ww2 (Remove filter)
Stalag Zehn B
the feldwebel became a general
the campdoctor, a professor
and we the jews - it’s banal
we stayed jewish - no error
Wednesday 28th August 2024 3:16 pm
Poppy Rocks Bollocks
This poppy was recently made for me as an impromptu gift, by a young lady who had been researching her family tree, and had found that a male relative had served in the RAF in WW2. I will always treasure it.
I wrote the following probably ten years ago.
On Armistice Day, (which, by now, all should know,
Marks the end of World War Number One),
I remembered Them, as I sat...
Tuesday 8th November 2022 4:45 pm
The Bayonet In The Shed [REPOST with audio]
I'm reposting this poem with the audio I recorded of it (as a song) to commemorate my father and the other soldiers who fought during WW2 in Asia - The Forgotten Army of Burma - for the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day
The Bayonet In The Shed
He put it there in forty nine,
in a woodworm riddled drawer,
wrapped it in a greasy rag.
A remnant from the war.
On top of it he laid h...
Friday 14th August 2020 4:14 pm
Bevin Boy
Bevin Boy
Ernest Bevin got his pound of flesh
as I sucked on my Woodbine,
one of the ‘lucky’ ten percent
who were standing there in line
waiting to be conscripted -
but they decided to assign
me to a living hell
and send me down the mine.
So I toiled for years in darkness
and breathed in black diamond dust,
until my back was broken
along with all the t...
Sunday 16th September 2018 12:36 pm
Biplanes Attack!
Biplanes Attack!
The roar of the Nazi automatic guns
That threw their exploding flak shells
Mixed with the shout of our engines
And bone dry rattle of our machine guns
Gave the French battle scene life
As we strafed and bombed our enemy
To give our troops more time
Our biplanes were made to fight the last war
Not a Blitzkreig but a target was a target
We went after th...
Friday 20th April 2018 4:20 pm
Armistice (Gods Of War)
Armistice (Gods Of War)
The ink upon this document
dries twice as fast as blood
that seeps into this continent
and mixes with the mud.
The war to end all wars they say,
though many have their doubts
that a piece of paper, signed today,
will quell the zealots shouts.
So they dance beneath the spires
of Britannia’s grieving towns
and let the mourning of sad shires
taint her flimsy ta...
Saturday 9th August 2014 7:53 pm
Thread That Binds
While I walk down the middle of the icy road by the park in the snow, I wonder how many hearts were broken on that Baltic night. 9k dead, each a family member, husband, wife, son, daughter.
In my minds eye, I see the Captain standing on the tilting side of his ship, the Gustloff. Fire axe in hand, he tries in vain to shatter safety glass on the viewing deck. Many people are...
Saturday 5th April 2014 2:32 pm
Brutal Not Comfort
The soldiers of Nippon descended upon Asia in a vast horde of death.
Fighting anyone who dared oppose them, killing their enemies without mercy. Destroying everything from isolated houses to entire cities.
Decades of looking inwards bred an evil military dictatorship. ...
Sunday 26th January 2014 3:20 pm
Messerschmitt Death Machine
Yankee terror bombers fly overhead to bomb our cities and our military targets.
Stop them! Quick, into our Messerschmitt 109G’s.
Take off; rise up to do battle with the infidels armed with their fifty calibre super heavy machine guns. ...
Thursday 23rd May 2013 11:09 pm
Broken warplane falls wreathed in smoke.
Me with two German bullets in my chest.
How it hurts.
Funny how I feel alive right now, before I die.
Was I dead when we met?
Something precious died inside when you left me.
So I joined the air force and became a pilot.
People feted me wherever I went.
Don’t you know I shot two Huns down?
Then numbe...
Monday 17th September 2012 2:44 pm
Sunny 8
Sunny 8
Damn yankee Mustang gonna be a real bastard and blow some krauts outa the fucking sky. Try and stop me you mothers! 50cal gunning you down, got many of your kindred by my shells. Always escape with my life. No 109 or 190 ever came close to nailing me. I'm not called Chuck Yeager! Hell no!
I was in Zemke's Wolf Pack. I died in a field near Crewe, England. No Nazi ever got m...
Sunday 22nd April 2012 11:38 pm
Sitting patiently atop his tree camouflaged
against the enemy, the sniper waits.
For three days and three nights he has waited
to do his duty for Imperial Japan.
Along the trail walks the enemy. Alert and ready
but not looking up, for this is where the sniper is,
waiting, watching, ready right now.
Levelling his gun, he takes careful aim.
Friday 30th March 2012 11:27 am
A room, just a room. Feel the sense of history
here, heavy as lead and as poignant as pain.
Aspects come into focus, heavy thick carpets,
waxed English tables. Silence. Total.
A view on a room, from the doorway after.
What went on here? What decisions were made?
History’s biggest gamble, to fail paid in blood
and men and tears.
To suc...
Wednesday 22nd February 2012 12:15 pm
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