The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

waiting (Remove filter)

Have you ever waited a long time?*

As months chased after years, your waiting neared the full ten-year mark.
Have you ever prayed long into the night, only to weep when your prayers go unanswered?
Has the inability to reap the material and spiritual rewards of your efforts ever weighed like a stone in your chest?
Sometimes, a person feels unbearably heavy, as if tons of burdens rest upon their shoulders—
the weight of injustice...

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poetrywaitingsad poetrysadness

another waiting room; another waiting room (04/25/2024)

the tracts where sleep ran 

ducts thru navel 

smoky rivers, freshly stained 

while we wait, fidgeting in a

 too-big waiting room 

too big for just the two of us 

too small for all the thoughts 

too small

for the silence . 


it smells like a barber shop 

and the fixtures buzz idly 

bright, but flickering 

and I remember that 

you can't smoke in public anym...

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Waiting For My Nobody

Tired souls sigh together,

lovers have given up on getting better,

but I will continue to stay with the withered tree until the end of times.

We have exchanged the word 'forever'

and thus I will patiently wait untill we are back together.

I will wait for you, my Nobody,

until my body cannot anymore.

Until my body decays

and my bones slip into Mother's embrace.

Even then...

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The Lonely Old man Sits by the Window

the lonely man at the window

the old man sits by the window

she left him here yesterday

said she would be back soon

he went to bed but could not sleep

has she stayed away on purpose?

next morning he arises again

to sit and wait even if it takes an eternity

he said he would wait

and that he did until his dying day

this morning at daybreak

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Every Night

Every night I have this dream me and you walking down the stream 

hand in hand down the narrow path your words resonates in my heart 

we talk about here and now ,past ,present and future somehow 

suddenly you stare at me asking why me

 neither I am rich neither I am poor but somewhere in between dear

neither my looks are worth a dime

 so why do you give me so much time ?


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Tired of Waiting

It has been a while

Wind of change have yet to come

Will it ever come? 

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woman in starbuck's window

woman in a starbuck’s window



woman sits in a starbuck’s window

looking, searching, waiting, watching


is it the thing that watchers

in an  Edward Hopper painting

wait, search, look, watch for


does she know

who she is looking for

who she is searching for

who she is waiting for

who she is watching for


I wonder if the subjects in

Hopper’s pa...

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there's that distance in her

something remote and far

like the canals of Mars, an

ice monolith atop a star


her soul of cosmic mystery

went to places I cannot ken

sheathed in armoured silk

none knew where or when


in those blue eyes is infinity

windows on time and space

blinking before shutters up

in a cryptic chain-mail face


enigmatic were her ridd...

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The tracks

Sitting by the window, she looked out and somewhere, look beyond. Life has been fair to her in more ways than one. She has been blessed with a good health, family in the prime of her profession yet a deep longing throbbed in her heart. An unquenchable thirst.....
The distant sound of a train echoed and her back from her reverie.. 
Like the two parallel tracks,they both were together Yet distant....

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I need you

My love, I need you.

Here I am falling in love with the beauty of the world.

Waiting for you, as if it were the end of the world.

I do not mind the wait,

I have the time.

But I have to be honest,

I need you.

I've felt you before,

and that's fine

Someday I'll see you,

and I'll know.

And even if you do not know, it's fine.

I have love to give and loves will ...

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aestheticcouplesdramadreamsfriendsfutureheylifelovenewpoempoetpuerto ricanwaiting

I'll get back to you

Five words can be all it takes to set your mind at ease for a while.

Great, I'm not forgotten you'll think.

I am of interest.


But time passes.


Time heals all wounds?

Time brings with it opportunity for worry.

Time is the enemy of the impatient.

Time feeds the anxious like oxygen feeds a flame, fuelling the panic until it burns so brightly it consumes everything in it...

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get back to youpatienceTimewaiting

Last call

Its the final curtain lets see who was acting and who really hurting 

A burning desire to be a follower no matter the case 

Instead of showing some back bone you rather limp home with your tail tucked between your legs 

I bet you thought you was big dog on campus till you seen a real monkey act up 

Even a rose got thorns dont think a beauty cant defend itself 

You got grass thinking...

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I hate the arguging and the cursing 

The fist fights using words and

The long walk through the fire aint no beach over here 

Its just a pilliar of mixed emotions waiting to get knocked down

Im not gone hold it up lets see how long faith keeps it up

Now im the one laying with a frown

You disappointed fine i get it but that dont mean you dont tell the shopkeeper wassup

You still...

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lovelessIf? hopeless feelings down depressionwaitingmisunderstood



I know you're out there 
I can hear your voice in the wind that rustles the leafless trees 
Like them I'm waiting for Spring 
For warmth 
To grow again inside love 

I'm searching for you
I chase my shadow in the fading colours of the setting sun
Look for your message amongst the stars 
Face upturned 
Bathed in moonlight
In awe of the universe

I've dreamt ...

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Nervous -- 07/2015





Run until you can't stop

Go before your bubble pops



Short and deep

How can this be?


Just wait and see

Nice and easy

One step at a time

It'll all be fine





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Daydreams -- 07/2015

Time winds down

Tick tock

As I watch the clock

Days go by 

It seems

Dreams so pristine

Staring out the window

Daring to follow

You to the horizon

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Late at night

Late at night you lay

Face in pillow pointed away

Tears gleam and in the reflection they glare so unyeilding

It's so late so late at night

Is it almost day

The clock ticks and tocks but doesn't move

The hours tick by endless 

It is late at night and all thoughts are awake

Laying in bed wondering what happened with fate

Remember the promises you made the promises layed to...

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