BOMBS (Remove filter)
Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave
There’s a saying around here: “Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave,” meaning: Those who have, will have. It’s always been true, and is moreso these days.
Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt’,
Bur if th’art cowd n’ ‘ungry, on’ gets blotto,
Tha’ll get cawed neawt bu’ feckless workshy leawts,
‘Cos “Aw’m aw reet Jack” ‘s allus bin their motto.
Aye, them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘c...
Saturday 14th September 2024 12:43 pm
Walking the Streets
Rachel touts for votes in Leeds,
but Rachel Gen O’ Cide is fleet,
yes, Rachel and her minder run
from awkward questions on our streets;
that mother’s questions ain’t no fun;
have you had a drink of water?
have you eaten more than crumbs?
Gaza’s children have to dig
for water whilst they’re dodging bombs,
Rachel, do you give a fig?
have you had to dig your daughter
Sunday 18th February 2024 1:14 pm
Tabula Rasa
Vent your anger on people in small boats,
on long-haired gorgeous blokes, who like to wear skirts;
forget the yachts sailed by millionaire thieving scrotes,
forget who welcomed to the UK, Nazis and Blackshirts,
facts indeed are sacred, as someone said,
but only facts which the sewer chooses to reveal,
yes, no news is good news, what nearly thirty thousand dead?
targetted jour...
Thursday 11th January 2024 12:57 pm
Cookie Lucky
Cookie Lucky
There goes a cookie
I'm feeling lucky!
Observed the RAF aircrew
When the huge bomb blew
An explosive filled dustbin
Made of little more than tin
Killing more damned Germans
The blame was all Herman's
Sending the Krauts to Hell
Sound of the final bell
Dead in their beds at night
What an awful Satanic fright
We gave them a real blitz
Enough to m...
Monday 25th June 2018 5:00 pm
Defuse The Bombs
Defuse The Bombs
When the war was over there are many things left over
That never went bang and were there secretly hiding
The Germans defused them in many places
And were paid in food and reduced sentences
Some new types of British bomb had a tricky fuse
Hans lost two of his friends to these tricky things
The fuse diagrams were held up at the docks
Was this on purpos...
Monday 18th June 2018 4:41 pm
this will be a re-run
it’ll be the comfort of the saturday afternoons of your childhood
sat in front of the TV with bread and dripping
watching John Wayne set the world to rights with a gun
it’ll be Kenneth More on tin legs reaching for the sky
with a re-mix of stirring music Vaughan Williams would kill for
it’ll be a tearjerker in the final reel
where you know the hero’s going to die
but his girl will remember ...
Tuesday 1st December 2015 4:14 pm
This bird
Look at this thing, this gruesome thing, this shake-off from the slick.
A car mechanic’s rag, a bag of bile, a doodling hand that drags
a biro clot of crudeness up the beach.
This foul-up. This bird. This broken component of our world.
Then look at that: a flesh gorged kite, circling
while cluster bombs slake a starving nation’s soil.
America’s pin puckered vein, the fight for th...
Tuesday 1st December 2015 12:55 pm
On Centralplatz
Look close, look far
too far?
(too far)
Cars come, cars go
tortured, metal boxes, smudged colours
on tattered tarmac.
Pneumatic drill sounds, distant
hammering, dry clatter
on summer paving.
A man, newspaper
folds and departs kiosk
shimmered in sun.
The calls from traders
I heard them, then
did not hear them
(refused to hear them).
Stepped inside a p...
Friday 26th June 2015 5:11 pm
soviet bombers fragment
Silver-plated mothertruckers! Yey. The Russians have bombed Georgia targets inc a Black Sea port, oil pipeline, military targets, civilians, etc. 2 jets have been shot down, 1 pilot/aircrew killed I no of. I’m not sure of Georgian air force strength. They got 29 Su-27 flankers back in 92 when they left the Soviet block. Any jets since? All will be Russian kit. Russian t...
Friday 7th February 2014 8:44 pm
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