The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Farming Through Time

He remembers his great grandfather

Wisdom etched in all the lines creasing his face

He said

“we don’t own this land, we look after it for our sons and the sons of our sons”

And this is how history unfolded

Down through countless generations

His own father before him


Right back

The farm

Cared for


By those with the same surname

Passed down once again

Unbroken traditions

Five centuries of history

He feels it right there

In his blood

Walking this land of his ancestors

He feels it through the soles of his boots

Love for the soil

This place he cares for

Nurtured and farmed

Growing crops to feed the people

One day he will pass it on

He feels proud

The bloodline continues

The future assured

One day he knows

His daughter will take over



◄ Oneness

Art on 5th Avenue - The Guggenheim ►


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