The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Dancing (Remove filter)

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Dancing is the movement in which our bodies show flexibility, touching one another's heart in sync with the rhythm of our heartbeat. 

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loveloversdancingperfect match

Autumn Leaves Haiku 俳句

Autumn leaves, skipping

Up the old apples and pears

To her wintry rest.

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A circular ceremony
A weighted embrace

Flowing free and being me
Living for the spin and feeling weightless in its flow

Inside this circle no one can touch me and I am whole
The centre of my own universe connected to the earth and the sky 
A child playing in a hoop

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hoophoolahoopDancingspinningflow artsmovementdance

The Untouchables

The band blew till ten o clock

A crooner crucified the blues

Humming was the marble floor

My feet hot in crocodile shoes


Dancing like this is no good

You can't do that anymore

Getting close to a stranger

Risks death from every pore


I held you closer in my arms

You rumpled my new coiffure

I felt your heart beating wild

Dreamed of a bedroom door



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Dancing in the yard

It was a long summer afternoon
a crackling fire lit the yard
the southern sun was setting
while I strummed my old guitar

It was her way of moving to the music
she captured the glowing cinders in her eyes
she danced with the slightest sway in her hips
and her heavenly body torched my skies

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Strictly Bin Dancing

Strictly Bin Dancing


[People are dressing up in ball gowns and tiaras to take their bins out

An Australian woman has started a new trend online during the coronavirus lockdown, which sees people dressing up in extravagant outfits to put their rubbish out – source: Mirror 4/4/20]


She waltzes across the patio

In her Christian Dior-like dress

She’s picked up the rubbish in el...

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napowrimo2020day 7unusual newsballgownputting the bins outglamourlockdowndancing

Shadow Dancing

My shadow dances with yours 

in the abyss of silence, 

head down, darkness all around,

waltzing towards sparks of light

from our melded soul.

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Clouds Dancing in the Sky

Looking up at the clouds so high

Watching colors stretch across the sky

As they combine and spread apart gracefully

An ever-changing work of art slowly slips by


As the sun first wakes

Golden hues are painted on the tips

I’m struck by the beauty

How lucky I am to be a witness


As the sun slowly dances across the sky

The image changes as clouds come and go


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Bending reality

Your own mind is yours to keep,
as long as you don't decide to follow the sheep,
Start bending all reality, this will give you your own normality,
Dance in your own style and you will stand out a mile,
Sing songs where ever you go and put on your own one man show,
Do what you want, will make you full of glee,
Then you will find you will be absolutely free,
Freedom is a state of mind and thi...

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MINDdancingfreedomcontentmentparadiseheart and soulgoalenjoying your life no matter what.

Who Say's I Can't Be Happy All The Time

Singing and dancing makes me happy all day,
It makes me happy in every single way,
Who says I can't be happy all the time,
If I was then would that be a crime,
I now know I could live alone,
Because my heart and soul has really grown,
I used to try and share my joy,
To every girl and boy,
I'll keep it to myself,
Even if I get left on the shelf,
Because nothing bothers me anymore,
I will...

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happinessDancingsinging songsabsoulte joyemotionalheart and soulloveeverything

DANCING IN TIME - A Saturday theme

With a happy nod to Howard Dietz - top wordsmith and creator of the famous MGM Film trademark.

Dancing in the dark,

Till this life ends

We're dancing in the dark,

When all strife ends.

So - whether leading or led,

If invited - nod your head;

Never look askance...

Just grab the chance

instead -

Let's face the music and dance.


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Buried in the Sunlight

This poem is for all those who find this life a trial. Keep on keeping on, as someone once remarked.


Buried in the Sunlight


Eleanor played the pipes as a piper should,

flying light with grace and flair and swing,

with airs like a wind band in the deep greenwood:

dancing her careless heart towards an Appalachian spring.

All who knew her, all for whom her life seemed bles...

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I skipped down road in the cool mountain air

In the cool mountain air, with you...


Hot in the night air

Running down the road

Dancing to the left

Singing to the right


Chasing and avoiding cars

Street life all around

Life going on beyond

In our little world


Up steps, down alleys

In and out of tunnels

Over and under the ground

pavements along the...

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The music begins again.
You wallflowers who came
with the dance in mind
and empty hands to hold—
skulking along the fringe,
afraid to join in,
but more afraid to leave.
She comes.

You wither at her gaze,
hoping, not hoping
she is looking at you;
Would it mean more?
A joke, a fluke, a trick,
or perhaps a friend—
If you don’t see
will she leave?

Wallflower dancer
shaking and jiv...

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doubtuncertaintydancingwallflowergrowing upadolescencefriends

Ghost Dancer

We danced to Cuban rhythms 
Late into the night 
I twirled my skirts in girlish glee
Giggling in delight
My heart it started pounding 
As you held me tight
I waited for the kiss
That would bring me back to life 
Brutally it struck me
At the stroke of midnight
You were just an apparition
Your kiss turned into frostbite 
A phantom on the dance floor 
A cruel trick of the light

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ghost storyDancinglove


Sway to the winds

Hoover over the plains of unwritten avenues

Brush away all misconceptions

Death to ifs and maybes

Lay with me in this tornado gliding to the designated mark that is love

Dance with me

Join me in my pursuit of truth

My pursuit of us

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Dancingtouchingholdingwalking withconnecting

If you dance to the music, you’ll find yourself…

Had a prompt from our writing group last time of "

If you dance to the music, you’ll find yourself…" so I thought I'd give it a go, although I've not mentioned the prompt anywhere in the piece!


If you dance to the music, you’ll find yourself…


I can’t dance.

Anyone that takes a glance

Will see me prance and realise

That I can’t dance.


My Macarena is more macaroni


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beardancedancingfunny poem


Catch me as you turn me round

Take me back around

Turn me, twist me, run me round

Chase me round and round


Lift me, twist me, turn me round

Dancing to the sound

The music’s fast, the music’s slow

Dancing round and round


Fast, much faster, turn me round

Moving with the sound

The dancefloor’s busy all around

Turn me round and round



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Sir Bruce Forsyth - Knight of the Realm

"Nice to see you

To see you nice".

Tip-tapping in waistcoats;

On the noble steed that is

Tess Daly.



Wielding his chin

Like a sabre,

And winning the nation's

Favour, "'Cos

That's the name of the game".



He's not a king,

Queen or Jack.

He's not even "higher

Or lower" - he's a knight!

Bruce Forsyth:

Knight of t...

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