The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Clever Tara

Our dog ran away what could I say

as she pulls on my hand

simply wouldn’t stay 

was gone in a flash

where the leash from behind 

bounced with a crash 

I chased wildly behind 

without any gain

as the poor thing ran going insane

the clamor the clacking 

making such a roar

all the neighbors tore from 

their front door

“what’s this my goodness?!”  

they all ye...

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animal welfareFeel goodrespectanimals

Big Package For Little Dink 

It can’t be said cus I’ve lost my head forgotten more than we’ll ever know when the big package arrived for 

Little Dink 

simply wasn’t enough time to even think wrapped in yellow gold with bright purple bow 

looked more than 173 years old for I knew it must be as today’s 

the day of Little Dink’s birthday 

so there we all sat along the floor 

full of presents galore 

counted ...

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100 Feet Tall


Walking home from school instead 

of turning left I turned right

before me stood such a sight

all blue and green it stood 100 feet tall 

though not the least bit mean

I’m sure of this his smiled so bright  

brought a warmth to my heavy heart 

because today in class I had to start 

reading how we’re hurting our 

mother the good Mother Earth 

with fires that burn f...

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protecting the environmentrespectenviroment

The Misted Pane



I passed by a window

Where an old man smiled 

and misted up the dirty pane


Behind his eyes the sadness showed 

of every steep & rocky road

He'd had to climb


Next day I thought I'd call on him

And out he came

So pale and thin

-but with that smile


And graceful guile 


He said


in my mind, 

I'm as free as a summer breeze


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The Poetry King

A bow to The Poetry King,
who thinks he doesn't 
mean a thing 
in the grand scheme.

Wears his heart 
on stained sleeve,
makes paupers feel
like royalty.

Waxes poetic about 
life, love, and history
that would otherwise remain 
unsolved mysteries.

More than just a dream,
The Poetry King
lives eternally,
in you and me.

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The things that must be done

Encouraged by comments on my latest blog - and reminded that I always intend to post my blogs on WOL and usually get distracted before doing so - I'm repeating a blog from a few weeks ago which I didn't post here. With thanks to those who commented on the last one!


I've been thinking about what happens next. There's been a lot of talk in the press, and shared posts on social media, about t...

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lockdownfamilyfriendsfossil fuelsNHScommuterespectcare home

Interpretive Dance

go away.

I only want young, thin, pretty girls 
to look my way.

I don't care if they have anything 
intelligent to say.

I just want them to ooh and awe 
at my game. 

Of course I have no shame,
my past is to blame.

Yes, this dance could drive  
the thinker insane.

So, leave with your dignity,
while I toss back another one, 
and twirl my ring. 

# # #


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dancedignityshamerespectdiscriminationlifelovemisogynynarcissismrelationshipsthe past

To Be Adored

One day, I would love to sign my name
be wildly proud to autograph a volume
My words printed there in glorious black ink
Type-set, spell-checked and bar-coded
head-shot just inside the hard cover…

And the girl opposite says she loves my work
the way it resonates with her own feelings
gives a voice to what has gone unsaid
she and her beau read them at night

I’d be be one step closer to...

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Respect to the Snowflake Generation

Don’t listen to them when they call you snowflakes.

Don’t be hurt when they call you fucking pansies.

Pity them. They are damaged. And they fear you.


They think it’s too much work to be inclusive,

too used to being the privileged majority.

Who is it really that’s easily offended?


When they see they don’t define the world anymore.

You do. That is why they fear you.


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snowflakeSpoken Word poetrygeneration Zenvironmental crisisrespectAnti-bullyingnational poetry dayequality

Aretha Franklin Acrostic











R really loved
E especially beautiful
S sexy in many ways
P perfect harmony
E enjoyed by many
C close to perfection
T talented

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I’m Not Your Zebra

I’m not your zebra.

I don’t want you to chase me

to show your devotion.

I’m not your lioness.

You don’t need to pursue me

across the plains

to demonstrate your loyalty.

You don’t need to dominate me

to prove your masculinity.

I don’t need you to need me.

I’m not your source,

I’m not your mother, 

I’m not your bitch.

You don’t need to chip, chip

chip away, ...

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codependencefeministmisogynyrelationshipsrespectSpoken Word poetry

First Fight

There were tears

Rolling down my face.

I never was a pretty crier,

So I looked away.


Heard your voice

Over my heavy breathing,

Crying harder when you said

You weren't leaving.


I hold tight to everything;

Knuckles white from my grip.

If I let go, even a little,

My whole world could slip.


I've been afraid, though,

To hold onto you.

My heart ga...

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A Strangers Bravery

There is so much pain and suffering,

For a land that should be free,

So much death and anguish,

For a place that many won’t see.

Yet of they march, they sail, they fly,

To fight for what is true.

Some to return, and some to die,

These brave men we never knew.

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Let there be love!

There once was a man that said
he"d loved all his children no matter what.
And if that's so and if we choose to believe it
then why can't we accept they way others love
if he can?

Because quite frankly
everyone deserve to be loved.
And when being loved or loving one
it shouldn't matter about the fact
that a guy likes another guy
or the fact that a women
likes another women
because lo...

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lovelove is lovegod loves allgodrespectstop the bullyinghuman

For a Stranger

I saw a girl today.

Her hair was fire.

And like fire, I was drawn to her.

Like fire, I kept my distance.


I was afraid she might burn me,

That my passion would consume me.

So I let the moment pass,

And I watched her leave.


But like staring into a flame,

When she was gone,

And I closed my eyes,

I still saw her.

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Attention Dear David



Dial up all your spin now and tell us some more of your lies,

but you know it won't save your party from a very big surprise,

for there are still more debts growing despite all of your cuts,

by the end of your term in power we'll fight for old shanty huts,

for the truth is our country owes much more than do the Greeks,

Nine times our GDP is what your chum Osborne...

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Ripples of Detriment


Ripples of Detriment
I will not mourn your passing, or for that, rejoice your death
As you embark upon the journey that begins with your last breath
Perhaps you thought it proper and in sound mind made your choices
Utilitarian motives maybe?   Deafend you, to the sound of poorer voices?
The miners, plebs and working class who became collateral damage

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If a bitch stands on her own two feet and defends herself when she is criticised.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.     

If a bitch is real and exposes people when they’re chatting lies.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.

If a bitch demands respect and holds her own.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.

If a bitch still walks in greatness  even when she’s alone.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH

If a ...

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Paulyn LloydBitchrespecttruth

Upon Disappearing

I’m not quite sure

when it was I disappeared

the precise moment, minute, hour

I only know that one day

it happened

I ceased to exist

to count,

to matter,

to be.


Nobody told me so,

the milkman still knocked,

neighbours still smiled,

kettles still boiled,

and children still cried,

but somewhere, somehow

someone flicked a switch


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