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Saving Me For Later

despite frosty relations in the office

a snobbish reaction to my charms

I live in hope your chill will thaw

that soon you'll end up in my arms


I can't fail to notice signs aplenty

of you revising your adverse opinion

your eye contact seems improved

am I no longer a humdrum minion?


I'm sure you're saving me for later

delaying the better dish until last


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saving meeye contactbody languagesmoke signalsfield



What’s a’foot, or perhaps, a’paw?
The doggy population just continues to grow.
One, two, three four legged ‘friends’, stretchy leads a’tangle.
Dogless people do beware, those sniffing noses approach, at the right angle.
Leaping up to a gent, aiming straight at the lap
For ladies wearing mini’s they don’t need a map

It all adds to humankind’s woes
Who’s in charge?  When we see that al...

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Song of the Sunflower


Was it the yellow of your bright petals
or the way you danced in the breeze
that I brought you home from fields?
Was it the strength of your upright stalks
or the camaraderie, your solidarity?

There in the sun you sang hope,
songs that filled a mourning heart;
there in the wind you whispered
plaintive farewells on conflicted air-
fill this grieving with consolat...

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