The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Water Diviners

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Treading the fields with his hazel twig

Showing farmers exactly where to dig

Parched crops wilting as far as eyes can see

Water hidden, over there, by the old yew tree

The water diviner struck liquid gold once again

A well sunk, the crops lifeblood soon to regain

Year after year, the farmer’s gratitude enough

Brian the village legend always did his stuff


Is water divining passed on through generations?

There is one other, dowsing myriads of applications

Brian is his Uncle and yet his own path taken

Dowsing energy within the earth to awaken

Another time, another place, he explored his capability

His best-selling book on dowsing enhanced his credibility

Having read his words, Uncle Brian nodded sagely

This wise man’s approval mattered to him greatly


Two men, both of the Earth, doing their divining thing

Hazel twig, rods or pendulum in their hands swing

Two generations united in a common purpose, a goal

Helping others selflessly, find water, go dig a hole



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Tue 27th Oct 2020 17:00

I have two pendulums. A small crystal on a silver chain which has been with me since around 1990. Then a larger reclaimed wood pendulum; this is the one I use when teaching, as you can't really miss it! lol
I ran a crystal and dowsing pendulum wholesale business for about fifteen years, until others interests distracted me away to new horizons. Have you read Alfred Watkins books?

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Tue 27th Oct 2020 13:29

Awesome Paul!

I have been teaching dowsing on and off for the last three decades. I will admit I am better known for my dowsing work than poetry ?

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