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To That Special Someone
[ ] 1 + 1 = 2.
[ ] That shiny bright star equates to you.
[ ] That circle full of life that wonderful loop.
[ ] That beautiful flower that blossom & grew.
[ ] Low to the ground you will never stoop.
[ ] But high to the sky you will always shoot.
[ ] Praise & glory to the righteous & truth.
[ ] May the Universe bless, shield, & guide you.
Wednesday 30th December 2020 1:11 am
Lockdown Birthday
Lockdown Birthday
We walked up from the river
Beneath a canopy of trees
The air was filled with birdsong
On a warm and gentle breeze
The sun was high in the June sky
The road stretched out ahead
We drank some wine together
shared cheese and new baked bread
After lunch we wandered home
The air was hot and hazy
Then we sat around and drunk beer
Refused t...
Wednesday 24th June 2020 12:55 pm
The Side Kick
The Side Kick
A purring cat
Sat before a raging fire
The smell of cinnamon buns
Outside the snow falls
Rubbing away ice on a window
Looking out into the whiteness
A smile caught
In the reflected dusk
New buds bursting
From green shoots
The blue sky
Flecked with white clouds
Raindrops dripping from trees
The fresh cool air
Mirrors in the pond
...Thursday 16th April 2020 2:08 pm
Missing You
Loving you is easy; missing you not so much.
I long to hear your voice and feel your touch.
When I don't feel you near as time goes by, my face may show a smile but all my heart can do is cry.
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. Distance for me is like a storm full of thunder.
I wonder if you are simply asleep; are you well or is there reason to weep.
Missing you is hard to bare....
Monday 17th February 2020 3:39 pm
God bless the dead
Dont worry my brothers,
Save a spot for me cus I'll see you soon.
These thoughts and memories,
The dreams that consume.
Had me thinking on life, feel choked till I can't breathe.
Losing my people, blinded me to the better things in life I couldn't see.
Losing these people brought tremendous amounts of pain.
Moving on in life, till my heart froze and changed.
Tuesday 26th November 2019 12:58 pm
As I walked
through the garden dew
'tween clipped box and shapely yew,
'tween hard hornbeam and
'tween friends
a perfect peace descends
As I walked
from the round green room
past dusky shade and roses' bloom,
past shapely hedge and
past huge urns
the garden quiet returns
As I walked
in the lakeside glory
to the enchanted terrace torri,
to the ...
Thursday 30th May 2019 12:33 pm
The Promise
It has been so many years
since that moment of truth
when finally you were truly alone
It has been so many years
since you flew with the flames
as the organ played
and I looked out at the distant horizon
seeing you there drifting away
into finality
It has been so many years
since I made you a promise
I could not keep
You said
Do no...
Monday 19th November 2018 11:46 am
A series of 11 short poems
End of a Galaxy
A blink
In the silent depth of night
As the last leaf of the beech tree
As the silent tear of my love
End of Harmony
I see her dancing on the sands
I see her as she sees me
and in that moment
sand, sea, sun, surf
vanish in the vortex
...Saturday 14th July 2018 7:59 pm
If you reminded me
If you showed me you loved me in return
If you can handle who I give to you
My love would engulf you
Physically, emotionally, mentally, passionately
I'd be all for you.
If you gave me your body I'd nourish it
Empower it
Adore it
My love would be the kind
To push you to the sky
Wrap you in warm golden light
Numbing all senses
Except highlighting your happiness's
...Monday 19th September 2016 6:56 am
A Longing
At core of it all is yearning
to someone similar belong
Another there to relate to
and walk distances along
Bond in sort of perpetuity
till infinitum which extends
Joyous in times favorable
supportive in nasty bends
Tolerant of most nuances
offering emotional bind
Forever whetting intellect
as stimulus for the mind
Thursday 6th February 2014 1:13 pm
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