jesus (Remove filter)
He Could Have
He could have come to rule the world,
he should have been a king.
He could have had all that he want,
but then what would it bring?
For he knew who he was and also
what the world would need.
Thus, he chose life a poor man’s son
who lived a life to bleed
upon the cross, between two thieves,
completely left alone.
‘Twould seem at glance a failure
in this w...
Friday 15th March 2024 9:36 pm
How Heaven
It seems that life’s a limbo so if eternity is as well,
it’s hard to not conclude that every outcome will be hell.
For everything we do, in time fades into mundane dust.
The shiny steel of bliss today each next day gains more rust.
So how can Heaven hold its awe when eons pass like days?
For golden streets walked once too oft seem normal in their ways.
There mu...
Monday 11th March 2024 5:48 pm
By The Well
Twas an ordinary scene on an ordinary day,
she an ordinary woman on her ordinary way.
Doing work of little consequence, she walked to Jacob’s Well.
Could she have known that someday all would know her tale?
For as she went to fill her pot a man she noticed there,
who were he any other Jew would not have stopped to care.
But he took time and bid her, “Dip the cup and give me ...
Monday 11th March 2024 5:46 pm
Time Wanes Thin
I never felt to push or shove
people toward the God of love.
It seemed that it was not my place,
“Just give them time and give them space”.
But then I came to understand,
when vision of a failing dam
appeared in revelation’s dream,
and as I dreamt I looked to see
a town that lay downstream below.
In dead of night, they did not know
that little time rema...
Thursday 29th February 2024 7:08 pm
Labor In The Field
Some were hired at the break of day, a price to work the field.
Then others hired each passing hour and given the same deal.
And when the eve was drawing nigh the Master with good will
looked out and saw some in the streets who yet were waiting still.
So, then he went to them and asked, "Why have ye labored not?"
They answered, "We have not been hired though labour we have...
Thursday 29th February 2024 7:06 pm
One Hair
I thought to change one hair tonight
from white to black, atop my head.
It seemed a try would be alright
while lying here upon my bed.
I called out to the powers that be
in all their forms amidst the sky,
but nothing changed at all for me
though I had given my best try.
I guess it’s human nature
to control the things at hand.
To try and make sure ever...
Tuesday 13th February 2024 4:07 am
20th December and the lights are down
Expectance in abundance
As we look around
No tinsel or snow
No time to let go
Too tired and small
No feeling at all
They say he’ll be here soon enough
Yet time will soon have had enough
But we must be ready and not wither
The time is now, we must deliver
Yet who will come I ask?
It isn’...
Wednesday 24th January 2024 10:11 am
Slaughterhouse Red
Welcome to Britain, madam Ambassador for Genocide;
this carpet’s the latest fashion, Slaughterhouse Red.
Per Ardua ad Astra is how they died,
a diet of porky pies, what they were fed,
“We will remember them”, cry solemn parrots,
ad nauseam, per annum, dog-whistled,
forgetting stick, they much prefer those carrots,
warmongering Lords want us protestors kettled;
oh yes, ...
Tuesday 23rd January 2024 2:06 pm
ReMember The Night
ReMember the Night
How can you go meekly into the night
When your world no longer gently goes around?
How can you go meekly into the night
When lives of who you cherish depend on you being wise?
Do you forget that in the beginning time started?
And yet this time has an end as so do you.
For if you have, forget not that all times have their moments besides one Holy one
...Sunday 1st October 2023 3:55 am
Ye Hypocrites-Ye Whited Sepulchres!
A nation,
That steals
From the
To give
To the
Not good
For me.
Like a
Good enough
For World
War Two;
Good enough
For me.
Good enough
For royalty;
Good enough
For me.
Loaves and fishes,
Bread and roses;
Good e...
Tuesday 27th June 2023 7:49 am
Orate Fratres - Brothers, Let us Not Prey
Orate Fratres
Our raison d’être? to fulfil the Lord’s prophecy!
For we are the Tory Party at prayer;
Prayerfully, we arrange the country’s economy
So the wealth of our friends should never be impaired.
Jesus preached that: ‘the poor will always be with us’,
In fulfillment whereof, we his Kingdom prepare;
Let us implement with care, Austerity’s cuts,
With the deserving p...
Monday 19th June 2023 9:57 am
For The Many-Not The Few
He was not crucified for me,
And not for him, nor her, nor thee,
That gentle Jesus meek and mild,
Once graced our world, unknowing child,
In manhood, he in wisdom grew,
Spoke for the many, not the few,
He chose to face injustice’s sword,
And hypocrites with his spoken word,
They, who place burdens on the poor,
Which they can not themselves endure,
Those misery-made cr...
Friday 6th January 2023 12:16 pm
About Islam
Hello Ghazala,
I was wondering if you could tell me the meaning of some words you use?
Do you recognise Jesus as a prophet?
Do you celebrate his birthday at Christmas?
Thanks for the comment U.O.C
sakeenah is tranquility, calm, peace, serenity
Azzawajall means almight...
Friday 23rd December 2022 11:22 pm
It's Christmas not Winter
Nearly bloody well threw up,
Today in bloody M&S,
Sick of bloody bull-shit,
Bloody “Winter Wishes” dishes!
Jesus Christ, enough already,
This is bloody Britain mate!
We’re celebrating bloody Christmas,
Not “Winter bloody Festival”,
Not “Winter bloody Holiday”,
This ain’t the bloody USA,
It’s bloody-well the UK,
Shove your bloody “Winter” bollocks,
Where the bloo...
Sunday 4th December 2022 1:10 am
The power to live in the likeness of jesus christ
To show empathy kindness forgiveness love and support
To teach of his suffering and lessons he taught
To walk in the light and all that do follow
Will not be immune to heartache or sorrow
Will not be loved more than their sisters an brothers
Will not avoid suffering or be more blessed than others
We suffer like he did
and no sympathy neede...
Saturday 7th November 2020 1:05 pm
Footsteps of the Magdalene
Are we not blessed to follow in Her footsteps,
The steps that stirred the dust in Galilee?
The feet that bring good news of Living Jesus,
The Light of lights arisen in you and me?
Her path is one of peace, of joy, of hope,
Breaching the walls of ignorance and fear,
And leads to the twilit Resurrection Garden,
See in Her embrace the Christ Light now appear;
Magdalene, you show us this Grea...
Sunday 22nd September 2019 11:47 am
Look No Further
Look No Further
I need a friend to be with me
Whenever I am low
'Look no further' said the Lord
'Now on your way child go.
I need someone to help me
Whenever I go wrong,
'Look no further' said the Lord
'Now go child run along.'
I need someone to be there
To help me every day,
'Look no further' said the Lord
'Now go child on your way'
I need someone to be with me
To make sur...
Tuesday 10th September 2019 1:07 pm
No One Will Be There But Jesus
As friends solemnly told him to call
On them if ever he needed anything,
Only his pastor was candid enough
To tell him Jesus alone would stay.
And so it was as it had always been,
Walking alone on the beach, in town,
Along the highway, and in the upstairs
Hallway with no memory of being carried.
He supposed Jesus was a faithful companion,
But a bit quiet, and not much help when
A fla...
Tuesday 9th July 2019 7:18 am
He's the sinner's Savior, He's God's Son
His goodness is limitless, His life is matchless
He's incomprehensible, He's indescribable
The grave couldn't hold Him, but he can hold you.
Monday 31st July 2017 3:47 am
now start breathing,
everything around is around for the same reason.
Catastrophe, catastrophe its all the same feeling
i'm too old to move on, i'm too old to keep dreaming.
When to move on is to grow and to grow is not leaving,
in a promise land we grow, and speak of the same reason
we speak of heaven and hell like they're not the same demon.
Well to move...
Monday 15th May 2017 3:45 am
I am Certain
In every city, I go.
In every country, I have been.
The Star and the Cross hope,
That he will be with us one day.
They call him by different names,
And claim him as theirs.
Both preaching similar faiths,
Both saying they are correct.
One says he is yet to come,
While the other hopes for him again.
One says he is the son of God,
While the other says, he wi...
Thursday 16th February 2017 6:42 am
howl steppin (09/11/2016)
'you never write me back in the cold and sober howling winds of daylight, where you're in danger of being seen. you never write me when your form cannot bleed into the formless, rooting in, burrowed deep into the ground, wrapping ahold of me tight, feeling rather than seeing -- much unlike this stark and starchy daylight living. You only write when we re both tasting death by the precarious and cu...
Sunday 11th September 2016 4:58 pm
The Other Bloody Mary
No way honey!
That answer forever
Cause I can see your heart beating -
Beating out of your chest
When I undress,
Beating out of your chest when I am there.
No way honey,
Never never!
Cause you’re fresh out the holy water,
Fresh out Mary the mother.
Can’t corrupt the white light, the earths hope, world’s might!
Can’t let you give in, lose course, all in the name of ...
Friday 17th June 2016 9:33 pm
February 2016 Collage Poem
Jesus went for a rather long walk
Through magpie faeces to the slaughterhouse
In the stench of hate
Hanging with religious gangrene
Cushioned in silent landscapes
Immersed silently with broken hope
Put away like broken dishes
A poetic riddle told what it could be,
Branches creaking like hands clapping
To the answer given.
Monday 8th February 2016 10:10 pm
The iPhone of Beelzebub
I've stolen Beelzebub's iphone, now I know the numbers of his friends
he's stuck for eternity without Facebook, oh how his hell never ends
I nicked St Peter's Kindle, now his words of wisdom are unsaid
Because I changed the password on his account, from Heaven swear words are sent
I hacked into Moses' iPad, now it's a tablet of stone
I wiped every file from the hard drive and chang...
Tuesday 8th December 2015 10:11 pm
What if the NHS was one of us?
No home, no job, just 12 good friends.
Betrayed by one who swore they never would.
Died too soon for pointless reasons.
What if God the NHS was one of us?
Sunday 7th April 2013 4:13 pm
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