The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

socialist (Remove filter)

This Machine Kills Fascists

This Machine Kills Fascists


He was the dust bowl troubadour

A Socialist down to the core

Resist the rich protect the poor

This machine Kills Fascists


Dylan, Ochs and Johnny Cash

Seeger, Strummer, Billy Bragg

All of them would raise his flag

This Machine Kills Fascists


He plied his trade on Texas streets

Busking to earn some money to eat

Harmonica blu...

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napowrimo2018day 20rebelwoody guthrieguitarfolksocialistactivist

Liverpool Song

Liverpool Song                    



A city of wild hopes and dishevelled dreams,

Reclines by the riverside

Waiting for the tide of its times.


A seabound, wavecrowned, tidebound city,

City of white spray and foam,

Crested by gulls, and smiles, and screams,

City on its long way home.


A restless, relentless, unrelenting city,

Troubled by the sou...

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Liverpoolhistorysocialistworking class




By Alem Hailu

Tearing off
Imperialists' mantle
True to his name Fidel
He had lit
To the oppressed mass
And to those in the dark
An much-needed candle.

Weighing things from
Fraternity's angle
And the truth,
Fidel was not remiss
In dispatching own troops
In far off beyonds
To fortify for freedom
Mounted battle.

Considerate Fidel had taught

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all that is Left

all that is Left

blue blood
red heart
standing apart
from your peers
for the
common good
on picket lines
on marches
in support
of the oppressed
may your soul rest
in the peace
that you sought
to be forgotten
to be remembered
and grieved
for there were few
as honourable
and noble
as you
as you
exit stage...

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tony bennsocialistpassing of tony bennepitaphremebrance

Gerry Potter interviewed by Dominic Berry about 'THE MEN POMES'

'The Men Pomes' by Gerry Potter
8pm, 29.2.12 - 3.3.12
Studio Salford, Kings' Arms, 11 Bloom Street, Salford £7 / 5
Tickets can be bought on the night at the door or bought online

Creator of Chloe Poems and writer of smash hit play 'Miracle', Ge...

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men pomesgerry potterpoemtheatreversegaysocialistfeministdominic berrystudio salfordkings armsmanchestersalfordperformancemenmanshow

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