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In the form of Flame,

Is a mother's touch,

Calm, Gentle, Warm,

The same Fire,

With circumstances,


Raging, Ravaging, Revolting,

Learn from Fire,

To be a caressing mother,

For Good,

And be the destroyer,

For Evil,

Ignite your Fire,


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fireflameacceptable behaviourfireworkscoldchangewinterbluesmood

Poison Ivy

Like poison ivy creeping through my brain
Strangling emotions, my words are maimed 
Shutting me down and keeping me in
Making me feel that the true me is a sin
Holding me back and won't let me out
Wanting to scream, wanting to shout
I will find a way to let the world see
I'm going to break free, I want to be me
So poison ivy your not in control 
I'll keep on fighting until my life feels w...

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was lovely last Christmas

hugs amid a snow storm

face so bright and caring

mind in such good form


sharp, as bright as a pin

enjoying tinsel and pies,

no hint of grief to come,

warmth yet in grey eyes


change, a new confusion

not sure of time or day,

struggled finding words,

shopping, lost her way


I know his face, where...?

why cant I remember?


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24 Carat

Waking up newly in love

Is there a more lyrical thing?

Mind focused on the one

Destined to wear your ring


Dawns depend on your mood

Roseate when things go well

Blue if you're feeling anxious

Black if you're living a hell


Rising slowly in sickness

Racked by aches and pains

Life teeming with negatives

Griefs but no sign of gains


Dawns depend on your...

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Summer heat makes us strip of nothing

little shirts, toes out, booties 

Splash in the pool

Seeing new faces that disappear, when the seasons start to change

Building a bond tight like links

Apart as sweat makes us sticky

Fall in likes with summer treatment

Fall to see orange and yellow leaves

As the summer treatment has invited somebody

Moods start to change

I need th...

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