The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

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i believed every word thats when the tables turned

i fell for the pretence of feeling me at first

part of me always knew this was heading for the worse

cause i know im not the only girl youre lying

to the only girl you crying to

i was stupid to feel special

but fresh out of heartbreak how was i to know who you genuine too

you got such good timing shouldve noticed the mind game...

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Gaming Addiction

On hearing that the NHS are setting up new clinics for teenagers who are addicted to playing games online

N H Chess....

A different

Game to play

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Snakes & Ladders

Sometimes life is like playing a board game...

It gets so mundane

When each day

Seems the 


In this

Bored game

You play

Couldn't stay long

On the square

You were on

Kept sliding away

At the edge

Waits a


And he's ready

To take

You astray

But battle's 

Not finished

You can

Still win this

So in the game

You'll stay


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The Game Changed

Walking down this endless road,

Never knowing which way to go.

Each path seems dark,

each breath

harder than the last,

constantly hiding from the past.


I try to find the strength to move on,

But each time I do, you still want to have

your fun. When will it sink in?

You will never win.

I’m done playing,

You might think you’re staying.

Truth is you’re as temp...

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a-level poetrycheatcutting tiesdeceitdisloyalgamesheart gameshurtlieslossloveno longer being an enablerold poempainpoem from collegereciprocated lovethe new generation's gamesthrowback to old poetrythrowback to old workunfaithfulyoung love


Worry to the unknown

Kindness kills

Silence is murderous

Wonder what we are

Scared to make a move


Can’t move back

Only forward

He is king moving all over the board

I’m looking back

Asking why and what

Thought he was the one

He pulled a move on me

Chess master

I didn’t see that move coming

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Love is strong

The fight in my heart

Stuck between two

I will need surgery and security

After, I tell her a story of love and why I can’t be with her

Only one can be with me

Triplets we aren’t

My love is equal

Internal and external

As it’s not a game

I waited too long

To say who is the survivor

Heart made of steel

Mounted closed

Some kind of way

Your st...

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Riding on red

Baby, oh cry "red red" baby!

Red stare, double dare me, baby.

You look angry maybe,

that frown like a red cloak across your gaze

with your silver tongue

words like shining bullets

cutting me down with your mad arms.

What mad, bad arms you have!

What a mad, bad glare you have!

All the better to come swinging at me

with those meaty limbs like axes.

Oh, please baby I'...

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angerdangergameslovelove makingmanipulationred ridinghoodsexthreat

Battle of our chests

There is a war rallied between our hearts:

some people say love,

other people play love.


But when life becomes a game,

when words can only be spoken by characters,

when breath can only be projected by theatre

then I lose you lose me....and I risk losing you....

And the curtains fall shut -

Shows over.

And the dice stops rolling -

We lost the bet.



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heartbreaklovegamesdestructivedangerouspainunrequited lovecomplicatedfalse




The nines of the world curl, whole and enticing

Fat eights wobble but do not fall

Sevens sharply the space are slicing

Sixes are comforting, rock and cradle us all

Fives are boldly pregnant but sheltered

Fours chop up, down, over and square

Threes make promises, round and salted

Twos are monopods, stomping here and there

But ones like raindrops slip in, here ...

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Memories of old,

flooding fast through my mind,

some tinged with sadness

and some, sweet sublime.


A fireside reverie shared

with eyes so bright,

an audience of innocence

and excited delight.


The crackling logs        

on the fires of time,

the little rapt faces as

you feed them a line.


Of thunder, lightning,

and rain as we run!

Football, toy...

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What’s a’foot, or perhaps, a’paw?
The doggy population just continues to grow.
One, two, three four legged ‘friends’, stretchy leads a’tangle.
Dogless people do beware, those sniffing noses approach, at the right angle.
Leaping up to a gent, aiming straight at the lap
For ladies wearing mini’s they don’t need a map

It all adds to humankind’s woes
Who’s in charge?  When we see that al...

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Skool Daze



At our school we wore red ties and big, blue, woolly sweaters.

Groaning, frowning, learning all those numbers, saints and letters.


The nuns were big and ruthless and they loved to swish the cane.

The summer skies were always blue, it never seemed to rain.

I had a cat sewn in my bag - I couldn’t read my name -

till some wise wit made fun of it – I n...

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nunscatholicreminiscingschool daysnostalgiagames

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