The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Truth Within

I’ve drowned, too

trying to stay afloat

swimming in those eyes of ocean blue

navigating through hypnotic moves

and poetic words

that make you feel

he only has eyes for you 


But in truth,

you’re another hole

he’s been trying to fill

another escape

to let his mind erase

the truth within


“Was I Just Another One?”



◄ A Pause...

Our Story is Done ►


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Sun 22nd Mar 2020 05:51

Thanks Do & V for your comments. I’m glad you enjoyed the poem and song. I felt they fit perfectly together.

Thanks Emer for liking this.

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Sat 21st Mar 2020 19:19

Heartbreaking, haunting poem with awesome music video played in a cave, how cool. Thanks for sharing! ❤


Sat 21st Mar 2020 17:32

Virtual me
Awaits healing
Look to left and right
Your poems perfectly bright
Loved the song attached ?

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