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What If?

What If?

Brian never thought he would work in a call centre

When he lived in Germany he was unemployed

And while looking for a job he was forced to go

Work in a call centre and refused creating a fuss

I’m not selling insurance or loft insulation!

Put me on fork lift truck training it’s my job

Not some shit call centre 2 towns away


The stupid bitch running the training ...

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career changepressureset plans

Managers’ Monday

Managers’ Monday

The agents dial the leads and opportunities to try to get sales

One rep has 77 manual dials and no more

Another had 47 manual dials plus 340 outbound dials

Others have similar numbers none under 200

The 88 rep got beasted off his sup for laziness

And was made to promise to step up and do more calls

Each agent had to count then report the call numbers

The TL...

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salescall centrepressure

Move It

Move It

Let the bosses deal with the shit

It’s what they’re paid for

Why should we concern ourselves?

We have our own demons to slay

There are other opportunities out there

Not just their cheap scandalous account

Let’s move on get something better

Away from their hostility mind set and vices

I plan on being an astronaut

What about you?

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Please don’t make yourself at home


I caught a star 

With my burning fist

And left my handprint on it

I crash-landed on the clouds 

I bounced back

Bounced back I

Shot a star with my mouth

I juggled Pluto

I breathed on Neptune

I grew a farm on Saturn

I named all the planets that

I was first to visit

Pierced them with flags of my face

Stamped them with my fingerprints

I was the fi...

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achievementambitioncomfort zoneconformitydreamexpectationfreedomhappinessimpossibleindividualinspirationLibertylimitlessmotivationpathpressuresuccesswish

My Point is Circular

My mouth took some months to bloom

My words took some weeks to flower

You and I do not speak different languages

We possess different meanings


“What is the curl of your tongue?

What is the grind of your teeth?

What is the bow in your brows?

What do you mean?”


Your bottom line is neat and fine

Your ballpoint pen bullet-proof



My point is a r...

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accusecyclejusticelosing my mindpredatorpressureramblingrape culturerecoverystatementtruthvictim blamingwordplay

Under Pressure

I've been lying to my friends and family for a few weeks now. 


Not lyin about my love for them. 
But lyin about my happiness.
It's not them its all me. 
I always vision and wanna see myself 
Being better than what I am. 
But it's hard to do that. 
When I can't be the man to pick me up. 
Like a player with good sportsmanship
My high expectations. 
Give me greys 

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