wish (Remove filter)
i hate this empty house (10/24/2024)
i hate this empty house.
beneath every floorboard,
a void
a yaw of wretched midnight
clawing footsteps, pacing
and pacing
echoes banging
barbed and noosed
by nothing
and the only thing louder
than the bathroom fan I never turn off
than the drip of a sink, the tick of the gas stove
than the sleepless train yards and slick black streets
than the desperate, hollow orgasms in a co...
Thursday 24th October 2024 4:17 pm
Please don’t make yourself at home
I caught a star
With my burning fist
And left my handprint on it
I crash-landed on the clouds
I bounced back
Bounced back I
Shot a star with my mouth
I juggled Pluto
I breathed on Neptune
I grew a farm on Saturn
I named all the planets that
I was first to visit
Pierced them with flags of my face
Stamped them with my fingerprints
I was the fi...
Sunday 11th August 2019 4:17 pm
In Mumbai
When the Sky is dark blue
And the Dawn becomes true
Just pray, same as I do
May my wish touches you
When sun rises in the Sky
And the birds ready to fly
Just remember what I say
We'll meet, surely, in Mumbai
When you stay lonely at night
And you wear your lovely white
Just be sure I'm always right
You're lovely dream on sight
Thursday 4th April 2019 8:31 pm
Nancy Theater
No need to go to Theater
Today is the end of the show
I wrote you final letter
Actor decided to go
No need to read my poem
Nothing else in the mail
To save you of bad clime
My heart, began to fail
I hope you get my point
I wish you can get me
I'm sure the Nancy Theater
Closed. Do you agree?
Wednesday 3rd April 2019 11:06 am
Is it a Curse .. or God's Grace
To live alone heart and place
Suffering what I always face
Hopeless to be myself again
Are these changes good for me
To be lonely always or not to be
To live away of what I see
I lost my hope and brain
Sadly to wake up and sleep
Painful to feel yourself cheap
Living alone hurts in deep
I wish to know why, but i...
Wednesday 13th March 2019 8:00 am
Myths and Wishful Thinking.
It's odd for me
To be down on my knees
Praying to a God
That I don't believe in
I asked him why
There's so much pain in my life
And the one bit of joy
Was cut off like a knife
I was angry and mad
Didn't expect a response
I was crying and yelling
In my little tiny house
I heard in my heart
The reason to be
That there wasn't a soul good enough
To fill the love that I need
He ...
Monday 19th March 2018 5:53 pm
Deemed Rapture
Some day in the future
dawn will break again
None be grudges nursed
or space for any disdain
Where vales be pristine
living modest and plain
Bliss ...
Wednesday 12th February 2014 5:34 pm
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