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"Getting" Bi

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Rescue ‘forever’
The fight of my life
Saving a marriage
But hurting a wife
Twisted confessions
It feels like a dream
Entering territory
I should never have been
Keeping a secret
Locked up deep inside
Now nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
I should of kept quite, not swallowed my pride
But how could I live
With the secrets and lies
Emotionally scared
A heart that is bruised
Feelings are damaged
My mind I could lose
In my head it’s in sections
In two, Earth and Space
The Earth I can manage
The space I can’t face
Your filthy, disgusting
Words run through my head
Your dirty, your rotten
Your better of dead
For years I have hidden
And kept it inside
The hurt I have mastered
The tears I have cried
The lid it is open
The locks not going back.
It’s hard to control it
Space seeps through the cracks
The two worlds are joining
Two becomes one
I struggle, I’m learning
So much to be done
I feel like I’m broken
But I was just made this way
It’s normal, not dirty
And I’ll accept that one day
The clouds are now clearing
The sun rays seep through
I’m just me with more meaning
And healing to do
I just have to face it
The truth not the lie
I now have to manage
I’m just 'getting bi'

© curiousdud3si 06/2019


LGBTBisexualityBisexualrelationshipsmarriagesadlovebreaking uphopestrength

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Shifa Maqba

Sat 25th Jul 2020 14:15

Extremely authentic and important. Loved every bit of the poem!

P.S. you had me at the title. Amazing wordplay!

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David Blake

Fri 24th Jul 2020 23:31

Yes Yes YES. This kind of writing is critically important. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff. Take care - DB.

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