The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

To Be Adored

One day, I would love to sign my name
be wildly proud to autograph a volume
My words printed there in glorious black ink
Type-set, spell-checked and bar-coded
head-shot just inside the hard cover…

And the girl opposite says she loves my work
the way it resonates with her own feelings
gives a voice to what has gone unsaid
she and her beau read them at night

I’d be be one step closer to meeting my potential
achieved something of worth
So, when my child wants to know me
they can be proud of what I made

And though, at times, my emotions ran so cold
my self-worth, some nights, practically sub-zero
I managed to focus my thoughts long enough
to shape them into a tidy poem

Illustrate each feeling I have wrestled through
let others to know they’re not alone
Give language to annunciate their hurt
in return, all I want
is their respect
and to be adored…

(2004, an old dream)



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Fri 14th Jun 2019 11:07

You've got to aim high I guess ?

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Fri 14th Jun 2019 10:55

'Tis asking a lot Tom. Hope you get some of it at least ?
Go well

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