into with you
At last I see the magic in the sky
Sunsets are for walking into with you
How did sunsets ever escape my eye?
You taught me about love and nature
How they go hand in hand together
Giving lo...
Saturday 18th July 2020 11:30 am
Today in this 21st Century
Today I pull up the drawbridge
My domain
My castle
None may enter
Today I go to the mountain
My niche
My cave
None may find me
Today I commune with nature
My forest
My seashore
None may follow
Today I bid adieu for a while
My freedom
My retreat
None may know
Tuesday 14th July 2020 4:16 pm
It took me a while
Yet there is not a clock ticking here
Looking outwards I observed life
Pondering inwardly
When the student is ready
I know the answer now
Oh finally, the truth is revealed
The great unanswered mystery
A “How to” manual to life
Well, it is all about questions
Every time we think
We ask ourselves questions
Even opting out of making de...
Monday 13th July 2020 10:39 am
Observed On My Travels
There it sits nailed to its tree
So long after the event…so long
A statement of intent to make
And yet the message was lost to me
Sadly, lost within their ignorance
Here we have a living thing
It has lived longer than you or I
Vital for our survival…essential
Wounded, yet still very much alive this tree
And how one rusty nail speaks volumes
As it holds it’s now faded ...
Saturday 4th July 2020 7:45 am
Solitude Where Are You?
The story is the same
It’s always the same
Escape from wall to wall people
Festivities, trivialities
Desiring a different experience
Hear my heart beat
Truly breathe
Solitude where are you?
For once to be truly alone
Ways to seek
Seek and you will find
New Year’s Day finds me in a forest
Far from the moderate crowd
Rain lashes down and I care not
The ...
Monday 29th June 2020 6:38 am
Finding Himself In Nature
Deep in the heart of the forest
He lingers a moment to rest
He knows well his destination
Two hours meander his estimation
Finding the oldest tree of all, he hesitates
Sat, leant against the trunk he meditates
High within the mountain peaks
Within himself answers he seeks
All the world below somewhere
Quietly he finds his spot up there
Sheltered by cairn, thought...
Friday 26th June 2020 7:01 am
The Ancient Tree
A thousand years or more it’s lived so they say, at least
Centuries before it became guardian for the deceased
These ancient builders of the church all knew
The magical and deadly power of the yew
Locked deep inside the secret of immortality
Pure poison within the yew, result fatality
Sitting in quiet contemplation, “tell me fine tree
A thousand years lived, what did you ...
Wednesday 24th June 2020 6:41 am
Chocolate Tree
There once stood a chocolate tree, a bearer of desires.
Its leaves melted when it inhaled passion.
Its fruits of fire
Set ablaze lands, verdant and barren.
Its bark was festooned in ribbons
Of rich gold and smooth caramel.
Like Midas' touch, gluttony abundant,
The tree was nothing short of magical.
I basked in the shadow of the canopy
Atop the chocolate capped grass bl...
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 7:57 pm
Returning to innocence
Our inner you of you
Innocent as a small child
Attuned to learn from nature
The clearest sky
The breeze cleansing
Warm sun on your back
Guided by the stars at night
Infinity mirrored within
Purest beauty
The beauty of pure love
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 7:00 am
Nature Freely Gives
Jack In The Green awakens from his slumber
Spring is upon us, nature in all her wonder
Gaze in awe of rebirth, renewal, fertility
Stood deep in the forest, deep within tranquillity
Robin Goodfellow his mischief to perform
Souring milk, trampling crop circles from fields of corn
Tripping those who into the green wood unwary tread
Laughing, yet another traveller away from p...
Monday 22nd June 2020 8:29 am
If I Take My Leave
If I take my leave of the green green wood
Home to Herne the Hunter and Robin Hood
Sunlight finding its way through the branches…magical
A living breathing ecosystem starting with the botanical
The symphony of nature provided by operatic birdsong
Natural balance perfecting, every creature does belong
If I take my leave of the green green wood
Would it cease to exist? I wo...
Thursday 18th June 2020 7:12 am
Back in the mists of time we walked these shores
This view we have seen
Meditated on this rock
To the sound of waves lapping gently
Footsteps, walking in our own past
Back in the mists of time we walked in this forest
These trees our friends
Meditated leant against the old oak
To the sound of the birdsong chorus
Footsteps, walking in our own past
Back in th...
Tuesday 16th June 2020 7:48 am
If Foxes Wore Gloves
Gazing at the sunrise, as a new day breaks the dawn,
bleary eyes fixate towards the distant edge of my lawn.
The speckled common foxglove, sturdy, strong and tall,
a spike of colour backdropped by a grey, dry stone wall.
Lost deep in absent minded daydream, I begin to think,
if foxes wore gloves would they be purple, white or pink?
Early birds catch worms for hungr...
Monday 15th June 2020 11:34 am
Alexis karpouzos : The mystic journey
Our home, a pale blue dot in the vastness of universe's untouched beauty, a tiny, spherical world, afloat in a immensity of space and time. Here for a moment, and then we're leaving for the eternity. In the school of mortality we learn to acrobat over the abyss.
Alexis karpouzos
Tuesday 9th June 2020 11:14 am
The hoodoos rested here a while
And turned to face the great Bow River
Rocks and pine trees at their backs
This family of albino giants
Wind hewn and born of the water
White wolves of the sedimentary
Standing on the Inuit trail
That led them from the turqoise tumult
Towering to Alberta skies
That shimmer in the August heat
These monoliths of time s...
Friday 5th June 2020 4:29 pm
Not in reality
do I walk through this forrest
not in reality
do I hear these birds
or drink this cold water
of the morning leaves
I look up
and see the green sunlight
breaking through the concrete
finding me
in my little box
I wait here
until it takes me home
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 7:12 pm
River by Night
The night has come and bright stars fill the sky
Arranged in lines and shapes from side to side
And gently light the things and men along
Creating moving shadows on the streets.
The quiet river flows under the bridge
And smell of fish is coming with the wind
While burbling water hits below the shore
Where boats are waiting for a new day’s dawn.
Tuesday 19th May 2020 10:17 pm
I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be
I sliced the sun into two
And looted shimmering bars of gold
Which lined her womb,
Her beloved broods I stole.
I plucked the sturdiest mountains,
The choicest adornments on the face of the globe.
All it took were my hands, raw and unrestrained,
Their maimed rubbles now abuse those they adore.
I remember the sea that like Moses I parted
And the ocean floor ...
Tuesday 19th May 2020 2:03 pm
The different shapes of white and hasty clouds
Are letting see the blue and shiny sky
Just here and there and only for a bit
To show the sun is up and lights the day.
We see the rocky mountains spread around
With green and scattered spots all over them
That are from lonely trees among the stones
Like spears raised from the forest to the top.
Few groups of houses s...
Saturday 16th May 2020 3:16 pm
As I walk my hour a day
A golden army line my way
Stood to attention tall and proud
Paraded together, a nodding crowd
Wild, strong and free they grow
Against stone walls and in hedgerow
Dancing and swaying in the breeze
Sheltering under the budding trees
A fanfare of trumpets, glowing bright
Dazzling rays in the spring sunlight
Elegant and ...
Thursday 14th May 2020 1:02 pm
Bluebell Woods
Bluebell Woods
In the enchanted forest, far, far away
Rabbits dress in waistcoats and chat about their day
Fairies live in toadstools, deep in the wooded dell
They sing and dance to the chimes of the quivering bluebell
An Enid Blyton story, a fairy tale or dream
Or closer to the truth, than at first it would seem
Down in Bluebell Woods, which is not so far ...
Thursday 14th May 2020 1:00 pm
The sun rises
Nature’s light show plays out before me
Daylight reveals highways of the sea glistening on the horizon
Dover to Calais ferries dart between the wake of mammoth container ships
Walkers processionally pass by on their way to The Cliffs
Few pay me attention
An elderly woman with a walking stick stops
She leans on the convenient railings
Bidding me “good morning”
...Wednesday 13th May 2020 12:27 pm
The Pictures We Drew
I wonder what happens
To the poorly drawn images
We keep abreast as children,
Sheltered inside our notebooks and their crinkly pages.
I envisage those pages accompanying
Balloons, bubbles and butterflies,
And the colors in them adorning
The sallow face of the sky.
I like to believe that my poorly chalked out blades of grass
Somehow appended the greenery on earth
Or th...
Thursday 7th May 2020 8:47 pm
Camping Memories
Oh how I loved to go camping
in a tent in the back yard,
in the campgrounds of the Smokies,
on the coast of Nova Scotia,
with the Dories in Grand Canyon,
in the Everglades of Florida,
wherever the places may be.
Each trip was different, with its own adventures
that brought a kaleidoscope of images,
a patchwork of memories.
each memory vivid and distinct,
of different times and p...
Friday 24th April 2020 6:29 pm
Our Earth
If there's one thing that we should love more,
Which is there every day for us to adore,
Around and round it has forever whirled.
This our beautiful and natural world.
Love all of it's glorious features,
And learn to love all living creatures.
The plants and flowers of every colour
Make our lives seem so much fuller.
The Sun shines down; it is always there,
One thing that all ...
Thursday 23rd April 2020 10:09 am
Wildflower Wishes
Bury me in a blanket of wildflowers,
nutured by morning dew,
where lilacs perfume the air,
jasmine lights up the night,
wind and rain serenade gardenias,
delicate roses are protected by bushy thorns,
forget-me-nots bloom...
where dandelion wishes
brings me back to you.
Tuesday 21st April 2020 4:11 pm
I ran so fast on the path of life,
I forgot from where I had started,
I remembered something suddenly, luckily,
That’s when and why I retarded.
A brook, I fled by had asked to meet,
If eyes weren’t lucky, just to soak my feet…
I never turned back, Salmons tried a lot,
The weeds and the reeds, my eyes never caught.
A cuckoo wanted to share her sorrow,...
Monday 20th April 2020 8:30 am
Starfish Haze
On the beach bits were sharp with old shells
Sand dry as dust cushioned our feet
In a rock pool we saw the starfish
I'd never seen anything so neat
I've often thought of that creature
Its wonderful colourful ways
Moving at its own pace, shimmering,
In a mysterious starfish haze
Soon we saw another, from a family of gems
We stared and discussed Nature's pride
...Monday 13th April 2020 1:07 pm
Forest Green
She's smart as a whip and shoots from the hip
She's calm in a crisis and clever
She's stronger than men and quick with a pen
She's wiser than Plato was ever
Forest Green. Forest Green, my sylvan lover
Take care not to get that one riled
She lives in the woods with all her goods
A creature of Nature, God's child
I was walking my dog on a day blunt with fog
When ...
Sunday 12th April 2020 2:38 pm
Nature's Breath
Nature's Breath
In those days;
when the shutdown came.
When mankind laid low;
and the money didn’t flow.
In those days,
nature took a breath.
Nature began to heal.
Nature felt relief.
In those days,
the poisons stopped.
The greed died,
and the rich man cursed.
In those days,
the birds sang.
The butterflies flew.
The bumblebee worked.
In those days,
the virus s...
Friday 10th April 2020 8:07 am
The Ancient Tree
A thousand years or more it’s lived so they say, at least
Centuries before it became guardian for the deceased
These ancient builders of the church all knew
The magical and deadly power of the yew
Locked deep inside the secret of immortality
Pure poison within the yew, result fatality
Sitting in quiet contemplation, “tell me fine tree
A thousand years lived, what did you ...
Wednesday 8th April 2020 7:57 am
the send-off
the fragrance of flowers
gently touched
by the cemetery breeze
celebrate the silence
of life being released
the colors of nature
gather around
that piece of earth
cradling every moment
of time since birth
dark figures fade out
with memories
replaying in their heads
as the day ends, yet again
death is fed
Monday 6th April 2020 1:03 pm
occult curriculum, whispers of the ancients, leave for letting out secrets
oil lamp kindling catching flames; shining begotten light from passerbys
in between classes, shifting penrose stairs lead into underlying framework on occasion
halls lined with rooks adjacent and curators searching for a select
rites of secret passageways proclaimed, karma to the dark is just a means to an end
time and...
Saturday 4th April 2020 11:11 am
Into the Wild
The seeker seeks, the searcher finds,
The adventurer travels around his own mind.
The winds that blow and storms that shout,
and rock both tree and bush about.
The wanderer carries a burning torch,
To light his way with no remorse.
No solice does a watcher find,
when seeking troubles in his own mind.
Cold hearts grow, lone spirits become strong,
and ...
Friday 3rd April 2020 11:29 am
Being Human Version 2
Perfection, a leaf stemmed
the art that bore a false familiar,
on that eager tree, tokens
fall like confetti birds swooping
cawing the monologues loud,
low down that traced path moves
with every step it scrapes feet
orchestrating flaws like song,
above nature watches deeply
depicting renditions
in their crumpled mass, all rust
falling so fast from branches
Thursday 26th March 2020 12:08 pm
Canyon Raven
We come as passing visitors on the rimrock of this vast abyss,
awed by ancient desert rocks with ever-changing hues.
We marvel at these stones laid down in tepid seas
before the dawn bird flew,
grandeur timeless, yet so transient.
A raven races up from the canyon with joyful croak,
like a goblin fresh on vacation from his work in Hell.
He arcs above, then plunges deep into the chasm
Monday 23rd March 2020 6:23 pm
Summer Rain
To walk in the cleansing summer rain
Nirvana for humans and parched ground
Pine trees, roses, the damp earth
And a thousand other scents
All at once nature ‘s fragrances
Teasing senses with their beauty
Thoroughly soaking wet and caring not
Simple joys of being alive…
Tuesday 10th March 2020 8:05 am
Astral Breadth
A trestle table set with content and classical elements
places a coven with arenose intent in a safe space
their minds set on causing change—present occurences canvass Mandala by way of effect.
fascicle circuits blitz and singe might-have-beens
washing away strands emblazoned in ever apparentness
accommodating silver lining fringe wherein proper golden ratio leaves
their genus' plant matter ...
Monday 9th March 2020 4:15 pm
Brick Roads
Ten years old,
gigging frogs,
avoiding horny toads.
Then a teen,
in search of the wizard,
playing pinball, drinking, smoking.
On to adulthood,
pushing back when anyone
crossed the line.
doing time
with this karma of mine.
Traveling brick roads
that lead to
nowhere particular.
But, as long as there is
music and poe...
Monday 2nd March 2020 1:47 am
Not all men are your enemy
Not all women are your friend
Forget the wars of pink and blue
The earth is near its end
Raise your weapons to fight for green
Sow your seeds
Plants, Flowers and trees
Whilst humans are fighting the earth bleeds.
We cut down the trees
To write words for our books
We kill the animals
Skin and eat for our looks
Everyone is...
Monday 24th February 2020 6:22 pm
splendid resplendence
in your essence I sense resplendence
could do no wrong by me, your personably impressioned defendant
your honor is what I strive for
it's why the day turns to night, sun and moon argue back and forth
fight about what's wrong and who's right, tug of war
light bends but doesn't break, shines through the prism, and is perceived in different waves
I met you once but my memory is starting to fa...
Tuesday 18th February 2020 3:38 pm
rigorous exercise, training my mind
the center of my world, I give you my due diligence
love to watch me write by candle light, would you guide my hand and evoke my true penmanship
law of attraction, I cast it out, and ask around
I question myself, then take affirmative action
groundbreaking truths shatter walls, somebody hand me my protractor
searching the sea floor and tapping the well d...
Sunday 16th February 2020 9:13 pm
Matriarch butterfly, conduct conducive
mother gaia's demeanor echo.
as you move mountains
as she size your shoe, electrifying presence
you're so well grounded
heart fluttering, don't be disheartened.
trumpets erupting, as you walk the walk, my mind carry off as I'm wrapped in your minutiae
Shift the world, your tectonic occupancy lay rise to volumes of topographic novelties
Sunday 16th February 2020 8:56 pm
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:44 am
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:37 am
Alexis karpouzos poetry and creative writing.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Alexis karpouzos on Goodereads
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:29 am
Hansel's Universe
I don’t want to look up at the sky anymore
for it terrifies me
the stars have never been more than crumbs of the universe
laymen wish upon
and suddenly I find myself
tracing your eyes
and the bottom of your chin
along constellations complex
crumbs that leave a path
tiny pieces of you
that lead me home
Tuesday 11th February 2020 5:16 am
Winter Love
memories taste
like snowflakes on my tongue
and melt in my soul
love remains
like ice on the garden pond
in the memory of water
Monday 10th February 2020 1:48 pm
Clouds Dancing in the Sky
Looking up at the clouds so high
Watching colors stretch across the sky
As they combine and spread apart gracefully
An ever-changing work of art slowly slips by
As the sun first wakes
Golden hues are painted on the tips
I’m struck by the beauty
How lucky I am to be a witness
As the sun slowly dances across the sky
The image changes as clouds come and go
Wednesday 8th January 2020 7:29 pm
29D: Window, not Aisle
it’s 6:21 and when I look out my window from the corner of 29D,
there’s a subtle hue of blood orange outlining what looks like the perimeter of
a space
of sky
and a breeze of clouds, lighter than feathers, so thin, as if it forgot to carry the mist it was designed to pour tonight
but that’s okay, because it found itself a new purpose:
your shrewd orange spirit is now perf...
Sunday 5th January 2020 6:22 am
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