The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Poem For Spring - Ms. Shannon Frog

Ms. Shannon Frog
(By Paul A M Palmer)
Wintering in the dark
Beneath the rock
Beneath the stone
Beneath the bark
She sleeps
Dreaming of Spring
Amongst the males
Amongst the grass
Amongst the green
She sleeps
No thoughts of fear
About the fox
About the crow
About the stoat
She sleeps
Then in the Spring
Beneath the rock
Beneath the stone
Beneath the bark
She wakes
From branch and ledge
And under hedge
She leaps
From mound to moss
And blades of grass
She leaps
Until the day
Her journey nears
The water's edge
She leaps
Until the time
The need to spawn
Her body wakes
She leaps
Into the flow
Amongst the reeds
Amongst the grass
Amongst the green
And with her male
She mates.


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Paul A M Palmer

Sun 22nd May 2016 09:28

This poem was inspired by a documentary about a chap who was boating on the river Shannon in Ireland. He had stopped to listen to the Frog Chorus coming from the males waiting for the females to arrive at the 'breeding waters', and I wondered about the journey that the females have to make in order to get to mate.

I hope you like the result.

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