The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.


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The hoodoos rested here a while

And turned to face the great Bow River

Rocks and pine trees at their backs

This family of albino giants

Wind hewn and born of the water

White wolves of the sedimentary

Standing on the Inuit trail

That led them from the turqoise tumult


Towering to Alberta skies

That shimmer in the August heat

These monoliths of time slow passed

Cast shadows longer than their presence

These are behemoths of an age

When the air was clean and forests wild

And grey worn highways were not built

To bring the tenants of their world


I stand in awe and watch them

As they perch upon the edge of time

In verdant thrones they sit and rule

Over their royal domain below

This is the human at one with nature

Bowed before gigantic titans

This is the work of ancient gods

Who send their white angels to earth


banffbow riverday5(66)giant pillarshoodoosnapowrimo2017nature

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Ian Whiteley

Sat 6th Jun 2020 15:57

Thanks for the kind comments.
Philipos - yes - there are a few examples of this rock formation - the one I visited was in Banff, Canada - truly impressive.
Po - I visited this site in both winter and summer a couple of times - never fails to impress ?


Fri 5th Jun 2020 18:25

How interesting Ian - hadn't been aware of these until I read your work - how nature treats us to the wonders of our world. Enjoyed. P

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