drowning (Remove filter)
I’m drowning in the remnants of my own mind,
Falling deeper into the abyss of consciousness
That threatens to spill out onto the pavement at any given moment.
Pull the trigger and watch it flow?
flowing out.
My soul is bursting at the seams,
breaking out,
broken up,
bending wildly.
I’m bartering with my...
Tuesday 5th November 2024 7:07 pm
I left everything, and made you my everything. Just for you to stab me in the back. Down on my lowest you left. I thought you had my best interest, instead you squeezed my heart to death. And instead of giving it back you left my heart on the shelf. Haven’t let me seen taeden, you got him thinking I left him by himself. Left me for dead, I was sleeping in the car by myself. Cold and lonely, I did...
Tuesday 24th September 2024 4:01 pm
I've got entangled in pure mystery
never endured a coquette so lewd,
her words twinkle like spangles but
despite all the glitter she's shrewd
I've come across some fast workers
in moments she had me unzipped
I'm far from a slouch at glib patter
in her sea-soiled face rests a crypt
its like being a drunken fire-eater
on a water-bed playing with fire
I've grow...
Friday 20th August 2021 10:43 am
I let you all down
? I let myself down
Now it’s time to go
Time let my thoughts d
Tuesday 16th February 2021 1:23 pm
in your flood
one step out the door
one step forward
one step closer
to the flood
one step backward
one step in reverse
one step away
from drowning
a punch to the gut
and tears streaming,
more than the smiles
more than the ‘i love you’s
and how many more years like this
how much can i take like this
i agreed to ever after
but this now, these lows
i can do without
i barely survive the cr...
Saturday 12th September 2020 1:08 am
Death in Paradise (testimony of a witnessed event)
A body falls…
Men dive in
Phones ring out
Faces look shocked
The ambulance arrives…
A dead body is put inside
And the corner shop is
We put the beer in the bag
Hope the water is back on
Plan the telly
As an ambulance speeds by
Under a milky moon
Back home…
the neighbour
Brushed by…
his brother had drowned
and died
Tuesday 25th August 2020 5:09 pm
Dog Day
Dog Day
The day was hot
Hot and humid
Stretching out
Into a dog day afternoon
The boy was young
Young and stupid
Stretching out
Beneath the furnace sun
The tarn was cold
Cold and ruthless
Stretching out
Along the sunny banks
The swim was exhilarating
Exhilarating and cooling
Stretching out
And heading for the shore
The tar...
Wednesday 12th August 2020 12:36 pm
A Drowning Dream.
To learn everyday was what taught to me,
Sinking in an ocean, moving steadily;
It was the ocean of knowledge and believes,
Suddenly the world changed, and power came to cease.
'Look at him, look at her', comparing to the whole world,
Trying my very best, to win in every word.
Becoming a good son, a dear brother and good friend,
But that 'I', was lost in the end.
I became what you want,...
Friday 10th July 2020 3:05 pm
The Truth Within
I’ve drowned, too
trying to stay afloat
swimming in those eyes of ocean blue
navigating through hypnotic moves
and poetic words
that make you feel
he only has eyes for you
But in truth,
you’re another hole
he’s been trying to fill
another escape
to let his mind erase
the truth within
“Was I Just Another One?”
Saturday 21st March 2020 3:58 pm
The Sea
A black ocean falls upon me
I am consumed by the waves
Deeper I drown
The cold sends shocks through my body
A cattle prod for every inch of flesh
The pressure grows
Crushing my bones
The weight of 1000 suns reduces me to ash
I am nothing
Wednesday 30th October 2019 6:29 pm
Not Drowning but Waving (apologies to Stevie Smith)
I saw you in the market
And I gave a little wave
To give you a slight greeting,
But you didn’t see me,
So I gave an exaggerated wave
To get your attention, which worked.
You saw me and thought I was
Motioning for help, so you shouted,
“Help! Someone please help that man.
He may be having a heart attack.”
In horror, I started waving both arms
Excitedly to indicate t...
Monday 25th March 2019 12:43 pm
The Ghost of Christmas Passed
Twas the night before Christmas
When starless darkness held the night
With howling wind and sleet;
All through the house was ne'er a light
Dark, and a door that creaked
And despite the fire, twas cold as snow
Only the low fire flicker
Could lend the room a ghostly glow
And light the undecked tree.
I crept towards the bottom stair
Mouse-still and watching
A creak, a...
Friday 14th December 2018 2:17 pm
The Reefs of Armageddon
Occasionally, Far North Queensland experiences the full force of a Category Five cyclone (also known as a hurricane or typhoon). Their strength is phenomenal, as can be the damage caused, and I certainly would not like to be out on the battered Barrier Reef in one.
The Reefs of Armageddon
Warm and deadly waters shine like beaten silver
wrapped 'round kaleidoscope cays in the morning ...
Wednesday 19th September 2018 6:52 am
I’m losing my mind.
Don’t you understand?
I’m desperately reaching out for your hand.
Don’t leave me hanging, slipping, falling…
down into the endless abyss of darkness,
Never destined to land.
You’ve saved me once before,
But this time there are no safety ropes.
I’m free-falling, plummeting, going down…
My only hope Is for you to save me now.
I’m losing my ...
Monday 18th June 2018 2:59 pm
Real Life Nightmare
Every moment to fear,
Forever holding back internal tears.
Life- so complicated,
forever indecisive.
The world too big, too scary,
my mind so full of queries.
Never certain, never happy,
each decision could be deadly.
An escapes impossible,
every outcomes implausible.
Sinking under water,
Always being taken for a martyr.
The pain runs so deep,
Barely able to ...
Sunday 17th June 2018 11:34 pm
i’m sinking in a pool of my own thoughts and my own mind
a whole sea full of water yet it’s full of nothing but air
do you hear me?
there’s nothing really there yet i’m
i’m drownig and gasping for air...
but no water is there?
how the fuck is it possible for me to feel like i’m drowning when i thought i knew how to swim
i’m drowning becau...
Monday 5th March 2018 9:36 am
Sadness is tears after losing a game or a broken bone, depression is sobs at 3 in the morning when you're all alone. Sadness makes you blue, depression makes you numb. Sadness loses to happy, depression loses to none. Sadness says, "I love you, hold me", depression screams, "I love you, go away!". Sadness is only fleeting, depression brings its bags to stay. Sadness is the curious neighbor, depres...
Wednesday 7th January 2015 5:18 am
This is where they come from:
villages eaten up by sand
river beds run dry
lands of red earth stained with blood
where there are mobs, bombs, bullets,
crops that fail.
This is who they are:
the young, the desperate, the brave,
fathers with daughters, motherless sons,
whose sin was to be born poor
worship the wrong body
bow before the wrong...
Monday 7th October 2013 8:56 am
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