The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Bigger than you

You should know better

Than to think you’re alone in this universe

You’ve seen breath come from nothing 

Animals evolve 

More complex than fathomable

Human species shapeshift and roam

With inventions inexplicable 

Grass, water, and life itself

Come to be 

And people like you 

Who all think different

And think they’re the only ones

Don’t assume you’re not connect...

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CorelistenguidebeliefUnitedkismetwiseknowingSpiritsoulfaithconnectedlifeworlduniverseintrospectionthinkingmysteryalivealiensplanbiggerselfdiscoveryopen mindbig picture

Part of us

Something speaks from beyond 

Something writhes alive

In each of us

Something pulls and breathes

Beyond our touch 

They call it instinct

But it is magically distinct 

And can lead, lead, lead 

To something in your core

They call it power of the brain 

But it’s so much more 

It cannot be explained away 

It cannot be spoken out of existence 

They call it the mi...

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Connectedalivediscoverykismetjourneyunitedwiseknowingsoulmindbrainworlduniversenaturespiritualpowerknowledgebeyondwiderspiritghostother beingtuitioninstinctidentitycoreguidelistenbelieffaith

Know You Better

Know You Better



I know you will be there at the agreed date and time.


I open my screen and there you are;

no excuses, not late, nor disinterested, never vague,

rather switched on, involved, intense, passionate, reflective, attentive.


Called to the stand I find a voice.


You listen quietly as I speak the unspoken.

Kindly, you allow me to continue


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God's Question



Does a lie has feet or walk 
Only liars have more than two 
Don't listen to a lie as a joke 
Then will help lies to grow 


God will ask; why do you lie? 
So get ready for God's punishment. 
Me, you, them, surely will die 
Should keep ready for last statement 


Get back soon to the early pureness 
And stop cheating creatures
Just in case you look for happiness 
Be f...

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askbackbenazouzcasecreaturedieearlyfaithfulfeetfutureGodhappinesshelp growjokekeeplastliarslielistenlooknowpoempoetrypunishmentpurenessreadysheetingsoonstatementstopsurelytwowalkwhy

The Language of Trees

Have you ever communed with a tree?

The essence of all

Mother earths rich gift

Used your eyes, studied her bark, roots, canopy.

Noticed her position in the forest family

A watcher of the woods or an infant in the glade

Full sun or partial shade

 Colour, shape, size, branches, leaves can all be studied

But have you ever looked deeper.

Looked beyond, felt her fears, dreams...

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The Deep Darkness

The wind blows harder and harder
Pushing him towards the edge,
does he jump or is his life a barter?
He screams and the world shakes violently
Yet his tears fall silently.
His voice is lost amongst the roaring of the ocean,
his pleas for help drowned by the deepness.
It shallows him up.
Dancing in the darkest current.
He's singing with the sirens,
Never again to see the light of day.

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Listen to me,

I know what you’re thinking,

“Great another poem,

Are we done yet?”

But listen to me.


You have a voice,


Well, use it.

Because unlike you,

Some don't.


But listen to me,

I don't know what you’re going through

And I can't tell your story,

Only you can.

So listen to me.


I want you to look around.

You are in a room with...

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rapestoryrape culturelistennooseviolence


I didn't tell you my feelings,

Looking for sympathy.

I know you've read stories

And have friends just like me.

So, I'll hear every word

And nod respectfully.

But, what I really needed

Is something that you can not see.

Open your mind, unguard your heart

And listen attentively.

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care enough to listengrieflisten



If you close your eyes

to the world outside,

will the fighting suddenly cease?

Will brother and sister

hold hands together

and build a new life of peace?


Does a person, born blind,

not hear the teeth grind

as disaster, from greed, is grown?

That because he can’t see,

thinks we're are all living free

and reaping the seeds we have sown?


If you block...

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Do you hear that?
That sound?

Its the sound
of your beating heart.
And theres a reason why
it continues to beat.

So, don't hurt yourself or end it
because, someone has hurt you
emotionally or physically.
I say this because, I had also
thought about ending my own life
because, of others had hurt me.

So, listen.



Listen to me...

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