The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

unfaithful (Remove filter)


Either to swear, or not
The lies are a bad spot 
Thanks, but thanks a lot 
For your unfaithful effort 

Isabella, remember, again 
That love has fall in a drain 
Not only nothing to gain 
But also broke the brain 

You believe all what you say 
As a role of a daily play 
Surely, will see some day 
How much of love you deny 

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swearliesbadspot  ThanksunfaithfuleffortIsabellarememberlovefalldrainnothinggainbrokebrainbelievewhatsayroledailyplaySurelyseedaydeny 

The Game Changed

Walking down this endless road,

Never knowing which way to go.

Each path seems dark,

each breath

harder than the last,

constantly hiding from the past.


I try to find the strength to move on,

But each time I do, you still want to have

your fun. When will it sink in?

You will never win.

I’m done playing,

You might think you’re staying.

Truth is you’re as temp...

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a-level poetrycheatcutting tiesdeceitdisloyalgamesheart gameshurtlieslossloveno longer being an enablerold poempainpoem from collegereciprocated lovethe new generation's gamesthrowback to old poetrythrowback to old workunfaithfulyoung love

Like a moth to a flame

Myself I have to blame
After declaring“I have severed
Our relation, intolerant to
Her theatrical and self-seeking love game!”
Back to square one, under
The pretext of sympathy, of course,
Buckling under her sight and voice
I acted the same,like a moth to a flame!

Though my siblings and friends
Advised, “A leech, if she has no other intent
Then, inconsiderate, she'll bleed you dry

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bittercukoldfoolloveunfaithfulwasted lives

Happy Fucking Father's Day

Relentless June rain juggles summer of performance

To the rolling up of realisation, also someone’s daughter                                                        

Equestrian misses whipping mistress, remains martyred loner     

Highly billed, sought after, ticketed circus owner


Medium of intuition dangles planchette of indecision

To your high wire of collusion, an in...

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planchettemistresslovepainunfaithfulfather's day

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