bubbles (Remove filter)


they were innocent at school, bubbles

you got the tin and wand and blew

wet globules flew in the playground

we cheered at the squadrons we grew


they hit you in the face but harmless

we ran madly trailing clouds of glory

each bubble with its personal rainbow

to embroider some memory or story


trouble was that strong soapy smell

a reminder of the pain of bath nigh...

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bubblesrainbowsoapyglobesserfdomsbubble-kitwhite coats




Weightless and free

Orbs of pure simplicity



Not a care

Aloft and riding on the air

Crystal clear


Spheres of rainbows 

And reflections


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Writer's Block

When you get writer's block
go for a walk

find a friend 
have a talk

blow bubbles
spin a top

count stars
watch birds flock

whatever you do 

don't stare 
at a blank page

as the clock
goes tick-tock. 

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writer's blockwriting lifenaturebirdstimefriendsconnectionbubblesstarsblank pagefunnyhumorous poetry

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