Young Love (Remove filter)
I love you, I hate you
Your grandiose ideas, your very hesitant ways.
Your estranged company, your clingy soul and mind.
Your frail wings, your solid structure.
Your bodily function strikes on simple conditions but your flow is always dependant of the situation.
Your mentality captivates fast paced emotion and your actions capture slow fed feelings.
Your past has been causing your present to not make it to the fu...
Friday 29th November 2024 2:34 pm
The Girl (She Used to be...) - Agonizing Words
When we first Met…
It felt like the same magnetic poles repelling each other....
I wanted to know her, But I was afraid.
Never felt that before, moments with her were special...
Then our Conversation began,
It all started with an argument though.
We were understanding each other,
But our thoughts were way different.
With each passing day,
A Connection was developed.
...Sunday 3rd July 2022 8:08 am
And why?
And why are you still in my head?
In my chest,
In my soul?
Engulfed by disdain, disgust and love.
And I am so lone.
In the middle of Oxford Street crowds
I want your advice that never helped
I want your forehead kisses that I rejected.
Longing for you on dark silent nights.
To debate: am I ever truly alone?
Or does your phantomlike presence ignite and guide...
Tuesday 16th November 2021 10:41 pm
I am content to love you,
Knowing I will never be loved in return,
For it is better to give than to receive,
And loving is better than being loved.
The happiness the thought of you brings me
Is enough.
If I cant hold you in my arms,
Then I will hold you in my thoughts
And be satisfied,
Knowing that you live in my mind
And can never leave me.
Saturday 25th September 2021 6:43 pm
Roadside Wildflowers
I hope the stars
Always twinkle for you.
I hope the flowers
Always bloom for you.
I hope the sun
Always shines for you.
I hope the moons
Always bright for you.
I hope the sunset
Is always your favorite color.
I hope your ocean’s
waves are always calm.
I hope your river
Always runs true.
I hope the rain
Never lasts too long.
Saturday 25th September 2021 6:33 pm
It's Not In The Falling
I fell
For the feelings, the flowers, the fantasies.
I fell
For you, for us, for all that we were.
Innocently thinking that was all love could be.
I confused the falling for the force.
Falling was all about me.
Loving is all about you.
Baby, I'm no longer falling
But to you I promise,
I'll always be loving.
Monday 17th August 2020 10:54 am
i was cotton yesterday
see, i thought you were my magnet
Sunday 5th January 2020 6:30 am
Dreaming Like It's 2004
I had one of those dreams again, the ones where we were just friends. You had no idea you were my every heartbeat.
We were on a trip somewhere, back in high school or something. You had a crush on the foreign exchange student I was rooming with. I was barely tolerating her. You invited us to hang out though, and I couldn't deny any second spent near you. We stayed late in your room listening...
Friday 11th October 2019 11:30 am
The Game Changed
Walking down this endless road,
Never knowing which way to go.
Each path seems dark,
each breath
harder than the last,
constantly hiding from the past.
I try to find the strength to move on,
But each time I do, you still want to have
your fun. When will it sink in?
You will never win.
I’m done playing,
You might think you’re staying.
Truth is you’re as temp...
Tuesday 31st July 2018 9:40 pm
Please Come Back
Please come back
Wednesday 11th July 2018 11:39 am
The Young Lovers
Their voices harshly clash
and will not lie calmly
or rest in our ears
in peace
They rise loud over all else
and do not fall to our key
but strike out at us
in dissonance
Our song is raised joyously
and the harmonies sing
of the love we know
in concert
We have our air so their words
smash and fall to the ground
they do not stay in sight
Thursday 26th April 2018 4:16 pm
views and all that
it might just be you
i don’t know when
i started thinking of this
can’t put a pin in where it all started
over a year ago, i’d say
maybe you were a charmer and
maybe i was easily charmed
you’ve always had a spot
with me
a spot if you ever wanted it
can honestly say i would
drop everything
to just try us
to just try what we could be
not majo...
Thursday 14th December 2017 6:07 am
When We Were Seventeen
You asked if this was okay
But I didn't have the heart to tell you the truth
didn't possess the words to say
this is so much more
It just didn't seem to roll off my tongue the way mine rolled over yours
There wasn't enough time to explain the feeling of innocent euphoria I experienced with you
No way to begin to illustrate how you made me unravel at the seams like lillie...
Sunday 23rd April 2017 9:28 pm
We are not a metaphor.
Although, we have met before
I was a shy girl with bright blue eyes and you were a brown haired boy who played guitar on the bus
We grew up and grew together, inseparable
Unaware of what to call what we were, what we had
This was back when childhood was innocent and we still weren't sure how to kiss
Lips, mouths, necks, hands
We figured t...
Tuesday 18th April 2017 9:27 pm
Do you see me, too?
Trevor, I saw you again—
I saw you sitting at the desk right beside me in Mr. Tracey’s seventh-grade homeroom,
Filled with twenty unhygienic twelve-year-old students. It smelled of strong coffee in a thermal.
A clock rests above the door. It ticks away the moments.
You were wearing that ratty brown zipper-up you liked so much.
The one that smelled as if it hadn’t seen the insid...
Saturday 24th September 2016 1:59 am
The First
Sometimes i wonder why we met now
why so young, with such a long road
stretched out before us
How sad it makes me to know we wont last
I know he is my first love - I know it with every pulse
I know these short months
will set me flying
will open my eyes
I know i will never taste the world
without that flavour of love again
His face
The smile - not even ...
Friday 3rd June 2016 6:08 pm
The boy
There is something about you
Your eyes i think
Something I see when I look at them
Or rather, into them
Like someone who who wants to say something
But cant
Someone who is drowning
But will not call for help
Someone who desires something
But long ago decided it was impossible
Something in your eyes makes me want to love you
And something makes me feel
...Tuesday 17th May 2016 7:34 pm
Without her I am nothing
Comparable to Christmas with a light dusting
I feel incomplete
I just need to hear her speak
To feel the brush of her skin,
To feel The warmth of her breath as our lips come to a close
I love her to an extent she'll never know
Young lovers caught in turmoil
Only finding hope in each other
I pray to our God that we're together
Tuesday 26th April 2016 1:30 am
The Forgotten Valentine
Valens, you are esteemed worthy,
at the Via Flaminia you lay:
Valentinus offered up in faith.
Your deeds aren't known in our day.
In this life you wed young couples;
an act the Emperor would not permit.
And though your grace the monarch received,
your execution he did transmit.
Alas, with clubs and stones they came,
challenged by your fortitude gr...
Monday 14th February 2011 1:01 pm
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