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For Whom To Fish Or Hunt

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I will not write about love or separations,

About types of men are my cogitations.


Number one is a man of super class.

Abundance of them goes to the mass.

A car is the main thing in his life,

He marries it and it becomes his wife.

He is free like a bird and forever in flight

The highway he travels days and at night.


Another one here seems to be like a gift,

Intelligent, quiet, in all he likes thrift.

He loves himself, to others indifferent,

So often cheats and so much prudent.

Many times divorced he everyone kicks

And to marry again he does not risk.


This one is assured with cars and a house

It takes him a second to unbutton your blouse,

He looks exactly like a crown prince,

In paradise living he tries you to convince.

But here my dear don’t make an illusion

As his soul is empty and he is in confusion.


 This man looks as a very domestic,

He sits on a couch and looks majestic

He hates any company, he is a TV viewer,

In life and in his wife he has to be sure.

He is always a hard-working and humble,

He doesn’t like worries and jumble.


There is a single one, a bachelor forever.

In love pool he won’t rush. Never!

With his mother he must all details discuss,

So that his parents will not him cuss.

His advances will be long and boring

Your opinion he is just ignoring.


This one is romantic but he is so rare

He ages mix up and he looks an ideal.

Candy and flowers, obsolete phrases,

His love making simply amazes.

He’ll always dream and your body admire,

But sorry to say that: won’t be on fire.


This one is intelligent, handsome and rich,

Has family, children and all likes to teach.

In all he knows limits and measure

And only career is his main treasure.

If you are satisfied with the role of mistress

You have to be patient and a good actress.


A philosopher man is a very versatile.

Struck by meditation when he was a child

He sees and knows the essence of Earth

The pearls of knowledge he gives birth .

This one often causes smiles and laugh,

For most women he looks so tough.


But that our philosopher doesn’t concern

He knows exactly where to turn.

Married to his ideas he is certainly unique

Energy expanse! His mind is so quick!

Through times he merged with eternity,

Not knowing his wife and his paternity.


Enough of flying! Let’s go down on Earth!

Let’s talk about a man who loves his hearth.

A man as a getter, a man as a dean,

A lot of options can be found and seen.

Let's be consistent and now go to fish,

Mackerel or perches are always good dish.


We'll buy the baits, we’ll put a good rod

And look for the man to be caught.

This process is exciting and endless

But it’s worth as a good business.

The splash of energy! The game is great!

Sooner or later he’ll be on the plate.


The world of hunting is interesting more

As wild animals you’ll  have to explore.

They all are different in their behavior

In Irlandia, Britannia or even in Kenya.

If you are not a hunter or do not like fishing

You’ll hear the only one crawfish swishing.


That is the reality of present life,

For everything you have to strive.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

22nd of April, 2012



◄ May be it's a sin...

I don't write poems ►


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Phillip Kelly

Mon 23rd Apr 2012 21:46 need to thank yours surpasses mine............what i love about this poem is the third person omniscient narrator style...........which makes it sound like an eopic story of a woman that has had many loves and experiences in creates a relationship between the reader and the men and the poet........i think i will now try and write my own, third person omniscient poem of women and love......thanks

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 23rd Apr 2012 18:15

Hello, Yvonne! This list could be much longer and you know that tastes differ. But...anyway, it's good that you prefer hunting as fishing is really boring.

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Yvonne Brunton

Mon 23rd Apr 2012 08:05

so many men! But how many of them are worth hunting?

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sun 22nd Apr 2012 21:56

I would like to thank Phillip Kelly for giving me an idea to write this poem.

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