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Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

I know that, strictly speaking, the Magi, are still on camel back following a star but I also know everyone is bored with the story by epiphany so here is my final Christmas related poetry blog. Courage, doubt, fear and wonder, in the story of the Magi. What had they been part of? Like us, they wondered whether ‘this was a future they wanted to know’…


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Mary Sang

With a week to go befiore Christmas, I thought I'd ignore the noise and controversy and focus instead on music and hope


Mary Sang


Mary sang, a fine contralto, deep and pure.
Joseph played bass, metronomic, steady, 
the beat nailed to the floor.
He thought the boy should play guitar
and made him one from fine cedar;
strings of camel gut, fret board inlaid
with finest golden sa...

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hopeguitarsongmary and Joseph

Our Covid Christmas

This year has been different and certainly strange,
So for this Covid Christmas we must all make a change.
With our loved ones we may not be able to share,
But remember them still and know that they do care.

Although Covid-19 makes us all be apart,
Try to be strong and remain stout of heart.
Though at this festive time numbers may be reduced,
Know a wonderful Christmas may still be produc...

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Stuart VannerChristmasCovid-19Corona virusHopeNew Year

Inner Strength

I have the rarest flower
Growing in my inner self.
I first had to protect it,
But now it’s taken root.

Small shoots of green,
Surviving where was barren.
Little tiny leaves,
Pattern uncommon.

I have the rarest flower
Living, thriving inside.
Makes me certain, what else happens,
That I can survive
Just like it.

As I wait for it to flower,
With its petals unfurled,
I wonder what...

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hopeinner strengthmeditationrecoverytrust

A Winter Escape

Thank you to talented local musician Stuart Bell for turning it into a lovely Christmas ditty! 


(a re-post, but it seems more appropriate now! ⛄)


Like comets we slid through the crisp, white grass

In our wake billowed a powder-puff mass

It floated and swirled and twinkled with light

Like low-hanging stars broke free of the night


And in snow-laden fields angels were...

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Advent 2020

Image courtesy of Marilylle Soveran and Flickr; Creative Commons.




Hard to believe that it's December and we're coming to the end of a year that has presented many challenges. In the Christian tradition, candles are lit for Advent, representing hope, love, joy, peace, and the light of the world. This year we're waiting for vaccines, an end to lockdowns and tiers and I've tried to ...

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In The Moonlit Night

I wished I could talk to the stars
As I walked alone in the moonlit night,
The light of the passing by cars,
Enhanced the beauty of the sight.

I sat down on the grass by the street
To add a few pages to my old sketchbook.
But you suddenly came to meet,
Perfectly letting me off the hook.

Now I walked with you
To live the best day of my life.
Everything began anew
The moment you asked...

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Trust In This Dark Night

Now that I am faced with this trial of the moment, let me pause.
Reflect on previous trials.  
The race forward is not about the hurdles already jumped,
It is about the confidence and skill at jumping acquired.

Now that I am faced with this impossibly high wall, let me think.
Remember previous walls.  
The difficulty of scaling any height or distance can be shrunk;
It is ever as simple as...

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Not Not Not

Life may not be perfect
But sadness isn’t worth it,
And no matter how bad it gets,
Or whatever the world may expect
I’m not done hoping yet.

I could weep, I could cry
But what would that buy?
Another moment of misery?
Or instead I could smile
And then at least I’d be lifted.

And life may not be great
But happiness shouldn’t wait
So no matter what
I’ll enjoy what I’ve got
I’m not ...

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determinationHappinesshopelifemeditationself esteemSEND parent

The cold war

The life is meaningless. 

Lost during the cold war.

The weather is cold. 

The road is long. 

The life is short. 

Can i really reach my destiny? 

The mountains were shaking.

Is it the devil or the angel ?

Were my eyes blinded with the obsession of Victory ?

Was it really the End.

Why ? And who ? Were the questions.

Was i falling in a endless pit?

The crows were c...

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Shadow Dancing

In the shadow of sleeping Kings, 

soldiers, and poets, 

comes another battlefield day,

man against man, invisible wars,

hell’s fury unleashed among trees. 

Yet, upon the rocky shore,

angels dance and sing,

reminding us there is something more

than misery.

Beauty glints among broken things. 

Hope is on the horizon. 

So on these solemn days, 

let us find something...

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FaithgratitudeHopeleonard cohenpoetsshadowsThanksgiving

A True Friend.

[ ] You're a friend through thick & thin with a heart full of gold & diamonds within.

[ ] A true friend whose honor I would always defend. 

[ ] A true friendship I hope will never end.

[ ] I pray to the universe you will always ascend.

[ ] A helping hand for you I will always lend.

[ ] Divided we fall & together we win.

[ ] I was truly blessed by the universe with a w...

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You are not alone.

[ ] Even through the deep pain, shame, regret & great sorrow.


[ ] Keep well living there is always a tomorrow.

[ ] Fight! Go towards the light, not the dark road.

[ ] We know the burden is heavy on you & has a strong hold.

[ ] And it's not and easy thing to defeat or let go.

[ ] Beware of your health it's taking on a great toll.

[ ] I can feel the negative vibratio...

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1000 Letters


I’ve written you 1000 letters

I’ve waited for you 365 days 

I’ve prayed to God a million prayers

But I realized now  it is all insane 

I realize now it was all in vain

I get scared to think of no longer loving you 

I get so scared that I pray for another way 

I pray that God makes me see that everything’s ok 

Love isn’t forever 

Love doesn’t always stay

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Here's a poem I wrote to celebrate the launch of Rise! Spoken Word at The Bureau (filmed before lockdown but only just released)




May you rise like the phoenix from the ashes.

Reignite your precious embers.

Break from your constraints to dance on air.

Rise like the swelling tide, the harvest moon.

Rise like you will dare.


Rise like you're awakened from a hun...

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Performance Poetsriseinspirationhopevideospokenword



I struggle without hands

Have no mouth, to speak of

And my eyes avert.

I itch and blotch, 

And the radiance of the sky

Illuminates my sheer loneliness.

Darkness can't come soon enough

'Though I fear my blanket will

one day

become the soil of my grave.


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Depressionhopemental healthshynessself confidence

The Darkness And The Light



and I alone

upon my bed of cobbled stone


   As my flesh weeps into gravel sheets

I ponder what it must be like

to be whole again

   To feel I had a soul again

This dessicated shell

crumbles like mountain scree

down, down to the hungry, black sea

lapping and licking at the feet of my bed

dragging out, with the tide, 

such meagre light from my hea...

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The Black voice is electrifying.


Bringing forth worlds never imagined,

From dominions in Africa to mystical spheres unheard of.

Telling tales of majestic beings, kings, queens and the simple Black girl next door.


The Black voice. Telling Black stories.


We need Black literature because it shows

That our stories matter.

That our histories are worth sharing.


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Black Historyblack history month and cultural diversitypoempoetryblack lives matterlifehopefreedom

Above The Clouds

(wrote back in March, which now seems an age ago)

The reluctant tears of morning dew 

hang from foliage of vivid green.

A global pandemic is mentioned. 

Ears barely prick 

Minds drift like snow: 

Mmm what's for tea?

The dew becomes gas and floats 

Ribbons of wispy white melt into the blue high above.


Feet burn upon newly laid decking under an early summer sun...

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Here Shines

Here shines

The dream that binds

The hopes

Given to you

That hears a voice

And runs to find

That shadows

Need love



Here sighs

The heart that tries

To look

For something new

Run to and fro

And back again

To find it all

In you


Here waits

The tender kiss


Veiled spirits cry

A whisper

Of a certain truth

That love ...

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(Promise) Land Ahoy

Lost in a sea of thoughts salty with fears
Her arrid eyes void of tears
Adrift, aimless she sailed for years

A tattered raft of determination her only support
On the horizon utopia beckoning
An obliging port

A siren's song, haunting, promising sanctuary
Pulling her in with its ethereal melody

Taunting her hope's
Teasing her dreams
Promising the actuality of possibilities

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determinationhopeJourneyloveMother's Love

After the Pandemic

After the pandemic, 
I hope we remove our masks, 
find more reasons to smile, 
forgive faster, 
have more patience, 
keep the faith, 
help each other however we can. 

Gather more, 
hug more, 
kiss more, 
remember what we're here for, 
live, laugh, love.

I hope you find strength 
to move your mountains, 
courage to carry on, 
seize every opportunity 
to live the After now. 


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How It Ends

This is the way the world ends,

This is the way the world ends,

This is the way the world ends,

Not with a bang, but a #hashtag.

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Dreaming like the River

Ujjal Mandal, India


Keep dreaming like the river, 


This will lead you to the sea

With bare shores. 

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How are you?

A question worth a thousand answers 

A thousand possibilities summed into one


Somewhere in between the good and the bad 

Between the lines 

Of the lies 

Fine -


Just fine.


By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith

For poetry and more visit:

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lifepoetrypoemmental healthdepressionpainhealinghopetalking

Imposter Begets Imposter?

Who am I

why do I

when will I

where can I

Answers elude

My identity un-formed and crude


Mother pretends

The show never ends

Until the curtain is drawn 

All the doors are closed and simulations suspend


I don't know who I am

Give anything to be sure

Stand firm in my convictions 

On both sides of the door


No duplicity here

All masks removed


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aspirationsfake lovehopenarcissistic abuserelationships

For you

When crowds disappear and the sun never sets

When shadows fall further behind you

When Christmas lights shine like my heart in my chest 

Bathed in the splendour, I will find you


As each day breaks and when night shines black

And the stars dance brightly before you

As each touch shivers, the souls of the lost

In the eyes of an angel, I will see you


From the depths ...

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Rush Hour Treat...

Emotional turmoil 

Tranquility sporadic

The future unknown yet frightful

A familiar face in the crowd  

So warm, inviting and sweet...


Everything makes sense again

Hope is reignited 

Fear, is once again

For the time being




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appreciationgloomgratitudehopemental illnessrelationships

No Tomorrow In Your Eyes

You need hope to see a future

Without that there's only despair

That's the lesson you taught me

When you told me you didn't care


There was no tomorrow in your eyes

Only dead ashes from yesterday

There was no tomorrow in your eyes

My future's upped and flown away


Our journey's come to to dead end

I'm backed up against a concrete wall

Even now I'm hoping again...

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tomorroweyeshopedespairashescrystal ball



She wished it to be a month of hope,

Not that of despair, or distress

Her days blurred in nothingness

Like a bird fallen in a trench, flapping its wings


Move, run, walk, read, write, stop!

Her body powerless, prisoned by her mind

Reduced to a mute spectator,

For her mind has a mind of its own


She dallies her day away

Eager for her sleep

No dreams, ...

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My Window

In the corner of my room there is a window,
The frame is rotted, the glass is dirty,
But it is there,

In the morning, it catches the first light and brightens the bare walls,
By noon, it has become a portrait,
A beautiful decoration, seeming a bit out of place,
When the sun starts to set, the portrait changes,
Ominous, as long shadows stretch off into the horizon,
At night, it is empty...

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The Flame Within

She has a beauty that shines from within 

A light that never grows dim


Her candle goes not out by night

And the radiance inside her, ever bright


When the wind blows,

Her flame - it holds


She thrives, she sparks

She glows, she grows.


An original poem by Faith Olajuyigbe from Words of Faith

For more visit:

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The Phoenix

I’ve weathered storms that I thought would drown me 

I’ve learnt to soar in winds I thought would consume me 


They say 

Out of the ashes must rise a new Phoenix 

The flame…


Being refined by fire

Through it, I’ll rise higher

The flames provide the fuel 

As I soar to my strength


Refined by fire

Gold purified 

A faith that stands.


By Faith Olaju...

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How You Seem Life, the Choice is Yours!

Ujjal Mandal, India

Life seems heavy when you bear it
Like the wingless bird. Life seems light
When you bear it like the wingful bird.

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Reflections of Love

Hope cannot save what’s forgotten with age

As the moonlight clandestinely shines.

Pieces of souls, washed up on the shores 

Laughing gleefully at the passing of time


Abandoned dreams sink beneath the sand

On which fateful footsteps once tread

Years rage on, crashing silently on rocks

Where despair and weakness once led.


Reflections of love rise up from the deep


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Hunger hides in the schools

Hunger hides in the uneducated

Hunger hides in a child's mind


Why should this be a political fight

We are not asking for a feast, just a little something to eat.


Sadness hides in the home

Sadness hides in the room

Sadness hides in the man on the streets


Don't want to run in your circle anymore.

Want to take that straight line le...

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fearfeelingshidehopehungerIgnorancelovepainpeacePoetry 2020sadness



Life began,
as autumn fell, 
And the leaves turned to ice on the pavement. 
Shadows shortened,
The earth went stale
And cold darkness filled every moment

As summer arrived
And the earth turned bleak
Despair peppered the path laid before me
Water pelted the earth
And the leaves turned weak,
Littered corpses of love strewn beneath me

Lost and alone, 
With a grimacing soul

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It's Not In The Falling

I fell

For the feelings, the flowers, the fantasies. 


I fell

For you, for us, for all that we were.


Innocently thinking that was all love could be.

I confused the falling for the force.



Falling was all about me.


Loving is all about you.


Baby, I'm no longer falling

But to you I promise, 

I'll always be loving.


By Faith Olajuy...

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lovepoetryhopeliferelationshipspoemyoung lovewords of faith

Two in the Morning

Profound sadness 

clouds my view 

at a quarter til two. 

I don’t understand why 

my muse avoids me like the flu, 

when a simple poem or song will do. 

Wise words to help me understand

why true love passed me by

in this lifetime.

Why wrong choices,

that felt right at the time,

left me alone in this abyss

where my better self

silently bears witness

to my shr...

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⚡ Thunderstorms ⚡

Running through my head
Rumbles getting louder
Scared things might be said
Hide away in a closet
Because the sound is so loud
Hide from the truth
Because the truths not allowed
Thunderbolts they are striking
Flashbacks of a lad
A childhood in silence
Adolescence was sad
But storms they get stronger
They gain strength with time
The rain is now pouring
I’ve a hurricane m...

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BisexualityBisexualgaylesbianLGBThiddenhopestrengthgender/sexualitymindemotionsdepressionmental health

Life is not a Fairy Tale

Life is not a fairy tale,
And often has no happy ending.
It may be a long, forlorn story,
And no moral is it sending.

Life is not a fairy tale,
And it may all be quite disjointed,
And when we see a hopeful glimmer
We end up disappointed.

Life is not a fairy tale,
And we must accept that it is real,
So when come across a painful time
It is what we truly feel.

Life is not a fairy t...

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Stuart VannerLifeHopeFairy Tales


Futures gambled on heavy hearts

Permit the love that binds them

Troubled eyes, in search of parts

Left down and abandoned behind them

Loose lives, abridged by callous remarks

Contain the passion inside them 

But scorned and lost, again we start

Ascend as one. Together. Defy them!


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Shallow waters seldom hide the blackened sand below

Rocks and land, erodes in tides, defiled by ebb and flow

The calmest waters, clouded up, by a river built on lies

The purest shores, shrouded over, engulfs an isle that cries


The years weep past, the time goes by, the waters seldom turn

Every second bleeds, through wasted lives, the oceans start to burn

As memories close an...

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Planted Seeds

I planted some seeds
I watched them grow
They got stronger each day
They are flowers now
The petals are vibrant
They’ve come to life
They blow in the breeze
They reach up to the light
Independent and free
They stand so tall
Bask in the sun
From the early morn
As the night time comes
They go to sleep
Until the next new dawn
And the little birds tweet
Then they rise again
Looking pr...

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Don't want to hurt

I don't want to hurt no more
I don’t want to cry
Don’t want to curse no more
Don't want to live this lie
Inside I feel I’m dying
The pain it hurts so bad
I feel I’m losing control
Every day I feel so sad
I’ve felt this way for a lifetime
Thought I’d mastered how to cope
But the pressures getting heavy
Feel I’m living with false hope
Thought talking would help to free me
But I feel I’v...

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Lost Boy (AKA Lost Child and Lost Girl)

Lost boy, find your way home
Reach out your arms
You’re no longer alone
Lost boy, please don’t be scared
There’s a safe place waiting 
You just need to get there

People may judge you
And that is OK
If they have a problem
We can keep them at bay
Thoughts and feelings are normal
Its everyday life
The future is yours
So keep that in sight

Lost boy, why are you afraid
It’s not your ...

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Losing you (Secret Bi)

You think that your losing me
But I’m losing part of you
You think that your hurting me
But it’s me who’s hurting you
You think you can save me
But it’s hard for you to do
Because I cause so much agony
And it’s me doing that to you

I fear for the future
I fear that you will leave
It feels you’ve lost the sparkle
And no longer believe
I know you reassure me
And there’s things you n...

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LoverelationshiphopefearhurtBisexualbreak up

Help to get me through (I’ve got you)

Trying hard to save me
Fighting hard to stay
Sorting through the feelings
That never go away
I may look harder from the outside
But no-one sees the me within
Cuz if they saw for just one moment
They would see I’m crumbling

I need help to get me through
Another day of feeling blue
Of feeling weak, I’m not that strong
Of feeling who I am is wrong
But I’ll get through
I know it’s tr...

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Stronger when we're together

As I hold my head in shame
I caused the doubt
I am to blame
If I promise not to cry
Will we get by
I always try
But feelings don't come easy
When I've kept them all inside
From the moment we start talking
When I’ve got nowhere to hide
Will we survive

We are stronger when we’re together
Weaker when we’re apart
I promise to be faithful
I’ll give you all my heart
With you I thrive

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Sad dreams

Was it true,

sleep depends on tears?


To refill the well

that had dried up by day,


Or to wet the lids, at the least,

by dreaming sad dreams,


With that tearful hope,

had the sleep come by night?


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You're not alone

Crumbling all around you
Your world falling apart
Life seems to be dealing cruel blows
And your wondering where to start
From the moment you start hiding
Things go from bad to worse
The damage is occurring
And your causing yourself hurt
On the outside you are smiling
But on the inside there is pain
To the world your seeing sunshine
But all you see is rain
Behind the dark clouds lurks y...

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Dream on

I met you once, by chance
but you appeared in my dreams
the very next day.
It was not happy nor unhappy
not in black and white but nor bright and colourful
(like the ones I usually see)
It wasn't unimaginable or unclear
(like most of my dreams)
It didn't change faces or continued for a longtime

I saw us at a party
you stood across the room
and suddenly turned, caught my eye and smiled

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dreamslovehopelove at first sight

"Getting" Bi

Rescue ‘forever’
The fight of my life
Saving a marriage
But hurting a wife
Twisted confessions
It feels like a dream
Entering territory
I should never have been
Keeping a secret
Locked up deep inside
Now nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
I should of kept quite, not swallowed my pride
But how could I live
With the secrets and lies
Emotionally scared
A heart that is bruised

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LGBTBisexualityBisexualrelationshipsmarriagesadlovebreaking uphopestrength

Bud of hope

In our hearts, there is a bud of hope,
But around it, the devil ties a rope,
And whispers with utter certainty,
That our failure is a guarantee,
But how can we shut the voices out?
Hope withers and fear starts to sprout,
And if we do not take control ,
In time, fright will take over our soul,
Let us cut the rope with scissors of grit,
water the plant with love on every bit,
Drench it wit...

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To the best mentor he ever had.

Once there was a boy
Full of misery and no joy
Given up hopes a long by
Just in a stand still when she crossed by.

'You can do it. You were great'
This was the first time when someone said..
This feeling of accomplishment he never felt,
This feeling of achievement he never had.

Never had someone who believed in him.
Waiting for a long time, gathering enough guts,
Wanted to say 'thank...

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Wilting soul

Spiraling down into heaps, ragged and gray, cracked crockpot hip sway
How many times a day do the flies find dead lips
Violence equips violence, self perpetuated static hate
Powers of state observed through grates, through threadbare shirts as they disintegrate
Inflating the lie, runflat tires crushing thighs, for his mom he cries
How do your eyes hold dripping pitchers back, how much empathy...

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hopemental illness

Grasping at straws

I’m wondering what happened this time

You were here one day and gone the next

You took root in my mind again and I let you

Then you leave me hanging

I can’t even question why you are doing this

I keep telling myself you owe me no explanation

But then you left this breathless space in my chest

And I don’t know what to do with it

Feels like goodbye is in order

But I’m not ...

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A 20:20 Vision

A 20:20 Vision


On the one hand, it’s thumbs up for this lock down,

For hand on heart, I prefer a gentler town.

We’ve lost our human contacts, now back in touch,

A world for reaching out, with more time and much 

Space for taking and for making stock.

We knead our dough, and minds unlock,

And saws are sharpened in this time of rest,

When breath and nature seem to teach ...

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Corona virushopenormalLockdown

Grown From A Seed in Lock Down

Rooted and grown from a seed planted long ago,

hidden away, buried down deep in the soil below


Under the cover darkness, black as a moonless night,

emerge tiny green shoots, enticed by the warm sunlight


Leaves gradually uncurling, flatten, gentle and slow,

veined, green, vital organs, enable the plant to grow


Stems growing up straight, sturdy, strong and tall,


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Lock Down Bank Holiday Let Down

The bank holiday, just like any other it would seem

People lined up for burgers, queued for ice cream

Traffic jams and chaos, they raced to beauty spots

Roads filled with cars and bikes, so few parking slots


They parked on pavements, blocking walkers' way

Locals wished the tourists had not visited that day

Was it too much to hope, common sense would prevail

I wish that th...

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When you see a rainbow

A rainbow appears when there is sun and rain

The weathers equivalent of joy and pain

Grey clouds may come to darken your day

Sunshine and blue skies, will light up your way


A spectrum of colour created by reflection of light

An optical illusion, presenting an arc that delights

The rain subsides and the rainbow fades away

The sun breaks through, revealing a brighter day


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Elegy For Days Lost

Elegy For Days Lost


Another day has come and passed

Left pain and sadness in its wake

The seconds, minutes, hours amassed

The sun will give the moon will take

The distant friends the loved ones lost

Amid the times of dread disease

Each family will count the cost

And curse the name of days like these


And yet the sky was clearest blue

I wrote a poem, sang a so...

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napowrimo2018day 24elegylost timelosscovid-19hopesadnesshappiness

Home from Home

I long to be in Turkey

It seems so out of reach

Just to paddle in the ocean

And stroll along the beach


I long to be in Turkey

It is my favourite place

The sun is always shining

Love to feel it on my face


I wish to be in Turkey

I feel so out of touch

Delighting all my senses

I miss the food so much


I wish to be in Turkey

How long will it be?


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I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be

I sliced the sun into two

And looted shimmering bars of gold

Which lined her womb, 

Her beloved broods I stole. 


I plucked the sturdiest mountains, 

The choicest adornments on the face of the globe. 

All it took were my hands, raw and unrestrained, 

Their maimed rubbles now abuse those they adore.


I remember the sea that like Moses I parted

And the ocean floor ...

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devilevilfateGodhopehumaninaturePandora's BoxPoetry

Heroes In Blue

Heroes In Blue


Unprecedented times, the like never seen before

This pandemic has shaken us all to our very core

A whirlwind ripping through our cities and towns

The evil coronavirus wearing its invisible crown

It does not care if you are rich or poor

A Royal, a minister or the boy next door

No matter what age, wealth, colour or creed

Affecting us all, and with devastat...

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covid19nhsheroesthank youlockdownhope

A Story of Hope

A writer yearns to tell their story, any story

that will stand the test of time

full of hardships conquered

and inspires generations with hope.


The story shall feel whimsical,

not so much with fairies dancing 

but that there is a happy ending.

The story shall have brevity,

not so much as a long weathered tale

but one that details just enough.


The story shall...

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Poems from The Lockdown

PRESS RELEASE 23rd April 2020 PRESS RELEASE 23rd April 2020

Poems from The Lockdown

Poetry anthology available Amazon and elsewhere from 18th April.2020

Every country on the planet has been affected by Coronavirus Covid-19, with many countries in Lockdown; where social distancing and self-isolation are now the new normal.   

We at, Willowdown Books, believe this anthology, and other po...

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The Oak Tree

The oak tree

Unwavering and sturdy

Tells us how to be:

Don’t break so easily

In the slightest change of wind


Climbing back through my childhood bedroom window

Landing on shards of broken glass

Crimson oozes slowly

As I pray each stab is its last

So much has shaken me since my first landing

Each step taken cuts deeper than the beginning


Looking back 


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Captain Tom Moore

A man we all know - Captain Tom Moore, 
A veteran from the second world war, 
He has just reached one hundred years, 
And whose recent feat roused many cheers.

A hundred times he paced his grounds, 
Which quickly raised millions of pounds. 
To the NHS will go that money, 
From a challenge that at first seemed funny.

He showed that age is just a number, 
Which should be nothing to encu...

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Stuart VannerCaptain TomHopeAgeAchievement


Fall in here
into this room
into this life
into this home
like a golden leaf
floating through the window
on a warm summer breeze

A gentle push
that changes your way
and brings you
to me

I´m waiting for you

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Just lay your hand
in mine
when I´m shaking
because the frost
is running through my veins

Just lay your hand
in mine
when my eyes flicker
and all I can see
is darkness

Just lay your hand
in mine
you don’t have to do
you don’t have to say

Just lay your hand in mine
I just need to know
I´m not alone
out here
in the cold

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Vra Vra Vroom


I lost my vra vra vroom

The day you got your diagnosis

Felt joint tomorrows wither

With the growth of what we knew

You – with your mother’s heart

And dragon’s roar

Saving me from lions

Or bullies, or bees...

My sister, my confidante,

My best friend


Entombed within the capsule

Of your hypobaric oxygen chamber

I stand outside and count the miles

Fear ...

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Poems are not for happy days

Poems are not for happy days,

For resolutions and self-promises,

For being tough and unresponsive,

Poems are not for new beginnings.

Poems are searching, searing, morbid,

They turn you in and leave the sun,

Poems seek out your obsessions,

They tickle them, they wrap them in a bow.

Poems are not for going out and doing,

For being your great mechanical self.

Poems preve...

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for each life lost

a broken heart for friends,

a sadness that never goes away

but gnaws at nerves and silent moments

 the desolate times of memory cast hurt shadows

dancing on the twilight walls at the edge of your vision

a friend’s laughter that bonded like mortar holds together bricks

 those happy tears can also flow in torrents in a recolle...

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concrete poetryday 9griefhopeloseenapowrimo2020sadnesstears


at times

life becomes 

that empty glass

fractured in the heat

waiting below a tap 

not connected

to a water source





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Fever of silence

They all turn into madness.

Fear, the poison, injected too often.

A vaccination to prevent you from optimism,

from being an individual,

from the hope you kept deep inside.

You are infected with gloomy thoughts and panic feelings,

a fever of silence.

Only your own mind can set you free,

let you heal and open your eyes for beauty, kindness

and the hidden truth.



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coronafevermadnesshysterianegativitypositive energybeautyartistsupporthope




He knocked at the door

Shouting ‘let me in!’

Tempting us to go out

With his whisky and gin

He hid around corners

Under tables and chairs

Trying his best

To catch us unawares


He was sitting on benches

Where others had sat

He was on garden fences

Where we’d stop for a chat

He was hanging around

Tesco trolly parks

He was all over door han...

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covid 19antigenviruscurehopedevil

NHS Workers

All remember and do not forget 
Those to whom we owe our greatest debt. 
They help us when we are in distress; 
It is all of those who work for the NHS.

Around the clock they are always there, 
And all this time they surely care. 
Though it is something that we just expect 
From those who deserve more respect.

Each worker endlessly strives 
To cure and save all of our lives. 
So sure...

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Stuart VannerNHSHospitalsHope

Moving Forwards

If we find ourselves endlessly struggling,
And with many problems we are juggling.
If we become lost or should we suffer,
There is but one way to become tougher.

We must pull together and unite.
We must all stand up for what is right.
We must be strong. We must be brave,
And not be scared or be afraid.

We must try to see the light ahead
Without despair but with hope instead.
So don't...

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Stuart VannerHopeMoving Forwards

Ghost spring

Ghostly creatures.
Distance, restriction,
Non existing life.
I miss deep kisses
And hands on my body.
I miss warm words
And expression.
Nature goes on,
Blossoming in competition,
Nurture me with sunny spells
On empty train stations. 
Spring in my heart, 
But not in other's hearts. 
I want to explode, 
So full of life. 
Blow all the ghosts away, 
Past shadows of the winter. 

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On the Up

However bad life may become.
Whatever problems you must face.
However many enemies you that make.
How many times you fall from grace.

However hopeless you may feel.
However deep seems your despair.
However cruel this world appears
And when all things seem so unfair.

Know that life can turn around.
And a new dawn will come about.
So however dark your well of fear,
Know you'll find yo...

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HopeStuart Vanner

Last night, through the window

Last Night, through the Window


Last night, through the window,

I heard a train;

But I am far from the railway.


Last night, through the window,

I heard a plane;

But I am far from the airport.


Last night, through the window,

I heard a bus;

But I am far from the road.


Last night, through the window,

I heard an owl;

But I am far from the woods.


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What is time

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It is hard having faith

When you feel so much pain

It is hard to obey when you feel so betrayed

It is hard to smile and put on your pretty face

When your whole world has seems to have crumbled

But then that voice comes back to you and says , "Look how far you've come, look how strong you are!"

The voice tells you everything is going to be just fine

You breathe, close your eyes...

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betrayedfaithgodhard worked loveheartbreakhopesimplestrength

There Isn't A Need

Bandages constantly being placed,

Straight onto those voids that were caused

By someone who had no right to harm.


Wrap, tape, cry.

That's your pattern each night, isn't it?

When you weep because of your craving for love.


You do not understand it yet

But you do not require this person in your life.

Yesterday's emotions need to be wiped clean.


We are the uni...

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familyhopenext chapterprotection


We must champion the underdogs. 
We must support the poor and weak. 
We must all fight along the side of those 
Whose hope and luck seemed bleak.

We must not not give up nor give in, 
Till we defeat those who taunt and boast. 
For the underdogs - they are the ones 
Who need our help the most.

We must conquer all the giants. 
We must all be brave and strong. 
We must all stand up for ...

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Stuart VannerUnderdogsHopeJustice


Often, during rare nights of tumultuous sleep,

I imagine happenings not yet bestowed upon me,

With which such feelings of elation accompany,

Because, at long last,

I have found her,

And she has found me

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A Better World

We should all feel safe when in the street.
Wherever we may go and whoever we meet.
And if there's one thing that should be clear,
We should not go outside while we live in fear.

Yes, all the people have the right
To live in peace and without a fight.
And it is our right to go out somewhere
To feel secure and free of care.

And I do hope to have an expectation
That people shall have mo...

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HopeSafetyStuart VannerThe Streets

Still here

Today is not over yet,

Which means yesterday may have been the hardest day of your life,

As if you were driving down a never-ending dead end, stuck in reverse;

But you are still here.


You can’t recall the time your mother held you out of the bedroom window,

The blaze within threatening to scorch you, your cradle and home,

The scent of smoke on your baby clothes has long sinc...

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it was me

the devil sat on my shoulder today and asked me why I changed, why I acted this way. Honestly, I replied, Im tired of the anger. Looking back at the withdrawn girl, shes a stranger. Im deserving of a willing personality, instead of wallowing in my own self-pity. She asked me dont you miss the lust, disagreeing id rather involve myself in a way of trust. Greedy the serpent showed disrespect. With m...

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A Thousand Years of Peace

I used to think it would be an honor 
to usher in a thousand years of peace,
a willing martyr to stop senseless suffering, 
but I had no idea of the atrocities 
that would ensue between men,
or the loss of innocent children 
that we would witness with despair 
and helplessness. 

Come now Lord, end the madness, 
flood evil with love,
make our planet a peaceful place, 
before all hope i...

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