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Flat Packed

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It came all wrapped in cardboard
I got it in with a violent tug
She says, I'm sure you'll have it built and left me with a hug
It opened like Pandora box, pieces spread around the floor
I knew I'd have to borrow tools, from Fred at number thirty four
There's two number ones, screws and dowels in many little packets
She measured the space and ordered it, God I better hope it fits?
A degree in mathematics, physics and college courses in the arts
Surley this will help me, why is there so many parts?
Man built the pyramids, towers of steel and a golden dome
Sideways or upside-down, I try to fathom this weighty tome
I've tackled engines, clocks and things made of bricks
This cabinet I'm making is throwing up some tricks
Complex problems always solved, I've always been quite handy
But all these parts left over, it's time to call on Andy
Two men of age, with tools, hands and minds mature
My God,  why is it so hard to assemble flat packed furniture

MDH 2018



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Evan Tyler

Sun 21st Apr 2024 21:18

Extremely relatable on many levels, it also made me chuckle. I really enjoyed this. Thank you Mike

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