Men (Remove filter)
A scary bunch
This morning I was having a conversation
a slightly uncomfortable conversation .
I thought about a world without men
and my boyfriend seemed upset.
"Even without me?" he asked
and that was a though one to answer.
I thought about a world with no fear
no fear for my body, no fear for me.
But honestly a world without him,
that is even more scary to think about.
"I wo...
Tuesday 3rd December 2024 7:17 am
Flat Packed
It came all wrapped in cardboard
I got it in with a violent tug
She says, I'm sure you'll have it built and left me with a hug
It opened like Pandora box, pieces spread around the floor
I knew I'd have to borrow tools, from Fred at number thirty four
There's two number ones, screws and dowels in many little packets
She measured the space and ordered it, God I better hope it fits?
A degree ...
Sunday 21st April 2024 1:53 pm
Men don’t like to show their feelings,
So they must seem strong and tough.
And they must not show signs of weakness
And while some are refined, others are rough.
Men deal with one thing at a time,
As they cannot multi-task.
And while at times they may need help,
They are then afraid to ask.
Men do not like to return things,
As it’s awkward and a hassle.
But they love to be king o...
Thursday 11th May 2023 3:51 pm
untitled pillows
untitled pillows
Dawn disclosed it –
Light from an honest butter sky
Reveling in a freelance body next to me,
With our fragrant attraction
As dried up
As an Atacamian kiss.
I put in me
Sweet, sweet whiskey
Sweet scorned man.
Back then, under the accents
And sweet reprieve of street swept skies
We had clinked our glasses several times
In mome...
Tuesday 16th August 2022 12:28 pm
sheltered soul
A sheltered soul is not soulful.
He’s hidden with worry and exhaustion.
Because the thought of pursuing is tiring,
Is damning,
Is embarrassing.
In a space that is too wide
There’s too much interpretation for the open.
So instead he closes himself softly,
He’s never been told.
He’s never been asked.
He’s never known that a sheltered soul is not soulful.
...Tuesday 22nd February 2022 5:52 am
Ella's Fitter
Her pearly teeth gave me migraine
I was awed by her withering voice
Her feet bigger than dustbin lids
Ella was my one and only choice
Riddled with human deficiencies
None of us are perfect after all
Ella was well aware of her limits
She was less than four foot tall
Yet she boasted hidden talents
She could easily manage a top C
On piano she matched Rubinstein
...Tuesday 17th November 2020 11:11 am
"Hey Woman"
"Hey Woman"
I met a female
and thought
'hey girl'.
and thought
would I say
'hey boy'.
and said
'hey woman'.
Tuesday 15th October 2019 2:10 am
Cultus Decorum
The bladder alarm rings, it’s time to go
No platted legs will dam this river flow
Locate the door, and start to walk
This is when we cease to talk
Brace yourself, we are going in
Assume bland face, we must not grin
Place hand on wood and push the door
And hope no one’s pissed on the floor
Cabin or trough, that is the choice
Are you man or mouse? begs your inner...
Monday 20th May 2019 7:44 pm
Out Loud
Let your voice be heard
Surely you earn and win
Let ideas more cleared
For all women and men
Tell me what do you think
How did you see yourself?
Freely talk, no blink
Why to keep it on shelf
Open mind and heart
Nobody is remaining fool
Surely you're smart
To become happy and cool
Sunday 14th April 2019 1:25 pm
Layered Cake
Layered Cake
I’ve known many unsavory characters from my home city of Manchester
There’s the ex-demolition guy who took a great dislike to me
Did he have visions of blowing me up instead of my old car?
He had a trainee apprentice in the wings and had connections
I knew several football hooligans who fought for what?
For England, their home team, themselves, for violence?
Wednesday 26th December 2018 11:59 am
I'm Done
Why am I constantly the toy
of a man child's eye?
Then supposed men tell me,
I need someone like them?!
Something doesn't make sense...
Maybe it's me...
Monday 10th December 2018 1:37 am
Cookie Lucky
Cookie Lucky
There goes a cookie
I'm feeling lucky!
Observed the RAF aircrew
When the huge bomb blew
An explosive filled dustbin
Made of little more than tin
Killing more damned Germans
The blame was all Herman's
Sending the Krauts to Hell
Sound of the final bell
Dead in their beds at night
What an awful Satanic fright
We gave them a real blitz
Enough to m...
Monday 25th June 2018 5:00 pm
Friday Night, We Walked Along The Beach
Friday night we walked along the beach
talking over a static sea
through all we wearily witnessed this year
still we speak in riddles
the way men often can
it only gets harder as you get older
weighted with expectation
You didn't turn to face me
kept your eyes fixed on the horizon
said 'she's pregnant'
with a pregnant smile
Black boots kicking stones across wet sand
choking out cong...
Friday 5th January 2018 8:22 pm
Sitting on the bathroom floor sobbing
wondering if others
converse with people who are not there
To those that have torn their hearts
into tiny pieces
the invisible people who were vapor
when their bodies were in the room
Irina Dunn coined the phrase
a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle
I repeat that to myself often
I wonder how ...
Thursday 5th January 2017 5:06 am
We're the throw away
The use em and lose em
Like old cars
you trade us in
for new models
After putting
one hell of alot of miles
on us
One man's trash
is another's treasure
So here I sit
on the Goodwill's shelf
like the Velveteen Rabbit
Waiting for
a Real Man...
By Lynn Hahn
Saturday 31st December 2016 5:44 pm
For Whom To Fish Or Hunt
I will not write about love or separations,
About types of men are my cogitations.
Number one is a man of super class.
Abundance of them goes to the mass.
A car is the main thing in his life,
He marries it and it becomes his wife.
He is free like a bird and forever in flight
The highway he travels days and at night.
Another one here seems to be ...
Sunday 22nd April 2012 9:54 pm
Sitting patiently atop his tree camouflaged
against the enemy, the sniper waits.
For three days and three nights he has waited
to do his duty for Imperial Japan.
Along the trail walks the enemy. Alert and ready
but not looking up, for this is where the sniper is,
waiting, watching, ready right now.
Levelling his gun, he takes careful aim.
Friday 30th March 2012 11:27 am
Gerry Potter interviewed by Dominic Berry about 'THE MEN POMES'
'The Men Pomes' by Gerry Potter
8pm, 29.2.12 - 3.3.12
Studio Salford, Kings' Arms, 11 Bloom Street, Salford £7 / 5
Tickets can be bought on the night at the door or bought online
Creator of Chloe Poems and writer of smash hit play 'Miracle', Ge...
Tuesday 24th January 2012 3:32 pm
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