wildlife (Remove filter)
Loner Bird
I saw you my friend
Looking toward the sky
I thought you knew you, my friend
Things aren't supposed to die
Loner Bird
Why did you have to die?
Londer Bird
Why did you have to lie?
I saw you again
Sitting upon the edge
Of the same window cill
As the past thousand times
Loner Bird
Why did you have to die?
Londer Bird
Why did you have to lie...
Friday 25th October 2024 3:28 pm
Beneath the skin
Beneath the skin of the city
its vital organs function:
not the ones you think I mean,
the staff whose manual actions
keep human beings hearty -
supplying power and food,
sweeping roads and pavements clean,
arresting fire or flood -
no, not those, I speak
of parks and lawns and leaves,
of blossom flossed on trees like frost
that licence us to breathe:
...Thursday 8th June 2023 10:10 pm
Beauty in Bass Rock
A shining stone on the horizon.
In a stunning world, it does it’s bit.
You may find it surprising,
This beauty is just shit.
Or guano to be more correct,
Though crap it is to most.
It beckons me to come inspect,
Though I’d rather not get close.
It catches me slumped in blue,
When chuckles are more sparse.
Cheers me to think that such a view
Came from ma...
Saturday 29th April 2023 10:32 am
Evening hustle
I see Stars intruding locations between clouds in Misty formations. Trains chudder by as I gaze upon the first and last of tonight’s night sky. I gaze around so aimlessly and am always asking why.
Distractions must enter and take me away. Allow me to see the beauty of each day.
Taking me back to this moment right here.
As the wildlife of this evening starts to becomes al...
Thursday 9th September 2021 9:32 pm
Wildflower Wishes
Bury me in a blanket of wildflowers,
nutured by morning dew,
where lilacs perfume the air,
jasmine lights up the night,
wind and rain serenade gardenias,
delicate roses are protected by bushy thorns,
forget-me-nots bloom...
where dandelion wishes
brings me back to you.
Tuesday 21st April 2020 4:11 pm
I heard that Giraffes have been protected from being slaughtered for their body parts for the first time this week....So a celebratory poem
It's Wonderful to have
A long neck
It reaches up
To the sky
I can nibble leaves
On treetops
And smile at
As they
Fly by
It's just
Having this
Long neck
I can see
For Miles around
I always k...
Sunday 25th August 2019 11:14 am
The prettiest pictures of beauty are formed by nature's own.
Look out for it is free and always alone.
We may see behind a sky that's blue and bold
Shines a glorious globe of greatest gold,
And the wind which swirls in a wavy path
Blows the tears of heaven to create a shallow nature's bath.
And by vast flying vapours various moulds are made,
Slowly travel throughout the light ...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 4:45 pm
Wild Life
Life is too full of people
willing to share their soul
to focus on those who
aren’t open to your light.
You were meant to soar with eagles,
not wallow with nocturnal wildlife.
While they may be beautiful,
mysterious, alluring,
they thrive in darkness,
a place you escaped long ago.
Friday 12th April 2019 4:35 pm
Black Confetti
Blackened balls of confetti thrown against a slate sky
From left, from right, lines and angles they fly
Boiling clouds shuffle, sculp then conform
In kaleidoscopic monochrome; is this the start of a storm?
The mass absorbs and swells like translucent dough
An invisible baker, kneads, stretches and throws
And the amorphous miasma continues to grow
As eyes in wonderment gaz...
Wednesday 10th April 2019 8:18 pm
Snow Fields
The soft blown snow that fell five days ago
Crisp frozen now by these five frosty nights
Still blankets all the fields and moors to show
Where pheasant clattered off on noisy flights
While footfall of the lesser birds is scribed
Less deep; and here a small bank vole has run;
There passed red fox and rabbit side by side
Though time kept them apart and saved the one
At the wo...
Tuesday 5th February 2019 9:53 am
Two bird poems
Heron Taking Flight
Rickety, this ruckle
of struts and ragged canvas,
a collapsing tent
of awkwardness
unmade by the earth,
by degrees cranks into
its one true element:
slipping tethers
into air.
Preliminary Findings
Preliminary findings
suggest a probable
leakage of fuel
before the tank exploded.
(Cockpit not located
at th...
Friday 3rd March 2017 11:52 am
A warm welcome ...
Hi Everyone,
The Isles of Scilly are a jumble of granite scraps thrown down twenty-eight miles west from the coast of Cornwall. Five of them offer shelter and a living for some one and a half-thousand people. Needless to say, for a community that sits permanently in the eye of Atlantic storms through the winter, and basks in beautiful, temperate Gulf Stream-fed summers, there is no shortage of ...
Thursday 16th February 2017 6:02 pm
A Poem For Spring - Ms. Shannon Frog
Sunday 22nd May 2016 9:23 am
Forget about Gods
in their various forms of madness
or alternatively the single God
in his uniqueness.
respect the big cats
pumas tigers lions and their kind.
look into those eyes
place your respect and fear
pay your dues
know that true life lurks there
in blood
raw sex
love of a kind
and finally a...
Tuesday 17th November 2015 1:35 pm
cats get in the way
Little men with little hats,
running with the bats.
over the hedge and under the fence,
dodging frustrated cats.
people call us gnomes. but thats not who we are...
were pixies born from guilded stars.
hearing mother nature call when all the leaves begin to fall.
sprinkling diamonds in woven webs on frosty mornings
when all thats green slumbers in its bed...
Thursday 15th October 2015 4:39 pm
Gently caressed by the breath of the breeze,
branches sway atop tall lofty trees.
Restless leaves, to gnarled fingers, cling
wondering what freshness the new day will bring.
Hopping about on long leafy arms,
fluttering feathers displaying delicate charms.
Beautiful songbirds sing out their sweet melodies
in the grand performance of natures sweet harmony.
Bushy tailed...
Sunday 7th June 2015 10:17 am
Stop The Rape of the Fair Country Poetry Competition
Poetry Competition
There will be an Anthology of 100 poems titled
“The Black Hole” for sale in August 2012.
Closing date: 30th June 2012.
The Black Hole theme is to get your views on opencast mining, the area around the opencast, such as Rhaslas pond, the wetlands & wildlife, & what living close to an opencast feels like. Also what effect you think it would h...
Thursday 7th June 2012 3:33 pm
Wild Wolf-(2)
Wild wolf
I heard you howl
at the moon.
I believe it was
sometime in June.
Wild wolf
you sounded lonely
you sounded sad.
Was I scared?
No I was mad!
Wild wolf
in myth you
are evil.
This fear from
the time primeval.
Thursday 7th July 2011 6:18 pm
Wild Wolf
I heard a wolf
howl at the moon,
I believe it was
sometime in June.
It sounded lonely
it soudnded sad
was I scared?
No I was mad!
The wolf is being
hunted, exterminated.
Why is the wolf
so very hated?
Tuesday 5th July 2011 9:25 pm
The Tall Green Grass
The wild colt enjoyed
galloping through
the tall green grass.
One day he was captured
and made a beast of
burden. He worked in the
field and pulled the wagon,
but he longed for
the tall green grass.
He grew old and weak,
one day he lay down
and closed his eyes.
When he opened...
Tuesday 28th June 2011 6:03 pm
In the Wild
In the wild, the bonsai is an amazing sight and a moving lesson from nature. It depicts the wonder of a resilient soul.
A fond gaze
rests upon hope
A testament
of pliant supplication
stunted and weathered
each scar a witness
to fate's coarseness
its scourge did not prevail
A bent torso
flowing in the breeze
over sheer drops and crags
the dour migh...
Thursday 21st April 2011 12:07 pm
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