rainbow (Remove filter)
Through The Storm
A mother’s heart, In pieces,
All hope gone.
Quietly she sits, Reminiscing On the day it all went wrong.
Heart-crushing words,
Her whole world torn apart,
As the doctor said,
Apologetic, “We can’t hear the heart.”
Completely numb,
She sits with a blank stare,
In total denial, Refusing To face her deepest fear
She cried out loud,
Thursday 14th November 2024 6:01 pm
Paper Cup
once my cup ran over
with everything, mainly love
a large cup it was
then the cup became paper
was drained of everything
in the trash
but I found a final ounce of myself
glowing at the end of my moons rainbow
yes they exist
and took it to find my way home in the dark
Thursday 14th December 2023 4:20 pm
Sometimes it feels like the world is falling apart
Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you try, you just keep getting brought down
You tell yourself that everything is going to be alright
You tell yourself that you will survive
You look for a sign, anything to tell you that you are going down the right path
You pray to God that he gives you the strength to carry on
And jus...
Wednesday 16th June 2021 5:17 pm
Don't judge me with your bitterness.
Don't care how you dress.
To me, it doesn't matter who you kiss.
Love is a philosophy, not an activity.
Don't force your adjectives on me.
My acceptance is on the content of your character.
Selfishness is the only way you know how to care.
The way you walk through life.
It is like walking on the edge of a knife.
Cutting awa...
Friday 5th February 2021 9:40 pm
Night On A Rainbow
arches and keystone
without one they fall
life sustained by you
or I had nothing at all
skies at time of damp
arch of hues on show
feast with brittle rays
grist for my rainbow
refraction bends light
you twisted my heart
with love's pot of gold
vowed we'd not part
rainbow but an illusion
your promise the same
capricious the crescent
not ho...
Monday 21st December 2020 10:46 am
they were innocent at school, bubbles
you got the tin and wand and blew
wet globules flew in the playground
we cheered at the squadrons we grew
they hit you in the face but harmless
we ran madly trailing clouds of glory
each bubble with its personal rainbow
to embroider some memory or story
trouble was that strong soapy smell
a reminder of the pain of bath nigh...
Wednesday 16th December 2020 10:59 am
Rainbow Stripes
Mami's little princess
Papi's pride and joy
Mami taught her to be a good house wife
Mami taught her to be a smart girl
Papi taught her to think twice before saying yes to any boy
Papi taught her to be a strong and to be an independent girl
Mami's little princess
Papi's pride and joy
The little princess grew up to like girls not boys
And Papi's heart broke
And Mami's ...
Friday 6th November 2020 7:44 pm
People say "Ewww, you don't write like you come from the Wirral!" And yet I can't write a better metaphor than this!
A bridge has the first clue
Not a single natural occurrence
Folklore is just the arguments
When enough blood spilt of "Promise"
And promised to whom until every paw
Daubed on crying babies watered
A crossing to where demanded?
Only fair to ask one question
If walk up across bridge
What could happen
If from other way
Sunday 20th September 2020 2:28 pm
24 Carat
Waking up newly in love
Is there a more lyrical thing?
Mind focused on the one
Destined to wear your ring
Dawns depend on your mood
Roseate when things go well
Blue if you're feeling anxious
Black if you're living a hell
Rising slowly in sickness
Racked by aches and pains
Life teeming with negatives
Griefs but no sign of gains
Dawns depend on your...
Monday 3rd August 2020 10:33 am
When you see a rainbow
A rainbow appears when there is sun and rain
The weathers equivalent of joy and pain
Grey clouds may come to darken your day
Sunshine and blue skies, will light up your way
A spectrum of colour created by reflection of light
An optical illusion, presenting an arc that delights
The rain subsides and the rainbow fades away
The sun breaks through, revealing a brighter day
...Monday 25th May 2020 6:44 pm
Imprisoned or Prism
This poem is a response to Cynthia B.T's. polite polemic, Mind in a Cage.
I am grateful to her for having incited me to use my mind.
Imprisoned or Prism
Our mind is the eye
By which we see, or not, all worlds;
The humdrum, the yet to come,
The mathematical, the fantastical.
By which we perceive, or n...
Tuesday 25th June 2019 4:21 pm
Hiding in the dark
Sun beams through a rough parchment
Glimpse of a rainbow
Friday 9th November 2018 4:27 pm
Black And White
A hundred thoughts in my mind
Yet struggling to pen down some lines.
There is this rainbow, all over me;
But I am all white
Just being black and white.
Bullet is cheaper than love;
Tears wiping away smiles.
Death winning over life;
But I am alright,
Just being black and white.
A hundred arrows pierced my heart;
Haven't split a pint of blood, yet
Thursday 7th December 2017 4:54 pm
Rainbow Bridges
Rainbow Bridges
Rainbow bridges
and Ice Cream ridges.
A Cotton Candy cloud
Everyone is wowed.
A Chocolate mountain
flows into a Chocolate fountain.
Boy am I
gonna get fat!
Monday 22nd May 2017 1:46 am
and show up
for your life
Have faith
Rainbows will come
with treasures
from heaven...
by Lynn Hahn
Thursday 12th January 2017 6:55 am
Before She Came (The Girl From Kansas)
Before She Came (The Girl From Kansas)
before she came
I stood here
for what seemed
like eons
with a blood red sun
setting behind me
my head full
of nothing more
than sawdust
and dreams
a hole in my chest
where beetles
come rain or shine
my only fear
that crows might see
through me
be brav...
Saturday 22nd June 2013 2:02 pm
We Visited A Rainbow
We visited a rainbow
at school the other day.
Every colour said hello
except for gloomy grey.
We visited a rainbow,
and used its arch to slide,
then when it started raining,
we used the arch to hide.
We visited a rainbow,
but never saw its gold.
Our teacher said it’s locked away,
but we think it’s been sold.
...Sunday 12th May 2013 9:16 am
Mixed Emotions
The heart is such a complex thing
It pumps and beats like a finely tuned machine
But unlike a machine it feels emotions
That can carry you down into the deepest oceans
Or carry you upwards full of love and devotions
What will today bring I wonder
What does my heart want to feel I ponder
Do I think of you and dive down so deep
To the d...
Thursday 5th November 2009 12:07 am
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