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rigorous exercise, training my mind
the center of my world, I give you my due diligence
love to watch me write by candle light, would you guide my hand and evoke my true penmanship

law of attraction, I cast it out, and ask around
I question myself, then take affirmative action
groundbreaking truths shatter walls, somebody hand me my protractor
searching the sea floor and tapping the well dry, one last answer
god, will you heed my call? need a miracle or don't answer at all
I just need you to understand the severity of the situation
my heart belongs to her, and you made a mistake with it's placement

your love warrants doves, from up above
magnetizing beauty, tantalizing truly
I hope i'm around to see the patriarchy crash down
you plant your seeds, and garner your troops
gain a foothold, as you reap what you sow
and press forward with important issues
love is a battlefield, I double back
look at you with a warpaint face
stare into the whites of your eyes
only thing on my mind is our twinkle spanning the test of time

I sift through emotions, handpick which one to show him
proof that you live in my heart, worlds apart
we are tangled in thought, synaptic train with you as the conductor
my eyes illuminated from the stars in the sky, i send my transmission as one whiz by
I move in perfect unison, hoping the universe compensate and make some waves
I walk into the undulation feet in the sand, and pray my message in a bottle finds it's way


Battlefieldfemininefeminismlovelove poemlove poemsmatriarchnaturepoetryscrying

◄ Matriarch

splendid resplendence ►


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