The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

HEAR (Remove filter)


Twice she looked, and smiled 
I said: "Hello"... She replied 
Before she leaves, I said: “see you” 
She became blushed as the bride 

Again, we met after a minute 
I heard her lovely sighs 
I said: "you are....", she said: right” 
Shaking hands by sight 

Purely, she asked to know 
Are you Farag, Are you poet 
I said true.  But again we met 
To inspire me to write

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Glad to hear your voice 
Happy to be with you 
Always, you're very nice 
Whatever you say or do 


Lucky, to be your friend 
To share you fact and fun 
Forever together no end 
Shining heart as the sun 


Among thousand fans 
We're the mates in reality 
Sharing act and talks
Hearts believe in Honesty

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The Language of Trees

Have you ever communed with a tree?

The essence of all

Mother earths rich gift

Used your eyes, studied her bark, roots, canopy.

Noticed her position in the forest family

A watcher of the woods or an infant in the glade

Full sun or partial shade

 Colour, shape, size, branches, leaves can all be studied

But have you ever looked deeper.

Looked beyond, felt her fears, dreams...

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What My Heart Consists Of:

If you asked

what my heart



I would say;

half is pain.

Other half?



If you said

love was dead,



Clear your head,

break the shell.

Reveal your



It's called pain,

caused by words.



Cant blame it,

bred to kill.

Grimmest of



Sad but true,

both the halves


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If you close your eyes

to the world outside,

will the fighting suddenly cease?

Will brother and sister

hold hands together

and build a new life of peace?


Does a person, born blind,

not hear the teeth grind

as disaster, from greed, is grown?

That because he can’t see,

thinks we're are all living free

and reaping the seeds we have sown?


If you block...

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