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Sleeping in a Forest

Everyone deserves a dream or two.


Sleeping in a Forest


Light and fire and music

all dance within me

in this perfect, silent forest

as she welcomes me to her breast,

full with fallen seeds and crinkled leaves

for my head; my bed of ashen river stones,

murmured possums, and repose. Long I slept

while overhead the white-hot starfields

bent to their nightly arcs of fire,

and I drifted, liquid and unaware

of the urgent trills of morning.


Christopher Hubbard




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Tue 17th Apr 2018 03:36

nice take on words.
thank you for sharing your poetry words.
good bye.

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Chris Hubbard

Wed 1st Feb 2017 00:49

Hi Colin,

Thanks for your thoughts. Yes, here I am in sunny summer-time Perth, where the other day I saw 44C on the car's thermometer.

The Noongar Aboriginal people of the Swan River coastal plains have a mythical Dreamtime snake-like creature they call the Wagyl or Rainbow Serpent. It is responsible for creating the land and water formations of the region.

The cloudless night sky here is far clearer than anything I've seen in the northern hemisphere; the Milky Way is always spread across the sky, and even more clearly in the bush.

The forest is probably the great Karri and Jarrah forests of the south-west of WA, some parts of which are truly awesome.

All the best,


<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 31st Jan 2017 09:41

I believe you are in Perth down under Chris.

I was just reading a travel article about Australia in which the journalist took in the vast extent of the Milky Way whilst visiting Uluru. He said the 'Aboriginal Yolngu people believe it's a gigantic river, and that when they die, they are taken there by a mystical canoe.'

Nice to read your piece after coming across that, wherever your forest might be. Thanks for posting. Colin.

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