The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

sand (Remove filter)

Azure Dreams

I dream in shades of azure blue,
White horses crest, their dance anew.
Murmurs soft on gold-kissed grain,
Diamonds dapple, twinkle's reign.

Song of light in subtle fade,
Saffron fingers sketch, persuade.
Shapes caressed, each curve's embrace,
Warmth's tender kiss, the night's soft lace.

Embers burn to sky's demand,
Fires grand where heavens stand.
Ashes red in twilight's hymn,

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At the bottom of the sea sits a perfectly symmetrical hinged oyster shell
lived in water and land
Inside is a grain of sand
That chosen grain the special one
In to the gap in the shell he has gone
At first it is lonely and dark cant get out
But hes safe from the monsters of the sea no doubt
This tiny grain with sharpened points
Indulges and grows as the shell anoints
He tumbles and role...

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Pearlpearlsnaturesandsea themed poems

Oh come to me!


From the windswept clifftop

She could see below

Far below into the cove

Where lay, a body upon the sand

And, dragged by tide,

A waving hand

It swayed like the branch

Of a wind-laden tree


Come to me

Oh come to me!


A breath of chill

Now, caressed her skin

Whilst staring down at the cove

And the figure within


And upon her grasped


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A Pilot's Joke

A Pilot's Joke / Michael Kwack


Once upon a time, there lived a flying man

Who kept flying on, never thinking of landing...


One day accidentally he had to land

Somewhere, or nowhere, on the sand...


After having lived alone very happily ever after,

He left a poem in the sand when he finally left his land;




I used to love sand,

For, where ther...

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The Estuary

I am


on a far tide line

sand rippled


with estuary shells

with oystercatchers

soft where rills run down

or the sea pools

behind a half-sunk stone

or a mooring chain

I am


moored yachts

swinging to the tide turn

above their sunken reflections

angled lines of cirrostratus

echoed below the horizon

in the mirror gloss sea


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beachboatscloudsestuaryreflectionsriversandseaseaweedtidetide line

Can You Hear My Cry

Cry and cry, till I die

Can you hear,  I want you by me

As we used to play

In the long golden grass, 

My beautiful one. Long gone

Four years, but still with me


Played till state authorities saw

And stole from us our life, 

Raped us for themselves 

Persecuted us, we ran, not mad

To escape their tether chains cells

Far away, beyond altitude. 


For we are ...

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tling washUp awayfrom thosecliffs Moved all mountainsFast past the sun's raysSo they would not find usBut they must have doneWe still crying for one-anotherThis time tooin the cliffsCan you hear my crymy callThrough the sunsandetherCan you hear menowstill Ringingin the silent windSam Khan-McIntyreGavin Khan-McIntyrewritingswrite out loudwrite out

The wave behind the wave

From beyond the far horizon arc

travelling travelling calmly on 

to swell gently across a sea

until the deep corals 

are left far behind

and the seabed 

rises sloping up 

to meet land

forcing us

to turn

to curl 

to break

to surge

to rattle stone

to shape sand 

our strength waining 

retreating quietly beneath

the wave behind our wave

a curling s...

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Seawavesswellsbeachshinglesandwave crest

All the Years [revision]

In my mind

buried deep

                a golden grain

                of  Welsh


In my mind

our impressions

                in the hot sand

                where we


It is there

buried deep

                that single second

                that moment

                in which our



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beachGowerlovePobbles BaysandtimeWales

All the Years

In my mind

buried deep

                a golden grain

                of  Welsh


In my mind

shallow dips

                in the hot sand

                where we


It is there

buried deep

                that single second

                that moment

                in which our



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beachGowerlovePobbles BaysandtimeWales


The sand was always hot

                beside the white dunes and the coarse grass


The sea was always blue

                between the black rocks and the horizon haze


The beach was always ours

                between the seagull shout and the distant crowd


We were always alone

               between the far world and our near union


We swa...

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beachdunesfutureGowermarriagesandseasouth walesswimmingWales

Forvie, March 2017


And then the sand flowed like the tide

Shifting the land at the wave edge of the sea

A vast striated plane of drifting whirling grains:

Aged dunes lost to the wail will of the wind.

As we walked close by the sea suck and ripple

The bound beach rose and swallowed our grounded feet

We seemed to be free floating sand cloud high

In the sandsmoke drifts rushing to their...

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SandSand stormbeachdunesseaForvieScotlandcoastvillagefishermenchapel

The Peaceful Beach

There's nothing that can beat
Walking along the beach
With the waves hitting your feet
In the scorching heat

Miles of soft, golden sand
I run some through my hand
Waves splashing against the shore
Is a sound that I adore

Feeling the warm breeze
Puts me at such ease
I tilt my head up towards the sun and smile
And close my eyes for a while

This beach is my paradise
Its tranquility...

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Turn Of The Tide

Low ripples creep in eager waves,

Reclaiming grains of wind-blown sand,

To lay them flat within the damp, cemented matrix,

By degree, each one,

In exposed space,

Is over-run,

Again with water weight,

Where fine currents caress and roll,

The grains that had once been free.

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Still at shore with the weight of gaffes around my dreams

Afraid to set a course

At odds with all but how it seems

Perception sits on the thrown of what is

What is not cannot stand to the claims of what should be

With demise almost a certainty

Almost - becomes the theme that moves me

Fastened to procrastination

Circumventing the truth

Giving ear to assumptions

Off the...

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Figment 7

i dreamed
of the ocean again
last night
silver lined
the water and 
the hanging
shadows of the gulls
the waves
curling like fingers
against the sand

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The Beach: My Remedy

it's just before sunset when loneliness creeps in

the beach is my remedy

the ocean will let me be sad
but only enough to shed a few tears,
never enough to let me drown

the wind invites me in when no one else has thought to
the lazy waves take their time rolling up

the toddlers mix mud, as their parents hold a conversation

the older couple holds hands like they're still in love


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city in the sand


There is a city, hidden in the sand

where few have visited. I understand

it glitters in the scorching noonday sun.

To find it is the dream of anyone

who feels that they deserve great wealth,

who follow, creeping like a sphinx, in stealth

to enter through the golden portals great -

answer a riddle and confirm their fate.

The city’s treasures are truly renown...

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woman powersandcities


Well hello my poetic brethren.

 The time has come for yet more spewings from the mind to be shared amongst you. This time I have been partially inspired by a book I'm reading at the moment and partially by a dream I had. I'm pretty sure the two were linked anyway. So let me whisk you friends into the mystical world of Sands.




Vision blurred as focus regains

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Great, warm wet ocean rolling, curving, boiling cauldron.

Little grains of sand – brown, white, clear, black.

Thrown together onto the beach.

A small layer, a medium layer, a deep layer compressed into rock.

Hundreds of feet thick. Exposed to elements, rain, cold, wind, snow.

No warm carboniferous sun here. Just a windy plateau of a rock face.


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sandoceantimemountaingeological processmother nature

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