The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

beliefs (Remove filter)

I AM, (Both sides)

I am the serpent that writhes in your mind
Decisions, derision, words formed unkind
Mestophiles old, sat cast in stone.
Place steel in your hand that cuts to the bone.
Sameal seducer, moulder of man.
To cast doubt on a love, destroy if he can.
Grigori descended to mess with your lives.
Carry the hurt out on many poor wives.
Lucifer guides,  the road easy and wide.
Your lead to take, to p...

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I enjoy bringing tough guys and gals to their knees.

I can make everyone in my path cry like babies. 

You think you can stop me with drugs or alcohol?

That’s a fool’s game.

It will drive you insane. 

Your candy doesn’t keep me away

anymore than a cross stops suffering. 

The only escape is to free me

from the one place you fear to go. 

I reside deep within your mind.


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beliefsfaithmindsetPainquantum physicsreligion

It's Easier to Believe

It's easier to believe
I am a child of the most high God
than to live a life of despair.

It's easier to believe
everything happens for a reason
than to question fate.

It's easier to believe
love is everywhere
than to give in to hate.

It's easier to believe
in forgiveness
than remain a victim.

It's easier to believe
in abundant blessings
than mounting problems.

It's easier ...

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A Marriage of Ghosts

A Marriage Of Ghosts


Something old; crumbling bones.

Something new; innocent youth.

Something borrowed; parental beliefs.

A bride forever blue.


Flesh bound to ash and bone.

A knot ties the living and dead.

Union of child and corpse, rotting.

Protection from cursed health and poverty.


Escaping abandonment, in a death shed,

destined by ancestral expectati...

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“The Man and The Whisper”




What if…,



The haunting past,

The heart of anxiety,

The present limitations,

The lack of belief in myself,

Uncertainty of knowing myself,


These are the lions in my den,

The lighting and thunder in my storm,

The dark walls enclosing on my shoulders,

The waves that are ready to pummel me in my ocean of lif...

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godquestioningbeliefsbiblestrugglesbonesachewonderaweanswerstruthdiscoverybelieveGod Within


I respect your cage of disbelief -

look over here - one that believes

in a different cage.


variations on a theme



It seems we must have these restrictions

for without them we would have little to call our own,


no institutions

no constitutions

no sense of freedom.


Once you accept these bars

you barely notice them


variations on ...

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My mate sent some song lyrics to me, by some band. I read them after reading my story on my nuclear armed stealth jet being used in anger. I’m trying to make sense of the cold war I grew up in now, so many years later. It’s so crazy. The younger kids have no idea but my mate does, he’s only 21 but he tries to understand what it was like growing up under the shadow ...

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lifecold wareast v westbloc of opposing forcesbeliefspasthistory

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