The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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bird watching

gracefully i perch on the edge of the bus seat, 

so as to convey my feminine, my eyelashes. 

each time the doors open my posture rushes to fix itself, 

my fringe blown out by my hands running through it. 

when i'm most worn out, 

on the days when the world is dragging its feet,

when my joints tingle with pins and needles. 

to look pretty on the edge of a bus seat is a fufillin...

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poempoetrypoetwritingwritergirlhoodnon fictiongirlsfeministbeauty

'I'm fine'

There is a river that runs through me

But I can’t see its colours shine so brightly

I keep them all so confidential

And all of the breakdowns so existential

‘Going mental’, the mind’s so fragile


Can’t it be easy like it was when we were kids?

You grow up, some days stare into the abyss

But there is nothing like true happiness

You must hold on to happiness


When ...

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Super Girl

I was one of your cold nights earlier. But today I am full eclipse.

I am raw sand for you. But if you come to me, you will slip into it like I am your worst mire.

But I am very calm like the sea.
And I can also drown you in my dark depths or I can give you an edge.

Even I am not a burnt skin for you, I am a fire.
And if you near to my body, you will become one of my ashes.

Today I'm ...

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Dirty Heart

nails so immaculate

quiff by top coiffeur

works hours in gyms

voice a soothing purr


swims in hot cologne

really looked the part

nurtured in the mire

harbours a dirty heart


easy to smile and preen

glad-hand the unaware

suppress my defences

enticed me into his lair


had his way, I felt silly

cheated by this creep

trudged home deflated

felt m...

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Effect Divine

Where have the words gone?

Emptied vocabulary I wonder!

I can’t frame a single praise…

Biscuits she offered me politely

I had only peanuts to exchange.

I looked a savage in my own eyes

And she, a harbinger of change.


No thoughts about her for days together

Although she is cynosure of my eyes,

My stillness added to the inner solitude

Yet couldn’t create the effect...

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Her back, 
She appeared as her wings. 

Her eyes,
She showed the flames kept in it. 

Her jeans, shorts or any of clothes, 
Not just clothes, she showed her as a pearl hidden in the river. 

Her fingers, 
She showed as the waves move in the sea. 

Her Nails,
She showed that it was a stone peace that was part of the mountains.

Her Lips,
Well, it was a sweet poison, cha...

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"Hey Woman"

"Hey Woman"

I met a female

and thought
'hey girl'.

and thought
would I say
'hey boy'.

and said
'hey woman'.


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the girl with the curves wishes she was thinner

the girl with narrow hips wishes her breasts were bigger


the girl with the acne wishes her skin was clear

the girl with clear skin wishes her freckles would disappear 


the girl with intelligence wishes she was pretty

the girl with beauty wishes classes were easy


the girl with straight hair wishes it was curly

the g...

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Put your loving arms out baby

Her legs are like a motorway network


leading to know where

it’s congested

there’s been an accident

and everyone is pissed off

because it is going to take forever

to get home

how inconvenient


and when you get to the end

there’s a crash

and everyone slows


to look.





Get out.


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What Makes A Woman


No !

I am not a “thick badie”

And I am definitely not a snack for you to eat me

Also I am not your “average skinny bitch”


But I will tell, no, educate you on what I am really made of:


I am made of flesh, bones, nerves, muscle, blood, cells, hairs

And all of these things cannot be measured in terms of your huge unrealistic metaphors and excuses


I am blessed ...

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Boys and girls

Boys and girls
come out to play 
but boys are more often led astray 
From the moment of conception 
the boys hand holds a weapon 
pointing that willy 
willy nilly 
gradually learning to gauge the distance 
and then with age comes the decision 
to aim the weapon with more precision 
and the years of practice at pointing this piece 
plants seeds in his head
of disturbing the peace
but t...

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Weird Sisters

Weird Sisters

when did we four last meet
with doctor martins on our feet
hubble, bubble trick or treat
kiss and tell arms to greet
looks that kill in a heartbeat
concrete steps as a seat
stir the cauldron feel the heat
cool as fuck neat neat neat
no surrender no retreat
angel faces so petite
whiplash smiles sugar sweet
weird sisters of the street


Inspired By: photograph by Ri...

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enjoying lifefriendshappyrichpixweird sistersteenagersgirlsyouthstreet

The History of the World Part Four

The history of the world part four


Welcome to the history of the world part four

Part one is everything else that’s gone before

Parts two and three are you and me

And together it’s a volume delivered free


Welcome to your deepest desires

Destroy them, crush them, consign them to the fires

Welcome to the history of the world part four

Available to anyon...

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Her Prisoner of War.

She keeps her albums in a cardboard box and her singles are left on the floor.

Maybe she’s a girl that doesn’t care but then, she always brushes her hair.


Her bedroom is full of things in carrier bags and empty cardboard boxes.

There’s a bank statement on the side from nineteen eighty five under a TV guide.


In the hallway there’s junk mail and unopened letters and th...

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Out along a snow-flecked street,

Two giggling girls I chanced to meet;

In play that saw them free from care,

Their breath like smoke upon the air.


Face to face with hands locked fast

They jumped for joy as I walked past.

Bobbing to a silent rhyme,

Taking turns in perfect time.


I've said goodbye to sixty five,

But the youth within me came alive,


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