The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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#1 (bitter pangs)



Bitter pangs

Leak puddling

To the floor


The GP




By women

Crying 'ouch'

For sick notes

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biaschronic illnessesChronic painmisogynyNHSNHS reformsexismshamesickness

Interpretive Dance

go away.

I only want young, thin, pretty girls 
to look my way.

I don't care if they have anything 
intelligent to say.

I just want them to ooh and awe 
at my game. 

Of course I have no shame,
my past is to blame.

Yes, this dance could drive  
the thinker insane.

So, leave with your dignity,
while I toss back another one, 
and twirl my ring. 

# # #


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dancedignityshamerespectdiscriminationlifelovemisogynynarcissismrelationshipsthe past

I’m Not Your Zebra

I’m not your zebra.

I don’t want you to chase me

to show your devotion.

I’m not your lioness.

You don’t need to pursue me

across the plains

to demonstrate your loyalty.

You don’t need to dominate me

to prove your masculinity.

I don’t need you to need me.

I’m not your source,

I’m not your mother, 

I’m not your bitch.

You don’t need to chip, chip

chip away, ...

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codependencefeministmisogynyrelationshipsrespectSpoken Word poetry

Next Years Model

Next Years Model


She smiled a permanent beguiling smile

And welcomed me with open arms

I kissed her cold red lips

And stared deep into her black eyes

Ran my fingers over perfect curves

Licked her and prayed she wouldn’t rust


I felt the steady pulse of her beat

Charged to the max

Until her age

Caused her to drain away

More quickly than I wanted

And she ...

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sin came first

sin came first

traced into tungsten ringed confinement

where a woman fluttered accomplished mumbles

offering a  freeform montage of nailed harmonic and shoddily baked

reality whilst peeing through her lowcut tights as rudimentary

precaution against the weathered discharge of wearisome love

yet still she sports a fierce grin through the endless commitment

of shapeless corners a...

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shelter '76

the rain drums his fingers impatiently
along the length of a blue dusting lung busting puckered roof
and fingers the gaps where once there was glass
wire veined, designed to resist
a boot, a fist a flick of the wristy bone
trebuchet yet now carpeting this concrete nest
of surly youth in a crystal expression of boys
when they are bored
nowhere better then than this Park Drive smo...

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Silent Critic

Silent Critic   Unmissable

in letters three feet high

across the bridge

they wrote


and before

the paint was dry

Kelly carved

her sharp reply

in a deeper crimson shade

just two

short lines

as double edged

as Kelly’s blade

exposed the lie

that gave offence

- and their careless

use of tense.

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