The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Darkness And The Light



and I alone

upon my bed of cobbled stone


   As my flesh weeps into gravel sheets

I ponder what it must be like

to be whole again

   To feel I had a soul again

This dessicated shell

crumbles like mountain scree

down, down to the hungry, black sea

lapping and licking at the feet of my bed

dragging out, with the tide, 

such meagre light from my head

   The world outside crumbles too!

No visits again today

Some cough-maker

(put you in ye coffin maker!)

is laying siege to the world

    Or, laying seeds for the world?

To enlighten 

and grow

like beautiful, waking flowers yawning glistening dew 

from tongues of evocative petals


The seeds of the mind re-sown for brighter blooms?


   My own mind, now, slumbers to a comforting warmth

And, it is the walls of my confinement that crumble - not I

   A sudden tingle of breeze prickles my parchment skin

as the youthful hand of my, much lamented, wife 

glides, like silk, into mine

As warm and radiant as a summer dawn 

And, together, we stroll back                      to our sunshine days 

Through fields imbued with honey-glaze 





◄ Bed Of Bones

Head Space ►


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Stephen Atkinson

Fri 16th Oct 2020 17:36

Thanks for your kind comment Trevor. Much appreciated

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trevor homer

Fri 16th Oct 2020 15:20

There's a harsh reality to this poem which won't be denied - Bleak and beautiful at the same time - thanks. Trevor

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Stephen Atkinson

Tue 13th Oct 2020 21:22

Thank you for all the Likes, Keith, Shifa, John, Vautaw, Stephen, JD, Julie, Raquel and Krishnadeepthy. All treasured as always.

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Stephen Atkinson

Tue 13th Oct 2020 12:00

Thank you Keith, Shifa & Nicola for the, always appreciated, comments! And, aye, there's a lot of darkness about at the moment, but there's always a rainbow somewhere! ?

<Deleted User> (13740)

Tue 13th Oct 2020 01:16

Beautiful but sad remember you are not alone we are all connected. Its hard to find light at the moment and the lockdown is hard for people who live alone, also for families, I know a few marriages that have crumbled and split during this pandemic x

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Shifa Maqba

Tue 13th Oct 2020 01:14

Despite the sad premise, you still managed to end the poem on anything but a dreary note. And, yes, I agree with Keith. The last few lines are astonishingly beautiful!

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keith jeffries

Mon 12th Oct 2020 21:59

I had to read this a few times but it was well worth the effort. I enjoyed the diversity of thought and particularly the last few lines.


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